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April 15th, 1989.

A few days after the dramatic last day of school, me, Dee and Larenz were getting our stuff ready for The Hamptons, and I'm honestly frightened, because we have to take a plane.

"Dee, can we take a train?" I constantly asked a preoccupied Dee, who was too busy carrying her luggage to Ralph's car.

"You know trains take like 2 days to get where you wanna go, and planes it takes like....18, 19 hours tops." Dee nonchalantly answer me.

"Aw, is Nia scared of going on a plane? Scared that it's gonna twist and turn and explode?" Larenz scared me with the theories of what will happen if I went on a plane.

"Renz, shut the fuck up!" I barked at him as he teasingly laughed.

"Aye, no cursing in this house! C'mon, Nia, you got your things ready? Ralph is in the car waiting for us." Dee called for me downstairs, as I nodded my head no.

"Girl, it's just a plane. It ain't gonna run outta gas and explode." Dee bellowed, but I continue to nod no.

Larenz sucked his teeth. "Fine, we leaving you then." Dee says, making me run downstairs with my one suitcase with me.

"Okay, fine. Just....don't let me sit near the windows." I said, before walking outside, making my way to Ralph's car as he gave me a bright smile, and I returned the same.


"Nia!" I heard a whisper yell to my ear, thinking it was one of those voices in my dreams.

"Nia, get your sleeping ass up, we're here!" Larenz woke me up, as I looked out my window, and see that we're at the airport.

I groaned in annoyance but quickly in fright realizing I have to go on a plane.

Ralph opened the door from my side. "You scared, Nia?" He questioned me, as I gulped in nervousness before nodding my head yes.

"Aw," Ralph placed his hand on my constantly shaking knee. "Don't think about what will happen if you get on that plane."

"Okay, but every time when a person says that and that person gets on a plane, it's either A: it runs out of gas and the plane is about to crash into a middle of nowhere, B: a terrorist will hijack the cockpit and we will meet our fate, or C: randomly, the pilot won't even pay attention and collide with another airplane and everyone will die!"

Ralph just looked at me, before giving small chuckles. "You've been watching too many damn documentaries about 'the worst disasters that ever happened in the sky'."

I shrugged with a slight smirk. "I'm a very strict and curious person, you know?"

"It's obvious you are, telling me all these things that may not happen if we get on that plane." Ralph abutted my remark, before telling me to get out of the car as he carried my luggage.

"But for real, don't think about it, because if you think about it, you're gonna give yourself an nervous breakdown." Ralph tried to calm me down as everyone made their way to the airport.

I looked at him briefly, before looking away at the airport entrance. I wish I had my holy water, cross and bible with me, because this is literally a do or die moment for me.

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