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Eric picked up his speed after driving slow for the past minutes, as he chased the ambulance where Nia was inside.

He continued to hear the constant sirens from the back, and that was when his rage started to take action. The police car was right next his car, and he drove his car tight next to the police car, making it skrt down the street and nearly hitting another passing vehicle.

"Fucking goddamn marks wasting my time." He muttered as Michele yelled, "Eric, what's going on with you? You need to chill out!"

"Do you think this is the time to relax and chill out? You know I have my girl in that fucking ambulance, fighting for her goddamn life right now, so sit your ass down!" He barked as he continued to drive in speed. He saw a sign that depicted, Exit Lane For Cedars-Sinai Hospital.

"Man, chill out. You going off ain't gonna help you, now let's go the exit." Pac told Eric, as he made a turn to the exit.

A few minutes later, they made it to the hospital, around the same time the ambulance came, too.

When the ambulance doors opened amd rushed Nia's unconscious body to the automatic doors, that's when Eric and his crew got out and started to follow their lead.

"C'mon, they got her, let's roll!" Cube says, as he and Kim got out and started running to the cart.

Everyone went inside the hospital to follow the cart that rolled down to the surgery room. Some of Eric's crew pushed some patients and workers out of the way, as they went to the emergency, but was blocked by a nurse.

"Excuse me, but you can't go inside the room--"

"Yo', my friend is in there amd she got shot! We don't got time to hear this bullshit, man!" Pac cutted the nurse off.

"I'm sorry about your friend, if you want to go inside this room, I need to see some ID cards and some medical insurance papers otherwise I'll get the sec--"

That's when Eric picked up a chair and threw it to a wall where a small group of patients were with their parents, who screamed from the impact. Eric then ran foward and tried to aim at the nurse, but Pac and Raheem held him back.

"Security! I need security!" The nurse bellows with fright in her face, as she went to the main desk.

Eric started to yell and curse her out, threatening her and her family, too, as Pac and Raheem continued to hold him back.

"Get the fuck off me! Come and call the security, bitch, I'll bust a cap in your fucking ass!" He kept growling at her, as he tried to lose grip.

Jada didn't do anything. She didn't even let out one whimper, she just went inside the emergency room since the nurse isn't here to block the door. Then, everyone else followed behind her.

Larenz and Jada were walking in the fastest pace, as people gave disgusted stares mostly at Larenz due to Nia's massive blood loss that ended up into his white vest.

The group heard a pack of people, yelling and rushing, into the surgery room, before they noticed that the body that was being taken to the room was Nia.

"She in there! She in there!" Larenz yelled at everyone, as they started to follow Larenz and Jada.

Jada was the first one to look through the glass while the doctor and his surgeons tried to save her life as quickly as possible, because time was running out. That's when Jada's hysterical cries started again. Seeing the people rushing, sticking all these types of knifes into her unresponsive body as blood loss started to become more intense.

Eric just gazed with his eyes widened, as his nose flared. As he was about to start his rants in rage, the security came rushing in to kick the group out of the hospital.

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