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Dear Diary,
I won't be able to write to you until Monday because of this freshmen christmas week trip I'm going to with Larenz and everyone else. Man, I hope there ain't gonna be no drama at this university or any problems. I just have to constantly remind myself: 3 days and that's it.

I recently came back home from school to get ready for the trip and there is already small pints of snow falling outside.

That weather forecaster wasn't playing when he said there is gonna be snow around here.

Dee was too busy hanging up Christmas decorations, as she told informed on being safe, looking out for Larenz and don't do anything stupid or idiotic over there.

"Make sure Larenz is asleep by 9:30, I don't want him to be all awake and start barking at people." Dee continued to inform as I finished packing my clothes in the luggage.

"I got you, Dee." I replied as I sprayed some Victoria's Secret perfume all over my neck.

Larenz came downstairs with 3 bags of luggage and knocked them down on the floor carelessly.

"Um, pick that up!" Dee yelled as Renz walked to the fridge and drank orange juice out the carton.

I looked at the time and it was 4:28pm, we need to leave possibly by 5pm.

"Renz, hurry up please. Eric is gonna drive us to USC." I told him as Renz spitted the orange juice out his mouth.

"That little short ass nigga driving us? Nah, I ain't going no more." Larenz stated as he placed the carton back.

He was about to make his way upstairs until I blocked him.

"You are not going anywhere. You're already packed and you can't cancel out, c'mon now." I turned him foward and made him walk to his luggage.

"Man, whatever. Don't let me sit anywhere near that dwarf ass nigga." Larenz spat as he gathered his stuff.

"You two need to be friends, also. I'm gonna work on it when we reach there." I told him as Larenz's srunched his face up.

"Damn." He mumbled as he continued to gather his things.


30 minutes later, Eric & Ren were outside waiting for us.

"Renz, come out of the bedroom, your ride is here!" Dee banged on the door as he opened it.

He sucked his teeth and grabbed his stuff. "So fucking white outside, man."

I put on my green beanie and white jacket on with my purples gloves and fleed out.

I ran up to Eric and I hugged him as my luggage dropped in the pile of snow.

He then started kissing me on the lips. "What's up? You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, we just gotta wait for Renz to come downstairs." I answered.

"I hope that fool don't try me when we get in the car, I'm tryna not get everyone killed in a car accident because of his bitch ass." Eric spat.

"Damn, it's colder than a motherfucker out here, man." Ren commented as he rubbed his hands together.

"They weren't playing when they said there was snow coming." Eric commented as I snickered.

I saw Larenz coming out with 4 bags of luggage as he struggled to get to the car.

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