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March 31st, 1989.

"College acceptances letters are here!" I heard the homeroom teacher yell, which suddenly arisen me from my nap.

Ah, college acceptance letter week. The week when my life will change by a letter. Everyone's faces in the room was filled with nervousness, excitement and impetuousness.

I see Larenz's face from afar and he looked nervous also, which was unexpected because a few months back he said he didn't care for college and he only filled out the application for me to get off of his dick.

The teacher handed out the acceptance letters that was veiled in a yellow construction folder in alphabetical order.

She hummed as her heels clicked and gave the folder to me, before turning and walking away.

I rapidly tapped on the construction paper, so nervous to open it. Other kids in the room ripped the paper in to pieces, some of the read the letter with excitement, and tears of joy. But most, sadly, were with shock, and disappointment. And those tears they shed, weren't full of joy at all.

"Man, I can't believe this shit yo!" I heard one of the random classmates yell in rage with tears as he tried to rip his acceptance letter up.

"Why didn't I get in? They literally just told me a few months back that I had a chance of getting accepted!" A female classmate ranted as tears shed down her cheeks.

"Yo, I cannot wait until I tell my moms about this man, I'm going to Harvard!" I heard a random male classmate yell in joy as some of the classmates gathered around him and congratulated him as he nearly tried to hold back his tears.

I just gazed at all of the random reactions from the students, as I heard Larenz scream with joy.

"Aye, I got accepted to UCLA!" Larenz yelled as some of the students congratulated him.

"Nia, look!" Larenz ran to me and show me his letter. I'm actually surprised at the fact he got accepted to a college.

But, I'm also glad for him because he's going on the right path, and his career will hopefully be successful for him.

"Look, dear Larenz, on behalf of the Student Services, we would like to congratulate you on your admission to University of California, Los Angeles!"

I stood up and gave him a tight hug. "Aw, I'm so proud of you!"

"I'm proud of me, too!" He exclaimed, which made laugh a bit.

"So, did you open yours?" Larenz asked.

"No, I think I'm gonna open it once we get home. I don't wanna get good or bad news early in the morning like this."

"C'mon, cuz. Just open it." Larenz pleased as I glared at the construction paper.

"Besides, what college did you pick?"

"Um, UCLA, Berkeley, and NYU." I answered him.

"Aye, I bet you won a scholarship from one of them colleges." Larenz motivationally commented as I smile.

"I guess so." I remarked to his comment as the school bell rung.

"And if anybody didn't get accepted to any colleges, the guidance counselor and the principal will be having a after school assembly for all seniors!" The teacher suddenly mentioned, as I rolled my eyes and left the classroom.

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