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I walked downstairs to the lounge where I saw Eric laying down on the turquoise-colored sofa exhausted and full.

The chinese food probably got him already. His cap fell to the floor as his cocked to the right and started to fall asleep.

"Um, Eric?" I questioned.

"Hmm?" He hummed as his srunched eyes were gazing at me. I sat beside him and started to a giggle a bit. "You just ordered this a few minutes ago and you already ate everything and you're full."

He groaned as he gave a smirk. "Oh, shit." He muttered to himself and got himself up.

I cowered to myself awkwardly as I stared at the chinese food. "You lookin' at this shit, you hungry?"

"I was but not now, but thanks." I replied as he gave a nod. "So, whatcha here for?" He questioned me.

"Renz told me that you were calling me downstairs, remember?" I reminded him as he rose his eyebrows.

He gave a disgusted face. "Tell your rat ass cousin to mind his own business." Eric commented as I chuckled.

"But yeah, I did call you down here because I have a question for you." He said as I looked at him.

"Hit me."

"Did you wanted to have sex with that nigga?" Eric suddenly questioned as my eyes brighted open.

"What? And what nigga, the one who tried to rape me last night?" I questioned in confusion. Kinda.

"You know who I'm talking about."

"W-w-well, I never even thought about having sex with him, Eric, are you serious right now? I'm not trying to offend you or anything but c'mon." I remarked nonchalantly as Eric gave me a series of blinks.

"Hmm, aight." He replied in a unbelievably way.

"W-what....aight?" I repeated in a interrogative way.

I can't believe he's actually asking me all of these questions. And the fact that I feel like he's not believing me, it just makes me feel all cut up.

"You heard what I said." He replied sternly as he stood up. He walked towards the door which leaded outside.

There is no way that he's just gonna reply to me like that and try to storm off. I followed where he was heading, there was snow everywhere as my boots absorbed to the snow when I walked.

"Eric, where are you going?" I yelled as he continued to walk outside and ignore my calls.

"I'm going back to my dorm, that's where the fuck I'm going." He replied back in a bitter way.

I don't even know why he's acting like this, and the strange part is that he's acting like this now. Literally half an hour ago, he was alright but now, he's just another person.

I froze there in confusion and shock for a few minutes as I watched his distinctive figure walk in the snow to his dorms. Then, I founded my courage to walk right after him and continue to yell his name.

"Eric, Eric, can you explain why are you doing this?" I questioned as I picked up my pace.

I made it to the porch of the boys' dorm and as Eric was about to walk inside when he was ignoring my calls, I blocked the door to stop him from entering.

He gave an annoyed scoff as he gave me a blank stare. "Excuse you." He said sternly.

I nodded no. "Not until you tell me what's going on."

"I'll tell you later, now can you please move yourself?"

"No. Eric, what did I say that made you act like this? I never wanted to have sex with that dude, okay? You need to believe me." I begged as he stared down at the snow-veiled red ground.

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