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"What take them so long?" Jiyong feel worry suddenly.

"Jiyong.Look at Daesung detector." Suddenly Top showing them the sign of phone detector of Daesung.

"Isn't this is the janitor room?And he was not moving at all." Top said terrified.All of them look at each other and quickly run out off the SUV leaving the drivers shock.

They run toward the janitor and quickly kick open the door with one try because Top strength.

"Daesung!!" They run toward Daesung that was now laying on the cold floor with his head bleeding,hand and leg was tied and tape on his mouth.

"Someone did this!Oh My gosh!" Top said angry and trying to open all the tape and rope.Suddenly,the thought of Seungri came to their mind.

"If Daesung was here,which mean,Seungri at the toilet..." Youngbae said then look at Jiyong superworry face.

"He was alone there!!Youngbae!!" Jiyong shout crazily then both of them run in full speed toward the toilet and as expected the toilet was lock and now Jiyong furious and angry strength make the door flip open easily even make Youngbae shock.

"Seungri!" Then they heard movement in one of those cubicle.Jiyong again kick hard on the door make it open and burst in pulling out whoever there and beat him until he feel satisfied.Youngbae run inside the cubicle to see Seungri,sitting on the toilet same situation as Daesung,was tied,tape on mouth and his school uniform buttom was nearly open up all of it. Then he found a camera on the floor,he pick it up and go through the picture.

"God damn it Jiyong.This guy was trying to take picture of Seungri naked and in sexually way!He might trying to raped him!!" Youngbae shout furious and that sentence make Jiyong beat him even harder.

"FUCKING YOU DARE LAY YOUR DISGUSTING HAND ON MY BABIES!!HOW DARE YOU HURT DAESUNG AND EVEN MY LITTLE SEUNGRI YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Jiyong shout in rage as he was thinking what will happen if he was late to come.Maybe everything will be too late.

Youngbae stop Jiyong from hitting him and he take care of him as tying him with the rope make sure he was bring to the police station.Jiyong quickly run inside the cubicle and open the tied rope and slowly open the tape.

He try to wake Seungri up by shaking him lightly and he success as Seungri was opening his eyes and look at him terrified.

"Hy..hyung...I'm..i'm scared...Hyung...!!" Seungri said then burst in tears as he realize what just happen.Someone just tied him and pulling him inside this place without nobody here.

"Seungri..Hyung is really sorry...I should come here with you just now...Then this won't happen...Forgive hyung Seungri...I'm really sorry..." Jiyong kissing Seungri forehead and hugging him.Giving him every single of comforting he need right now.

He carry Seungri up in bridal style and bring him out the toilet while Youngbae dragging the stupid unknown guys that soon receive a few more punch from Top for hurting his Daesung.But soon after they was about to reach the SUV,Seungri suddenly strugle out until he was out of Jiyong hold and he was vomitting and the things that was come out was his blood.

"Seungri!Seungri hold on!Are you ok?!" Jiyong shout terrified and quickly get a hold of Seungri that was now shaking and vomitting.

"Ji..Hyung.." That was the last thing he said before limp over and black out in Jiyong embrace.

"Seungri!!!" Jiyong shake his body violently and Youngbae try to check his pulse and temperature.

"God...Damn it Jiyong!We need to get him to the hospital!His pulse was so weak and his temperature is high!" Thats enough to make Jiyong panic and quickly carry Seungri in bridal style toward his personal car that was just brought by his personal driver from his family that he just called.

"Youngbae we meet at the hospital later!Me and Top will go with my car!You bring that bastard to the police station and make.sure he suffer!" Jiyong shout in rage angry.

After reaching the hospital,both Daesung and Seungri was drag into the emergency room to be check together as both of them were covered in blood.

"I'm going to kill that guy if anything happen to them.I swear!" Top said punching the wall frustrated.

After an hour Youngbae arrived and tell them he was going to stay in jail for a while until they awake.

Then the doctor come out.

"Are you both of the patient family?"

"Yes we are.Are they ok?" Top ask worry.

"The black hair guy is ok.We had already wrap his head and he black out cause he was hit hard at head.Thats why it cause the bleeding.But,nothing else broken.He will wake up in few hours."

They all sigh happy but not Jiyong.He can't be calm unless he know about how Seungri condition is.

"How about the blonde one doctor?" Jiyong ask worry.

"The other patient seems a bit serious sir.Due to some drug he inhale,it make his body become weak and due to his anemia the blood can't keep flowing with the drug and his pulse get slower cause heart become slower to pump the blood in body.Thats make he got fever and it make it worse.We had to admit him here to keep on checking on him and make sure he won't got more worse." Jiyong feel so like the world was crashing.He was nearly faint luckily Youngbae hold him from behind.

He walk inside Seungri room lifeless looking at Seungri pale face laying on the bed.He walk until he stand beside the bed and he hold Seungri hand that was so cold.

He bring it to his chest and hug it hard.Tears was flowing out from his eyes.He can't contain his feeling.He really can't help it.He feel like so useless.He didn't manage to protect Seungri.He failed.

"Jiyong...Don't blame it on you..Nobody know what gonna happen..Its ok.." Youngbae walk in beside Jiyong and pat his bestfriend shoulder.

He know exactly why is Jiyong cry hard when he failed to protect Seungri.Cause it make him remembered the broken promises he made with his younger brother.


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