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Dear Diary, yesterday was so horrendous, I couldn't even sleep last night. Those gun shots blaring and the blood splattering all over, was severely terrifying. I just don't know why I drive myself into participating in a activity like that. The most petrifiying part is when the police came. They obviously already got the car's license and we're gonna get tracked down already. I mean, this is all bullshit. This is not the time to commit these crimes, start trouble or mostly, get caught by the feds.

I dug my diary to the bottom of my locker as the late bell rung, which meant I'm late for Global.

I gathered my material and slammed my locker shut as I made my way to the room.

I saw Jada outside from the window chewing on the end of a eraser of an #2 pencil, as the teacher was lecturing about something that I possibly didn't know.

I opened the door and made my way to Jada. "Ni, you're late." Jada commented.

"Tell me something I don't know." I whispered as she smiled.

"Listen, I gotta tell you something." Jada said.

"What is it?" I questioned. "I apologize of what happened yesterday, it was too early in the morning, and I literally just wasted time-"

"No, it's okay. I know how you felt yesterday." I accepted her apology as she srunched her face up and turned to me.

"Wait, how-"

"You were jealous and disappointed." I answered as she pursed her lips together and tapped her against her lips.

"Kinda true." She replied as she continued writing. "But I want you to do something also."

"Mm, hm." She hummed as she continued to write notes.

"I want you to make up with Aaliyah." I brought up.

"What?" Jada yelped as some people stared. "Jada, quiet please." Mr. Rogers begged.

Jada rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "Anyways, why?" Jada questioned in disgust.

"Because......you know, I just met her a few weeks back and I'm really not comfortable to have two of my best friends fighting." I explained as Jada just stared.

"Well, you should because there is no way in hell I'm gonna kiss and make up with that chickenheaded dyke." Jada rudely remarked as she went back focusing on writing.

I softly sighed, then started writing on my notebook. "Don't worry, I'll get you guys to make up somehow cause beef does not look good for me."

Jada sighed in annoyance. "Fine, let's see how your way works." Jada agreed as she constructively went back doing work.

"But tell me something." I ask.

"Something." Jada sartastically remarked as I rose my eyebrow.

"Okay, so where did you and Caine go that obviously made you cancel out of the college trip with me and Eric?" I questioned as she threw her head back and sighed.

"Skateland. Also known as the place where you had your first date with Eric-"

"First date? We were friends at the time and we barely knew each other. He came up to me and-"

"And you were going insane because he was coming over. You was like, oh, Jada, how's my hair? Is it fizzy? Is it curly?" She mocked as I nodded my head.

I gave a few chuckles. "Mm, you acting like I was the only person acting like that when you lost your mind when Pac came up to you. And you were like, Oh, hi Pac! Let me throw my shoes at the garbage can and act stupid!" I mocked Jada as I played with my hair.

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