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May 16th, 1989.

it's been a few weeks since my return to school, and all everyone is mostly talking about what did they do in spring break, the final exams, senior trip, and prom.

But I've been thinking mostly about the senior trip. Word is that the seniors are going to Los Angeles to an amusement park and spend the entire day there, the other word is that the seniors are going to Yosemite Park to vacate there for 3 days, and the last word is that the seniors are gonna have a cruise around California on a huge boat, and we'll be in first class and be served with some good seafood.

I'm not sure which one is gonna happen, but i really want the amusement park idea to come true. But I can't be thinking about all of that now, since I'm recently am in a room for kids with honors to take the final exam for Global History, and it's from everything this year.

So far, I've finished only 16 questions, and I only have 3 more left, while everyone else in the distinctive room has at least 10.

Eh, let me think for a few more minutes. I don't know what to wear for prom next week, and what to wear next week for senior trip, also. Shit, I don't even know if we're going to the amusement park, Yosemite park, or that cruise ship. But I know that the senior trip would obviously be before prom.

After these final exams end, that's when all the fun begins. Everyone got college acceptance letters, but the weird thing that gotten me is that we never took our graduation photos. Like, ever.

I thought we were gonna take the photos in December or January, but I think the school is gonna let us take our graduation photos on the last week of May. They always start the basic shit late.

Then, the first week of June comes up, when our graduation comes, and the official last day of school is on the 8th. Man, this year has gone by slowly, well a little bit.

I finish up my last few questions before I handed back my final and last exam to the teacher. I'm gonna miss taking this.

I walked out of the room and headed to the hallway, where I saw Eric walking down alone.

I gave him a small smile, as he gave me a wide smile in return, showing his dimples.

"You going?"

"Going where?"

"To the trip this week, it's the amusement park I guess." He replied.

"I don't even know, people said Yosemite--"

"Hell, no, a nigga cannot survive 3 days in a park with no good food, no technology or pagers." Eric remarked.

I gave a weak smile, as the thoughts of spring break suddenly came to my mind. "Oh, well.....um, at least we're not going." I responded nervously as we walked down the hallway.

"What's up with you?" He questioned with concern.

"The ceiling?" I replied.

"No, for real, like what's going on? Why you're getting nervous all of a sudden?" He continued to question.

He is really good at noticing my emotions. He should be a psychologist than a....well, a nurse. It's good, though.

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