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February 19th, 1989.

Jada's POV

It was 1st period and all of the 12th grade had gym. Nia wasn't able to participate due to her injuries, speaking about Nia, she told me earlier this morning that she went to the police station yesterday, and she expects them to come to our school later in the day to ask some questions to some of the kids.

I gazed at Eric playing basketball with his following friends. Tatyana and her crew would cheer every time when Eric makes the shot. I rolled my eyes in repugnance, as I leaned against the wall where Kim was.

"So.....did you tell Eric yet?"

Kim's eyes squinted. "Tell Eric what?"

I sucked my teeth. "Kim, telling him that Tatyana setted Nia up to get jumped and nearly got raped by some football players!" I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah!" She realized. "You think it's a good idea now to tell him?" Kim questioned me.

"Well, what do you think? We're doing this for Nia." I remarked as I crossed my arms.

Kim bit her lip slowly, before shaking her head in agreement and giving me a handshake as she adjusted herself up and started walking to Eric. But as she did that, a basketball aimed to her nose, making her tumble a bit and squeal in severe pain that was on her nose.

We heard the gym coach blow his whistle loudly, as I groaned in annoyance.

I gazed at Kim's bloody nose, before looking at her realizing that some of Eric's crew were laughing at her, showing that they threw the ball at her on purpose.

Tatyana was laughing, too. As she covered her laugh with her hands, showing her red rosy cheeks that showed through her brown skin.

I never got the joke on what was so funny, and why was everyone laughing?

Cube was obviously laughing at Kim the most, making her curse him out in front of the whole entire 12th grade, making everyone stare and whisper to each other every time they heard Kim say something.

"Why the fuck are you laughing for? What's so fucking funny?" Kim continued to yell at Cube.

"Nah, bitch, you need to watch your goddamn mouth--"

"Or what? One of y'all punk motherfuckers threw the ball right at my face and now I'm bleeding, who the fuck did it?" Kim's rage was getting over the top, it looked like she was about to blow the school up.

"I swear to my father's grave, if nobody tells me who the fuck threw that ball, I'll literally box everyone in this goddamn gymnasium, I'm not playing!" Kim continued to roar.

Eric gave a scoff. "Who you gonna box again? Bitch I dare your ass to touch me--"

"And who the fuck was talking to you? Who in the fuck was speaking to you? Did I ask you to talk? No." Kim barked loudly at Eric as a few people oohed.

"Now, there's no reason for you to talk about my man like that, this wouldn't have happened if you watched where you was going." Tatyana barged in the argument.

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