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Dear Diary,

It's the beginning of November, and everything automatically changed after Halloween. It's getting more colder than it was before, nowadays everyone has to wear coats and scarfs in California. I expected it to be warm, but you may never know, the weather is totally unpredictable.

But I have so much going on through my head lately, it's about Dre. Nobody seen him, Jada finally asked Michel'le and she said that he's been staying at somebody's house around here often and not coming to school.

  But there is another thing that is in my mind, and it's a nuisance:

Larenz is coming to my school today. Dee informed me to tour him around, let him fit in with my friends, etc. I just hope no one crosses his way and make Larenz come to school strapped with his boys or something like that.

"Renz, hurry up in the bathroom!" I yelled downstairs. It's 7:46 in the morning, and I really don't wanna go to school late.

"Hold up, damn! I'm braiding my hair!" He yelled back. I sucked my teeth and started going up the stairs in anger.

I banged on the bathroom door. "Why are you braiding your hair now? You should've done this yesterday!" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling when I'm right here?" He yelled back.

"Just hurry up, it's 7:48 now." I replied as I walked back downstairs.

"Nia, can you fetch me my coat?" He questioned as he opened the door.

"Why won't you get it your damn self?" I answered back.

"You better watch your mouth, or else I'll give you more stiches." Larenz spat back as he walked back inside the bathroom, braiding his hair.

"I don't have time for this, just hurry up please?" I whined.

"If you don't got time, then leave." He responded back yelling.

"Renz, I can't! I gotta show you where your new school is!" I yelled back.

"I can find the school my goddamn self." He responded.

"Oh, man, come on, Larenz! It's 7:52! If you don't get down here by 7:54, I'm gonna come upstairs and drag your ass to school, I'm not having it today, Dee's somewhere, her boyfriend is somewhere, I gotta take you to school now!" I yelled in anger.

"Give me 5 more seconds then I'm out, damn!" He yelled back. I can't believe this is what I have to deal with every day until June. Finally gonna leave this musty place.

I limped upstairs and I opened the door by kicking it, I was about to explode because he wasn't fully dressed and school starts in less than 5 minutes.

"Larenz, you better be kidding me. You ain't dressed yet?" I asked.

"All my clothes are overused and basic, I wanna try some-"

"You know what, lemme give you something to wear, wear my school uniform." I replied as I went to my bedroom.

"Uniform? You bugging." He answered.

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