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It's been a few hours since we've been inside this coach bus, and nothing but must and heat was inside.

I was sitting next to Raheem, and the reason why is because the teachers wanted boys sitting next to the girls, and the girls gets the window seat.

Me and Raheem were talking through out the ride, and we rarely talked to each other throughout the school year. But I believe the only reason why we're actually having a one-on-one conversation with each other is because we're at the back of the bus, where the rest of our friends were at, and the back of the bus were full of geeks, freaks and nerds who I thought were weird.

And the worst thing about the back of the bus was the bathroom. If you sat in the back, then you'll know how it goes down.

"Raheem, do you wanna switch seats?"


"Because the sun is irritating my neck, and I feel like it's about to melt off." I told him.

"Then cover it with a sweater." He bluntly replies to me, as I just gave him a blank stare.

I mocked his reply as just placed my hands around my neck and stared out the window, hoping to see water rides, enormous roller coasters, and the pier that had the beautiful beach behind it.

I then closed my eyes, trying to drift into a deep sleep. But the sound of a toilet flushing is really making it awkward, as I groaned in annoyance.


By 11, we were there. The amusement park was filled with kids from schools from the north and south. Everyone got off the bus, and all of our friends were the last ones to get off.

"Wait, hold on I need to put on my bathing suit in the bathroom!" Kim bellows as she ran down to the end of the bus and went inside the bathroom.

Cube sucked his teeth in annoyance. "I ain't waiting for her, we out."

Eric got out of his seat and started walking towards me, as I looked at the ground ignoring his glance.

He picked my chin up. "What's wrong? You aight?"

"Yeah, it's just too hot--"

We were suddenly interrupted when Kim opened the bathroom door in disgust, as she wore her bikini top. "Yo, y'all nasty as shit, I'm telling y'all right now! Who the fuck shitted in the damn toilet and had the audacity to not flush the toliet? Ain't nobody gotta see or smell your stank ass waste!" Kim protested as she walked out of the bathroom and started walking down the aisle, as the terrible smell came out of the bathroom.

I shut the door with a slam, as I started to walk down the aisle. "Anyways, you wanna go on some of the rides with me?" Eric asked.

"Thanks, but i promised Jada and Kim to take the first rides with them." I answer.

He sucked his teeth. "C'mon, you don't wanna ride the dragon roller-coaster with me?" He said as we both walked out of the bus.
I scoffed. "Eric, there is no way in hell I'm getting on that monster roller coaster. Do you know that smoke comes out when you ride inside the dragon's head?"

"So, it ain't gonna kill you or anything."

"Still not going." I declined.

"Nia, girl what you waiting around for? I wanna go on that dragon ride!" Jada yelled to me.

"See? Jada wants to go on the ride."

I nodded my head no. "Nope, and that is my word. Let's go on the little rides, like that ride when everyone stands up and the machine spins you around and around and around until you feel like you're flying?"

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