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February 18th, 1989.

Eric's POV

"No, nigga. Them heat niggas cheated. It's obvious that if one Laker from the Lakers made that shot, then they would've won, case closed." Cube argued with Yella as they continued to speak about last night's game.

I looked at my right and saw Tatyana coming in with a gleeful smile on her face, as I licked my lips and gazed at her figure.

"Hey." She greeted in a flirtatious tone as she kissed my cheek and sat next to me.

"Hey, baby." I replied back to her.

"So, what are you doing after school?" She questioned, sexually touching me around my neck and shoulders.

"I guess you wanna answer that since you wanna be touching me all sexual and shit." I smirked as she giggled.

It's been a month since I broke up with Nia, and I have to be honest that my life has changed positively. I lost a few friends in my life, such as Q and Raheem, because they all seemed suspicious and fake when I caught them laughing and giggling with Nia. We got involved into a argument that nearly turned physical, but they agreed to stay out of my life for good, and ever since, we never spoke to each other.

I saw them sitting at a table with Nia who was veiling herself with a white hoodie, before Q and Raheem shot me mean glances and started rolling their eyes, before saying a few words to each other as they continued to stare.

I got myself up. "Do y'all marks got a problem?" I yelled across the cafeteria, as a few people quieted down.

Q took off his baseball snapback, before standing up. "Yeah, we do since you wanna be looking at us all crazy and shit!" He barked across the room.

Ren stood up and gave them a dirty look. "Man, sit yo' punk ass down, acting like as if you gonna do shit!" He interjected as he yelled at Q.

Raheem then stood up and started walking over to our table, making some kids in the cafeteria "ooh" in unison with some interest, as Tatyana stood up and placed her hand on my left shoulder.

Cube then stood up before unexpectedly pushing Raheem on his chest. "Nigga, why the fuck you wanna come up here with that bullshit, huh? If you gonna box him, then you gonna box all of us, fool." He warned Raheem as he gave him a death stare.

The rest of the boys got up, minus Miche'le, who's been barking at them, mostly Dre, to stop and don't start another riot.

"Bitch, shut your goddamn Mickey Mouse ass up, before you'll get sliced too!" Q yelled at her cries.

Dre turned around and started cursing Q out. "Nigga, you better shut yo' burned ass up!" He yelled at Q.

Q walked over to Dre and stood nonchalantly in front of his face and gave him a blank stare.

"Why you getting so bold of a sudden, Dre?" Q said bluntly, before pushing Dre, making him tumble and fall down on another table, with food disgustingly veiling his clothes.

All the boys started jumping on each other, including me as I tried to punch Raheem dead in the eye. Tatyana was yelling at us to stop, as she tried to engulf herself inside the fight, but she got herself pushed on the floor as some of the kids started to go insane over the fight, jumping on top of tables and yelling, before the dismissal bell rung.

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