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Nia's POV

"So, you're really moving?" I questioned Aaliyah on the phone while I laid down on my bed. It was midnight and the next midterm was tomorrow, but I really didn't care at this point.

"Yeah, not only because I'm not at the right environment, but my mama got a new job in the east." She answered as I gave a disappointed sigh.

"When are you leaving?" I questioned her.

"In mid-February, I guess. Probably by the 16th." She explained.

"Man,....I'm really gonna miss you, even though you came here in November, it felt like we've been friends forever." I told her on the phone as she awwed.

"I'm gonna miss you, too Nia. And sorry for acting up in lunch a few days ago." She apologized as I nodded.

"It's okay, I understand, but don't take it as offense but, you don't wanna say goodbye to Tupac?" I told her, as she heavily huffed through the phone.

"I don't know, you can inform him that I'm leaving, and this time I ain't coming back for any particular reason." Aaliyah answered me.

"Oh, well, look it's almost 1 in the morning and you know we gotta take that dull ass calculus midterm this morning, so I'll catch you up later?"

"Yeah, that's cool, see ya." We both hanged up on each other at the same time, as I placed my telephone back to it's charger.

I turned off the lights and hovered myself with my pink blankets, as flashbacks of today were visualized in my head.

"You don't know how that I'm in love with you right now.

I clenched my eyes more tighter as I tried to fall asleep, but the memory still remains on my mind.

"Pac, can we just.....remain as best friends?"

I tossed and turned on my bed for a few minutes, before the memory finally faded away. I see a red light that showed 3 digits depicting, 1:00.

I gave out a irritated groan before trying to get myself to sleep. I wish I can just go back to September and start all over again.


The next day, I was finished with my 3rd midterm, founded myself in last period getting spoiled lunch from the lunch ladies in the extensive line.

I grabbed a tray of peanut butter and jelly, escorting myself out the line before seeing Eric and the rest sitting at the lunch table.

Eric would always give me a smile, a funny look, or a smirk whenever I walked up to him to sit next to him, but the glance he's giving me now, it looks like he wants to start a quarreling session with me.

And this time, it maybe the argument that will crumble our relationship.

He got out from his seat, and walked up to me, pulling my arm taking me to a empty seated table, hand gesturing me to sit down right before he sat right next to me.

"I wanna know something." He started. I took the plastic off the peanut butter and jelly sandwich as I listened.

"What's up?" I replied.

"Put that thing down and look at me." He sternly obliged as I gave him a puzzled stare.

I lost my focus on the sandwich and gave all my undivided attention to him.

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