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Jiyon receive a message from the unknown number and he quickly open and read it.

From : Unknown
Let's play.Pick up your phone after 5 minutes and don't dare to put off the phone call unless you want you Seungri to meet his death.

Jiyong look at Youngbae in horror.They were resting at a restaurant after meeting a spy to find Seungri.After a few moments,a call ringing making Jiyong quickly pick it up  and he was meet to a view of Seungri getting tied and he was struggling to get out of hold from the rope.

"Let me go!" Seungri shout angry but Jiyong can just hear some guys laughing.

"Jiyong hyung!Just put off the call!Please!" Seungri begged Jiyong and looking at the camera.

"Seungri!!Let go of him!" Jiyong shout doesn't care that they are in public.

"Wowowow....Relax young boy..We haven't had fun with him yet.." One guy wearing mask walk around Seungri holding a knife in his hand.

"Had I told you I will make you regret it?" He said then suddenly slap Seungri making his handprint on his pale cheeks.

"Don't hurt him!!" Jiyong shout shock and he feel his heart break into pieces looking Seungri getting hurt like that.

"This is just a beginning Jiyong...Remember who you hurt.Do you remember when you chase me out of the office.I feel my dignity was torn apart." Suddenly he drag the knife on Seungri wrist slowly and make it deep enough to tear it open and Seungri strugle with the pain.Jiyong suddenly feel hard to breathe watching blood dripping from Seungri hand.

"Stop!!What do you want!!I can give it!!Just don't hurt him please!!" Jiyong beg crying.

"Did you hear me when I beg you?No.So I will do the same.As cruel as how you did to me." He said smirking then Seungri shout.

"Jiyong hyung!!Close the phone!Don't look!!!You are not wrong at all!!It was mee!Don't blame yourself..Please..Close it." Seungri hissed in pain as that guy slap him hard and the rope tying his hand make pressure on his wrist which make it hurt more.

Thae other guy then drag the knife again on the right side on Seungri wrist teared it open then he swing the knife fast and enough to tear open Seungri leg skin.Seungri now can't even stand properly.He had been bleeding a lots.

"Kwon Jiyong.I will show you..How much your words..Will affect the one you love." That guy said scarily.

Youngbae on the other side was chasing over Jiyong that was running toward his apartment with phone in his hand never let go of his sight from Seungri.Jiyong feel his heart sinking and stop moving and stand static infront of his apartment door after successfully open it.

"Argh!!!!!!" Seungri shout in pain after one of them pour a salt solution on the cuts making it feel more sting.

"Seungri!!Stop it...Please...What do you all want!?" Jiyong shout frustrated and he was seriously insane now.

"It was me who did it wrong!!Why did you have to hurt him!" Jiyong shout letting the phone fall away from his hold ruffling his hair and crying frustratedly.

"I told you not to leave the screen Kwon Jiyong." Hearing the voice Jiyong quickly grab it back but it was too late as the guys already untied Seungri that was now half awake and look so in pain then they just easily drag him,carry him up and then just throw him in the big container with water full in it.

"No!!!" Jiyong shout until he feel his eyes gonna popped out.

"That's is your faults!He become like this because of you.You are the one to blame Jiyong." Jiyong feel so unspeakable now.He feel like in between two world.He feel so empty watching Seungri body strugle weakly inside the water then he can saw Seungri move foward nearer to the camera then he touch the wall with his palm looking at the camera.He smile.He smile at Jiyong and that enough to make Jiyong feel he was the faults Seungri was in pain.He fail.

He fail to take care of Seungri like how he promised.Youngbae reach the apartment to see Jiyong crying in mess on the floor and looking to the screen.He saw Seungri was smiling in water?He left dumbfounded.

But Seungri doesn't last long.Soon after a few seconds of smile,his body slowly moving and floating in the water by itself and the water also changing colour to red because of Seungri blood.

"If you want this guy back,meet me ___ ,bring us 500 Million.Well..Thats is less for a boss like you right?Oh..And be fast..Cause we don't know until when is...until...he is..DEAD." The guy laugh and the last things Jiyong saw was Seungri body being drag out harshly from the container and the live ended.

Jiyong drop his phone in shock.

"What...What was that all about Bae?"

Youngbae just look at Jiyong worry.He can see that Jiyong was slowly becoming negative.He can feel there were no positive vibe anymore.Jiyong is changing.And this call doesn't helping at all.That guy was trying to drag him down.And now it was working..cause his weapon was Seungri.Jiyong weakness.


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