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January 8th, 1989.

Dear Diary, it's been a long time since I wrote to you. Last week was the worst week of my life. Jada and Caine got shot by some car jacking goons, Aaliyah and Pac threw a scene at the New Year's Eve party, now they won't even talk or even look at each other anymore all because of Jada.

To be completely honest, ever since she broke up with Pac or should I say, Pac chose Aaliyah over her, she's been acting up like...I don't wanna to sound rude but a hoe lately.

She was seeing Caine while she was being "friends" with Pac while Aaliyah was with him also. I wanted to tell Caine that she was cheating on him back when we were in his cousin's car before the car jacking and shooting happened, but I thought it would ruin our friendship that we have for 5 months now.

But anywho, today is the first day of school since the winter Christmas break, and I'm not delighted to see everyone, not even my friends.

Plus, it's freezing outside and there was a major snow storm yesterday, so I'm definitely not happy about that. The temperature fell into single numbers nowadays, and the jacket with a scarf and gloves, still won't help.


I walked in the crowded hallways in annoyance as I made my way to the school office. It's the same routine every year, whenever we come back from a winter break, we have a new arranged schedule.

Mostly seniors get the most ridiculous and outrageous schedules they ever had, like having gym first period and having lunch last period. Note, last period.

Larenz was by my side as always, complaining about how we started school too early and should've started when we have those midterms next week.

He's obviously asking for stress, pressure and anger if we ever go back to school on the week of the exams.

We waited on the protracted line full of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors as they impatiently waited for their new schedule.

"Man, why didn't they give us this on the last day of school before we left? Fucking headasses."

As I was about to remark, a female voice was heard behind and she was calling for Larenz.

"Um, excuse me, sir?" She tapped on Renz shoulder as he turned around.

I turned around also as he gave a bright smile and licked his lips at her.

I gave an disgusted scoff as I rolled my eyes and moved up the line. I never seen that girl around school, she had brown skin, brown hair and had on cherry MAC lipstick.

"Um, do you know where.... Pre-Calculus is?" She took a glare at her schedule.

Renz gave her a small smile then took a look at her schedule, as his face easily got confused.

"Uh....I don't know but can I get your name?" Renz quickly asked as the mysterious girl gave him a smirk which transformed to a smile.

"I'm Lark, and I'm new around here, what's yours?"

"I'm Larenz. You a senior?" He questions as her eyes brightens up. She gave a smile before replying, "Yeah, wait, you're a senior too?"

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