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Me, Pac, Raheem, Jada & Q were all in the waiting room, as we silently thought about what the hell just happened. It feels almost unreal that someone nearly took their life because they felt that no one had any care or concern over them.

Jada's leg kept shaking in nervousness as she bit her nails and tried to fight back her tears.

Meanwhile, for me, I was just touching my stiches and fractured nose as I winced in pain.

We were all waiting for Eazy, Cube, Yella, & Ren to come.

"Stop." Jada warns to me.

"Stop what?" I asked in confusion.

"Stop touching your stiches, it's gonna get worse if you keep on touching." Jada warned me once again.

I stopped touching and started thinking about things that happened today.

I won't let Regina get away with this. Just because she almost killed me in the bathroom, does not mean that she won this fight. Maybe, Jada's right. I should go to the police and report this.

A few minutes later, I saw Eric and the rest of the crew, minus Dre, and they all had worried looks on their faces.

"Nia? What happened to you?" Ren said in shock.

"Shut the fuck up, where is Michel'le?" Eric inquires in concern as other people stared.

A few seconds later, I saw Tatyana come out with her cheerleading clothes on. She looked like she didn't want to be here and started picking up magazines around the room.

She then turned to me, giving me a emotionless stare then started walking around again.

"Okay, everyone needs to calm down. If you are a family member of Michel'le, you can come inside." The nurse informed us.

Of course, everyone lied.

"We're her cousins. We all live together." Ren lied as the rest of us agreed.

The nurse was actually dumb enough to believe us. "Alright, alright follow me." The nurse said as we all stood up and followed the nurse.

I was literally next to Tatyana as we walked. I felt something wicked is coming this way. "So, you know Eric?" She asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah."

She gave me a disgusted look, probably because of the stiches on my lips and the fractured nose and the bump I have on my face.

"Oh. Kay, bye." Tatyana said as she walked further, shoving between Jada and Pac as she walked up and walked near Eric.

I just rolled my eyes. "Bitch." I comment under my breath. Girls these days will just pull you into a state of perplexity.

We were in the room where Michel'le is currently recovering. We all walked in and I saw Michel'le with two tubes inside her nose, as an I.V Cart was connected to her by a needle.

She was too busy watching "Full House" when she turned to us and smiled.

"Hey, you guys. I never thought you're gonna be here." She said with a bright smile but then her face turned to shock when she saw me.

"Nia? What the hell happened to you?" Michel'le questioned in worry as everyone turned to me.

"I.....tripped." I lied to her as I took a seat on a chair.

"Liar." Tatyana faked coughed as she watched the show. I gave her a mean look then started to touch my stiches again.

Eric gave me a solicitous stare for a minute then turned back to Michel'le.

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