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Seungri walk in his school hall to feel like a loser as everyone was looking at him in a disgusting things.He just hug his book tighter and make sure his eyes were looking down but his ears still manage to catch the things people were talking about.

"Eee..It's that guy right?The one that they said the gay one!" One of a girl said.
"Yes..yes..You are right...The one that kiss with our captain!How dare him!" One of the other girl said stomping her feet on the floor.

Then suddenly Seungri was push on the floor as a group of girl came infront of him and push him down to the floor.

"Look what we got here?Girls this is the GUY that try to hook up with our prince!" One of the girl named CL said then all of the others just laugh.

"Look at his skin!Look exactly soft like a girl." The one name Bom said while touching Seungri hand then pinch it hard make Seungri shut his eyes.Hurt.

"Haha..He look so girly..No wonder he was into man.Cause no girl want a guy like him!!Hahahahaha..." Then everyone at the hall way just laugh at him.No one having pity onto him.

'Please...Please stop this...I'm tired...Please...' Seungri beg in his mind but soon a hand land on his face.Sting start to envolve around his left cheek.

"Don't freaking came near our Prince or else...." The one name Dara said then pick a bottle of water and slowly pour the water directly on Seungri head letting the boy hair and shirt get wet.

"Or we will keep on doing this until you die..Hahahahha..." All of them laugh then left him alone there after the bell ring.

Seungri try hard to stand up and collect all his book that was a bit wet since the water drop a bit on them.He can't afford to but other.Cause his family was not as rich as the kid at this school.He was once a rich kid here,get many friends,but soon after his father company bankrupt,they become poor and many people start to ignore him.

Things get bad after what happen last two weeks.

Seungri was the last one left at the swimming pool cause he was schedule to rearrange all the things they had use for the class.Swimming class was last class so all the other students went home and left him alone to clean everything.As he finish his work,he walk toward the man changing room to take a bath and change into another clothes.

He thought nobody was there anymore so he didn't lock the door of the changing room for men.After he finish showering,he went to the locker he put his things in and open it then wear his pants.

As he was about to take his shirt suddenly a strong hand grab his hand make him body turned back and his back is now against the locker.He was so shock to find the most popular guy,Kai was there handlock his hand beside his head and looking at his eyes.

"Ka..Kai...What are you doing here?Why aren't you go back yet?" Seungri ask stuttering and trying to get out from the uncomfortable position but he got stopped by Kai hand.

"Seungri...Do you know how tempting you lips is when you are talking?Why are you making me go crazy everytime you speak?" He said then suddenly kiss Seungri which make he strugle under the hold.

'Oh My god..Let me Go!Let me go!Help!' Seungri thought almost cry when Kai was not letting his lips away.

"Kai!Why take you so long too.." That guy name D.o. stop when he saw the position of them.

"What are you guys doing?!" He ask in rage and shock.Kai let go of Seungri harshly.

"No!He pulled me in!You stupid!I'm a man you know!" Kai said then punch Seungri face that now was emotionless.He just got kiss a second ago,and now the same person punch him right in his face.How could worse that can be.

Kai then walk out from the changing room and starting from that moment,D.O. spread the rumors about Seungri being gay as he don't know what actually happen that day.

End of flashback.

Seungri walk to his class in a wet shirt and he get a huge laugh from his classmates and get a detention from the teacher for being late in class.

He went home at 6 when other kids went back at 4.He walk slowly and tiredly along the roadside.He feel really empty.He had no feeling.But as soon as he feet stand infront of his house and he press the bell then his mom open the door with her hearwarming smile make Seungri smile dearly to her.

He want to protect his smile.He don't want to let his mom know anything about Seungri getting bullied or hurt at school.

"Late today Ri?" His mom ask smiling while scooping out the rice from the cooker.

"Yeah..Doing study group..It was awesome mum." Seungri said and he somehow feel hurt and hate himself for lying at his mom.

"I hope you will do well in your study.So you can at least help us alright?" His mom smile and Seungri just reply the smile.

As soon as his mom put a bowl full of rice infront of him,then he look toward his mom bowl that barely you can see any rice.

"Mom..you take my bowl.I can't finish this.A friend of mine treat me to a ramen shop just now.I'm full." Seungri lie again the slidw away his bowl toward his mom and pulled his mom bowl.

"Are you sure?" His mom ask and he just smile nod.He was so happy seeing his mom eating the rice.He feel bad when she always make sure Seungri get enough food while she starving.

After helping his mom with the dishes,he head to his room and sit on the bed.Thinking something deeply.He then just shrug away the thought and start to do his homework and study.

After about 3 am in the morning,he stop and went to bed to take a rest and end this painful day hoping tommorow will get better.


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