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Merry Thanksgiving! This chapter is gonna be short unfortunately.....I guess idk lmao. But anyways, I'm still thinking about the story title change.....does anybody have any suggestions? If you do, comment here, thank you!

It's 10 am and I've been up since 4 to help Dee cook, meanwhile Larenz been asleep since midnight. Same with her boyfriend also.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you!" Dee exclaimed.


"Tyrin and his family are coming over for thanksgiving." She said as she gave a smile.

My jaw dropped as I heard stairs creaking loudly from the stairway. Since when Caine is coming over?

"I smell food!" Larenz yelled as he came downstairs shirtless with his boxers.

I scoffed in disgust as I continued to chop the peppers.

"You better take your ass back upstairs and change, we have visitors coming over here today and i expect everyone to be on their good behavior!" Dee yelled.

"What visitors?" Larenz questioned as he drank milk out of the box.

"Tyrin and his grandparents are coming over. So I sugges-"

"Caine coming over? My nigga caine is coming here? It's lit!" Larenz yelled in excitement as he ran back upstairs rapidly.

Dee sucked her teeth as she cutted the tomatoes. "Somebody gotta tell that fool to clean himself up before I tell Tyrin and his family to not come over."

I just gave a smirk. "Dee, can I tell you something?"

"What, baby?"

"How does it feel to be in a relationship with somebody?" I questioned as Dee gave me a weird look.

"Why you asking that?"

"Um.....it's nothing, just forget it."

"Girl, it's something. Are you seeing somebody?" Dee questioned as she put the knife down.

"Uh.....yeah, I am. But he's not coming over so-"

"What? Who's he?" Dee continued to question as she smiled. "Does my baby have a boyfriend?"

I smirked then smiled as I chopped peppers. "Yes, your baby does."

Dee screamed as she clapped her hands. "Ooh, girl tell me! What's his name? Where he live? What's his age?" Dee constantly questioned.

I sighed. "His name is Eric, he's 18, a senior just like me, he lives just a few blocks away from me-"

"Ooh, is he tall?" Dee questioned. I pushed my lips together then turned away.

"Why the silly face for?" Dee asked as she smirked.

"To be real with you, he isn't that tall as you expected him to be." I answered as I shrugged my shoulders.

Dee's face went completely blank. "Oh."

"Well, is he cute?" Dee said.

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