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May 28th, 1989.

The next morning, at Nia's house, Dee was already crying about the news she had received from Larenz. She couldn't understand why would someone try to kill her niece.

"No, I ain't going to the hospital. I just don't wanna see her like this." Dee cried as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"But mama, I can't go by myself, and the crew can't go by themselves, also. Look, the hospital said that we need a family member to visit or else we can't go in." Larenz convinced her.

Dee took a few deep breaths and sniffles from her nose. "Fine, but we gonna leave by the noon." She agreed, as Larenz gave her a hug.

"Don't worry, mama. Everything is gonna be okay." Renz calmed her down, as she gave him a weak smile.


By 10, Larenz and some of the crew, which were Pac, Jada, Kim, and Raheem were inside Dee's car, as she tried to look for a parking space.

Jada's eyes were still red. She's been crying since she gave the  first glance to Nia's body. She hadn't spoke a word to anyone this morning. All she had was a black plastic bag that held a few books of Nia's favorite, and DVDs of her all time favorite movies, She's Gotta Have It and Stand By Me.

Kim was in her pajamas, she didn't even worry about what she was gonna wear, and she's mostly fashionably late to everything.

Finally, Dee founded a parking space, but as she was about to park in it, another driver parked it.

"Bitch!" Dee cursed loudly, which woke everyone up from grief, and honked on the horn constantly.

The driver who got out of the car was a white man who had a really pregnant wife sitting beside him, looks like she's going into labor.

"Hey, would you knock it off? I have a serious issue here!" The man barked at Dee, who then got out of the car, same with Larenz also.

"And who the fuck you think you're talking to like that?" Dee growled at his face as Larenz held her back.

"He's talking to you, you filthy bitch! You don't know what type of situation I'm coping with right now!" The wife screamed at Dee, who's face gotten into instant bitch mode.

"Bitch, nobody gives a fuck about you, your crusty husband and your ugly ass baby! We were about to park in there!" Renz screamed at the pregnant woman as she gave out a dramatic gasp, as if it was necessary.

Dee tried to let loose from Larenz's grip, but he continued to hold tightly. "Let me go, bitch I can make your little baby go bye-bye if you don't shut your little white ass up, bitch! Try me hoe!" Dee shouted at the pregnant wife.

The pregnant wife started to cry hysterically, as Dee, Larenz and everyone else in the car started to look at her in a funny way.

"Well," Jada said while being in the car, "She's pregnant, what do you expect?"

The husband walked away after giving Dee and Larenz a dirty stare and walked the crying pregnant wife to the hospital.

Dee loosened her grip. "You should've let me at her!"

"Ma, today ain't the time, let's go back in and look for another parking space." Larenz started walk back to the car.

"No! Just leave it there, tell one of your little friends to turn off my car! Seeing my niece is more important!" She bellowed, before she made her own way to the hospital. "And get my purse, Larenz!"

A few minutes later, the crew was in the hospital. The nurse informed Dee that Nia was placed in a coma early this morning, and she won't be awake in a few days.

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