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December 28, 1988

Dear Diary, 3 days after I had sex with Eric, I was supposed to get ready for the skiing trip I have with Tyrin, but I cancelled out because I recently went on a trip 2 weeks ago for 3 days and heaven knows I'm not gonna go through that bafoonery again. Larenz went with Tyrin for the trip, so it's good to have no crackheads running around the house for 3 days.

But back to me and Eric, if you didn't know we did have sex a few days ago. I don't know why I keep on saying this as if I have enthusiasm with it. I felt kind of glad and relived, and kind of disappointed with myself because I lost my virginity.

And it'll be worse if Dee or Larenz founded out.

But Christmas passed, and to be honest, it wasn't anything special because none of us received gifts from Dee. I'm not gonna say Nino because he's a doofus who's barely here in this household anyways, so.

The only gift I got is from Jada back in Friday when she gave me the most basic gift that a girl can ever receive.

The Victoria's Secret Perfume Set was just another waste of money because I'm not even gonna use this set.

Another gift I received is from Eric back when it was Christmas Eve. Now, you never saw or knew when he gave it to me but he gave me a 24 karat diamond necklace he got from the mall.

But the thing is, I don't want it either. I literally don't want anything around this time, especially this day because.....well, it's too depressing to say or explain why. Anyway, until I write you next time.

I threw my diary near my desk and stood up and put my shoes and my winter gear on. It's 4 in the morning and it's still dark and snowing outside.

I creaked my bedroom door open a little bit and walked quietly downstairs as everyone was asleep.

I made my way to the door and started walking rapidly as the cold snow hit my dark skin. There were a few gang members still hanging outside even though it's antarctica out here.

And it's obvious that they don't even have any winter gear on.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk until I was in front of a dark and eerie place. I gave a heavy sigh as I gazed at the large snow covered black gates with two concrete built angels looking down.

I started to walk briefly to my right and grabbed on a small piece of vine. "C'mon, Nia, you can do this." I whispered to myself with encourage as I held grip on the small piece of vine.

I started to climb on vine strings as I pushed myself to the top. As I continue to do that, I heard a string strangle around my left ankle, pausing me to continue to climb.

"Shit!" I whispered as I tried to get my ankle out of the vine string, hoping that I won't make a long fall to the snow ground.

I rattled my ankle constantly until the string snapped and fell to the ground.

With some red bruises around my ankle, I continued to climb until I reached to the top. I pulled myself up on top of the concrete and crawled briefly towards the concrete built angels as I held onto one of the wings.

I pulled my legs up on top and put them right infront where the cemetery was.

I gazed at the snow veiled graves in the errie dark as I touch my diamond necklace that Eric gave me.

I looked down, and saw a shit load of snow on the ground, with some graves covered by it.

I pursed my lips together and looked to my right, then gave a small sigh.

I srunched my face up just in case I won't break my nose or crack my head open, then jumped to the ground.

I fell flat in the snow, making me shiver as I hissed in pain. Luckily, I never hit the graves, then the cemetery will have another body buried under ground.

I dusted myself off and started limping towards until I finally made my way to the end of cemetery.

I gazed at the angel grave, with a gloomy quote engraved on the stone as I kneed down and sat on the snow.

"Hey, mama." I started off as I dusted some of the snow off her grave.

"Well, guess what day it is? It's your anniversary of your passing. It's been....a pretty long time since you've been gone, 7 years to be exact." I continued as I gave a fake smile.

I pursed my lips as I looked down and played with my nails. "You know, Dee and everyone else is missing you." I remarked as I touched her black-and-white picture.

"You looked so beautiful in this picture." I whispered as I gazed at the frame.

I placed back to the grave and gave a sigh. "Anyways, I'm graduating this year, and I'm hoping that I can get accepted to one of these colleges I chosen." I said further as the snowing came to a sudden stop.

"I know you would've wanted to see me graduate, I could see your reaction, seeing you all jumpy and crying and shit. Oh, sorry if I cursed." I remarked as I gave small chuckles.

I smacked my lips together. "Well, 1989 is coming in a few days and my break is almost over, already. They should've started it in the 20th or something earlier, but."

I touched my diamond necklace, then gave another glare at my mom's frame. I unhooked the back of my necklace and placed it on top of my mom's picture frame.

"Merry Christmas, mama." I replied as i gave a sigh with a slight smile. "You can see I'm trying hard not to cry right now." I said as I touched her frame.

Then, tears automatically started streaming down my cheek. "I miss you so much, you don't know." 

I gasped as tears started to stream down my face. I touch her grave one last time. "Until next Christmas." I gave a final remark as I stood up and dusted the snow off my knees.

I slowly turned around and made my way back to the cemetery entrance, the sun was rising up a little bit, which meant Dee might be up by now because she is just a early bird.

An annoying one, though.

I licked my lip and started to climb up the vine strings to do the same struggling routine all over again.


A/N: short chapter and sorry for the 5 day hiatus, I'm so behind, I should be up to like.....chapter 37 by now, DJSJSJS idk.

This book is all over the place.

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