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Lay walk inside the room and saw Jiyong w was wrapping Seungri palm with white bandage.

"What happen?" Lay ask looking at Seungri hand.

"Nothing..He just grip a blade hardly.." Jiyong said and Lay just sigh and look at Seungri sleeping face.

"Thank you Lay.For taking care of him.I really need to pay you back for this." Jiyong said.

"Nah..Its ok..I love Seungri attitude.He was really nice and easy going with everyone here.After this will be not fun anymore since the mood lighter wasn't here anymore." Lay said sound sad.

"It's ok..I will bring him here sometimes and you can just visit my apartment to meet him and bring the kids too." Jiyong patt his shoulder and smile.

"You should bring Seungri to hospital I guess." Lay said getting serious.

"I know..I will straightly went to the hospital when he wake up to make full check up on him." Jiyong said patting Seungri hand tenderly.

"I don't know what happen until he run away from you.But,what ever it is,take care of him please,Jiyong?I beg you.He really need someone to protect him.He was not like other guy that can protect themself.He was a bit special and God send a person to take care of him every second and that person was you.You are the choosen one." Lay said and Jiyong was just nodding.

After a few hours of sleeping,Jiyong feel sudden worry in his heart.He walk to check on Seungri and he realize he was sweating hardly.He hold this body and his temperature was falling down.His lips was turning blue.His eyes pupil was moving by itself.Seungri heartbeat was weak.Jiyong quickly carry him up and ask Lay that was still shock with the news and drove all of them to the hospital.

When arrived,Seungri was pushed into a emergency room and Jiyong can see from the small glasses at the door.The doctor was using defibrillator and a machine to watch Seungri heart beats and Jiyong swear he feel so cold when he watch Seungri heart beat slowly become slower and longer.

"No..." Jiyong said touching the glasses as he can't enter.

He saw the doctor put a voltage and then put the defibrillator on Seungri chest then hit it.No response.It still falling down.He try again with higher voltage.No response now the heartbeat drop rapidly.He do the last with the highes voltage allowed and did it again.Now the machine show a straight line.All the nurses and doctor stop and look at Seungri face.When Jiyong saw the doctor was giving up on his and shook his head as no,Jiyong break into the room and run beside Seungri.

"No...No..NoNono!" Jiyong try hard to pump Seungri heart with CPR and was crying.

"Sir..He is gone.." One of the nurses said.

"No..." Jiyong deny it.

"Jiyong its ok.." Lay try to hold his hand but failed as he pulled it away busy trying to wake Seungri up in everyway he know.

"Its ok..Sir..." The doctor said and Jiyong just slide his head onto Seungri chest crying and hugging the body.

"No...No...Seungri...I..I just found you..Why?......why?!" Jiyong punch Seungri chest hard as he was really angry and suddenly the machine was beeping again and Seungri body suddenly become unstable and he was vomitting lots of blood.The doctor quickly check him with shocked feelings while one of the nurses excort Lay and Jiyong out.

Jiyong walk fast toward the doctor as he come out.

"Referring to the patient blood chart,in his blood had this liquid of medicines that weak heart patient shouldn't take cause the dosage was high and as the result his heart can't stand the pressure and failed to worked.But,as you were punching him just  now,his heart work and the blood he was vomitting was the blood that was clogging the blood tube in his body.Congratulations sir,you manage to save him by yourself without the doctor help." Jiyong just smile happy and grateful.

"You can visit him eventhough he wasn't awake yet.Just make sure don't touch the wire we had put on him." The doctor said then left Jiyong and Lay to walk in and check on Seungri.

"Seungri yah..." Jiyong said crying while holding Seungri hand sad.Lay just patted his bestfriend back.

"It's ok Jiyong..Its going to be ok..." Lay said looking at the calm Seungri.

"I hurt him...I let him being hurt...I feel so bad...I'm stupid...I let my ego control me..Until..Until...he become like this..." Jiyong said crying hard remembering how he had been treating Seungri back then.

"Shh...It wasn't your faults..You are just tired..." Lay said trying to comfort Jiyong.

"I gotta go back to the cafe..Jiyong..When he wake up...make sure to make it up to him alright?I gotta go and see the kids.Take care.And call me when Seungri already woke up." Lay said patting Jiyong back for the last before walk out rushingly to the cafe after he receive an urgent message from Xiumin.

From : Minnie
Hyung.Someone come to the cafe asking for Seungri.He said he want to meet him fast.But we told him Seungri wasn't here but he insist on waiting.We dunno what to do...:(

Jiyong sit on the chair and study Seungri face.He had been thinner then the last he saw him.Those bone can be seen.His eyebag was getting darker.His skin was pale but still soft.His lips was purplish dry.He look like a dead person.

Jiyong just cry himself to sleep waiting for Seungri to be awake.

At the cafe,Lay arrived and rushingly went in and Chen point him the person who want to meet Seungri.He walk toward that guy who was wearing all black like a spy.

"Yes sir..i'm the boss of this shop.How can I help you?" Lay ask politely.

"I want to meet this boy now.I heard he worked here." He said showing a picture of Seungri.

"He had stopped working here." Lay lied to test.

"Really?Are you trying to lie?Because the last time I check about him is yesterday." He said smirking at Lay thst just maintaining a poker face.

"Ok..If he wasn't working here anymore.Give me his address." He said shoving a small paper and pen to Lay.

"No.Our workers information are private.Sorry." Lay said protecting Seungri from this unknown man.The man smirking drop as he heard Lay said that.

"Owh??Like that?Its ok..Its ok...Play it like that." He stand up then walk away but whisper something in Lay ear.

"I will get anything I want by all way I can.Even if HURTING others." He said pressing the hurting word then walk out from the cafe like a thieves and Chen,Xiumin and Lisa just look at him waliing away then turn to Lay that was thinking something deeply.

Lol...Still angry with today news.Hate it..

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