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February 16th, 1989.

Aaliyah's POV

I was outside carrying my last brown plastic box that was fulfilled with my childhood items and clothes outside the driveway where the truck was as Nia and Kim stood there and gazed.

Nia was obviously heavily effected by this. A few tears streamed down on her cheek, while Kim stood there with a emotionless face with a few eye rolls, depicting that she doesn't want to be here. I never really liked Kim, because she was always a bitch to everyone, including me. I bet she became friends with Nia because she's cool with Cube.

But back to Nia, yesterday she called me and told me that she and Eric broke up and now he's back with Tatyana again, even though she cheated on him with another dude, which peeved Nia off angrily but emotionally also.

"Li, you ready?" My older brother, Rashad, asked me as he got inside the car as my mom and dad stood by the car doors.

"Yeah, I'll be there in just a sec." I answered, making my way to Nia and Kim.

"Well.....I guess this is goodbye." I told Nia, as she gave a weak smile, while Kim continued to scoff.

"Nia, can we go now?" Kim whined, as Nia told her to wait.

"Li, even if we didn't have that much time to know each other or hang out with each other that much, you were really a great friend to me, and you don't know how much I'm gonna miss you." She gave her final goodbye statements to me, before giving me her last hug.

I gave her a small smile. "I'm gonna miss you the most, cause everyone else here be trippin' over some dumb shit."

"Now that's the word." Nia agreed as she smile before letting go.

"And um, are you sure you don't wanna tell? know who I'm talking about." Nia questioned me as she was referring the person to Pac.

I took a deep sigh before responding. "I guess it's better for me to leave without telling him. I know he's gonna be pretending that he misses me and all that."

Nia hummed in agreement before she rubbed her hands and sighed. "So, this is goodbye?" Nia sarcastically questioned me.

I gave a chuckle, before giving her one last hug, that lasted only one minute. My dad was honking the car's born constantly, making me roll my eyes and curse in a muttering tone.

I walked toward to the car where my whole family was at, and sat inside as my dad started the ignition. I pressed on the button that made the window automatically pull down half way, and gave Nia a few final waves goodbye, as my dad was escorting the car out of our private driveway, before making our way to Brooklyn.

I looked back at the backseat, and laughed when I saw Nia chasing the car, as Kim just stood there with irritation. "Call me when you get there!" She yelled as she tries to keep up the pace as the car drove faster and faster, until Nia paused, putting her hands on her knees, before giving one final emotional glance at me.

February 17th, 1989.

Nia's POV

A day after Aaliyah's vacate, things back in school started to turn awry. Well, for me personally. I recently just received my report card, and I saw the tremendous and unexpected impact that had happened. My grades were plummeting down the drain, and it went from a 89% average to a 72.56%. I think the reason why this is happening is because of the break up I had with Eric and all the so called ''friends" I lost, but I try to remind myself every day to get over it. It's been a month.

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