82 - Heretofore Arc: Kana's Memories II

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Heretofore Arc: Kana's Memories II

"Tell me what pooping is like, please, Kana. Please."

The teenage girl swings her furious face around to glare at the annoying and talkative being. "Lollipop face, I will utterly annihilate you." she threatens it with a clenched jaw.

"Kana always gets angry around this time of the month." Obito whispers cheekily from his seated position on his bed.


"If looks could kill." Zetsu comments from the other side of the cave, remaining a safe distance away from the fuming, and notably powerful when moody, teen.

Tobi takes a step towards her with his arms outstretched. "Let's just hug, Baby Flash. Everything will be okay! Just tell me about pooping."

That was Kana's final straw.

She thrashes her arm forward and holds it slightly in front of her body. Lightning crackles loudly as the blue electrostatic discharge takes form and completely consumes her arm from the elbow down.

Zetsu shakes his head from the corner. "Look what you did, Tobi. Our precious junior is angry."

Kana extends her right arm to be beside her left, and it soon becomes consumed by bright blue lightning as well. It takes no specific shape. It is merely a messy composition of dangerously high voltage electric discharge.

After observing Kana continuously train and fight for months, Madara one day picked up on an extraordinary phenomenon.

He realised that every single pore from Kana's body can expel chakra. Kana is gifted in all five natures, and he realised that all five elements can generate from her pores, on any part of her body.

He first noticed sparks of electricity around her arms when she was riled up, agitated or excited.

Then he saw fire initiating at her extremities when she grew angry or unsettled. It took form specifically around her fingertips.

Light winds would gust around her entire body when she was calm and steady.

The ground would move or shake when she was deeply upset.

Each nature is connected to a different emotion she feels, and it suddenly made sense as to why she can control all chakra elements so easily. It is because the elements are completely natural to her.

As if she was the first person to ever be born as one complete form with nature.

Madara eventually explained his observations to Kana and together they perfected her abilities to the point where weaving signs for a jutsu was meaningless. He trained her for years to master control of her newfound abilities, and now as a teenager she is seemingly unstoppable.

Madara had founded and developed an indestructible powerhouse by the name of Kana.

(a/n: fun fact, kana means — one who is powerful! it's why i chose the name originally!! heheh!)

"Thunderclap." the teenage girl slams her hands together and directs her jutsu straight at Tobi, to which Tobi squeaks in fear and attempts to jump out of the way.

He jumps back only to slam into another body. An earth clone of Kana's had rose from the ground and was patiently waiting for their collision. The clone wraps its arms around Tobi's body and holds him in place.

Roaring lightning strikes the white being.

Kana spins around and narrows her eyes at Obito after finishing off Tobi. "You're next." she declares to the Uchiha sitting on his bed.

"Kana, I am your senior. You are gravely mistaken if you think you can beat me." he responds nonchalantly, flicking his wrist at her dismissively.

Without a moment of hesitation, she flashes in front of Obito, swinging her leg dangerously fast. He has little to no time to react, and the next thing he knows he is rolling across the cave from her powerful kick. Obito instantly jumps up from the floor into a fighting stance.

"You're asking for it, Kana." he growls angrily.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." she fires back.

Obito and Kana fought for hours amd hours on end until eventually Obito collapsed from pure exhaustion, and at that moment, when she was the last one standing, Kana realised just how powerful and strong she really was. Luckily she has an unmatched amount of stamina. Since her forced training from a ridiculously young age, nothing could possibly tire her out more than endless training with her elder brother and his jonin squad to ensure she could protect herself.

The day she beat Obito, was the day she decided she wanted to go home. Kana made the decision for herself that she no longer wanted to stay and train with Madara, Obito, Zetsu and Tobi. Her skills were unchallenged there and it felt as though she was only wasting her precious time.

The teenage girl wanted to complete dangerous missions, return to her old home and meet her nephew for the first time.

She relentlessly fought Obito, Zetsu and Tobi for seemingly never ending days to be released. She begged at the feet of Madara who declined, saying she already knew too much about them.

Kana threw tantrums, blew up the hideout, screamed and mercilessly attacked anyone who dared to go near her.

It reached the point where they truly had no choice.

They had to release her.

All of their hard work, training Kana for so many years had gone to waste. Once she decided she wanted to leave there was no possible way to change her mind.

Madara erased every last memory she had of the years they spent together and ordered Obito to leave her in Konoha.

That day, she returned home, met her beloved Naruto, become aquatinted with Sasuke and Sakura, and was reunited with the man she considers family, Kakashi Hatake.

Her untapped power which was released at the hands of Madara, was lost once again, along with her memories.

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