16 - Sparring With The Weak

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Sparring With The Weak

"YOU KISSED HIM!?" Deidara yells and throws his arms in the air. Kana immediately puts her hand over his mouth to stop him from screaming out again.

"Shh!" she demands and slowly removes her hand.

"Who kissed who?" both Deidara and Kana jump from the sudden voice. Hidan is standing at the doorway of Deidara's room and is smirking.

"Itachi and Kana!" Deidara blurts out and points to her. Hidan walks right into the room and makes himself comfortable on Deidara's bed without saying another word. Deidara and Hidan don't particularly get along, considering Hidan often chases him around trying to slice his head off and sacrifice him to Lord Jashin.

Deidara grunts in annoyance and childishly glares at the silver haired man on his bed.

Hidan ignores him and looks at Kana, waiting for her to tell him what happened.

"Well... I don't know... Itachi and I were watching the fireworks and we, well, kissed." she simply shrugs her shoulders. She's not sure what else to say or how else to describe the event.

"You've warned her about how dangerous he is?" Hidan asks Deidara casually.

"I've tried! But she doesn't listen to me, hm. Do you even know what Itachi did to his clan?"

"Yeah. I do... I used to live in the Hidden Leaf, remember?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot that you and Itachi are from the same village." Deidara comments.

"So back to the problem at hand. What do I do about Itachi?" Kana asks.

"Well obviously the damn fucking dude's got feelings for ya. It's not terribly hard to figure that much out. I mean, if I were you, I would just kill him and sacrifice him to Lord Jashin." Hidan says sadistically. Kana rolls her eyes at Hidan and how obsessed he is with killing people for his God. "But it's also not hard to tell that you like him back so I guess there won't be any killing anytime soon." he finishes and the murderous look vanishes.

"What do you mean 'it's not hard to tell that I like him back'?" she asks with her head cocked to the side.

"Anyone could tell... and I mean anyone. A blind man could. You guys are like two peas in a pod, hm. In sync all the time. You move, he moves, he moves, you move. It's subconscious too. It's like he needs to be near you all the time and you need to be near him all the time." Deidara tells Kana. She looks at him in confusion and realises that she hasn't noticed after all this time.

"Barbie speaks the truth." Hidan comments, earning a glare from Deidara. Kana thinks over the many times they have been together and all the situations they faced and she remembers the strange time when the man had just assumed that they were a couple just because of their behaviour towards each other.

"What time is it?" Deidara interrupts her thoughts.

"Learn to read a clock, idiot. It's one in the afternoon. Why?" Hidan responds bitterly.

"Hm. Leader Pain wants us to all meet in front of the training grounds for some sparring considering we haven't had any missions lately. He wants us all to fight each other, hm." Deidara explains.

"Isn't that great." she sarcastically says. Hidan, Deidara and her all stand up and walk through the entire hideout until they get to the front, where the boulder has been moved aside and is shining light into the hideout. The three can already see all the members patiently waiting outside for them to arrive.

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