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Seungri wake up due to the feeling of someone poking his cheeks gently.He open his eyes and surprisingly he wasn't blindfolded anymore.He look around adjusting his eyes to the surrounding light and found a tiny girl dressed all black and even wear lots of eyeliner and look so scary for others but not him.

"Who are you?" Seungri ask worry about that girl hurting him.

"I'm the servant here.I was ordered to check on you and treat your head but I can't do that if you are asleep." She said sound tired.

The girl move toward Seungri making his face with Seungri only a few inches away making Seungri get the chance to look at her face more closely.

"Why would they treat me if they wanna hurt me?" Seungri ask somehow curious.

"They still want to hurt you but they can't make you feel the pain if you are already in pain or faint right?" She said sound cold.

"Why are a girl like you...Doing here?" Seungri ask seems curious again then he look around that girl neck to saw numerous hickey.

"Already know it I guess?" That girl said and Seungri quickly moved his stare from her neck and she fixed her hoodie hide her neck.The awkward goes on until Seungri whine pain.

"Auch..." Seungri said when the girl mishold his head and that girl stop for a while shock.

"I'm..I'm..sorry..Is it hurt?" She ask and Seungri can saw worry full in her eyes and her hand was up like a criminal making her sleeves fall down to her elbow and shown her wrist completely to Seungri.

"What...What happen?" Seungri ask looking at the cuts scar on the girl that quickly hidw it back and look away from Seungri eyes.

"It's none of your business." She said sound cold and ashamed.

Before that girl walk out after treating Seungri,that boy quickly hold her hand making she stop moving and heard what Seungri said.

"Even if I just met you today,I know you are kind and really beautiful.I know life had been really hard for you...But..Behind a storm there will be a beautiful rainbow...Right?"

Seungri said smiling and that girl just can walk away leaving Seungri alone again in that bathroom.

On the other side of the world,Youngbae was trying hard to wake Jiyong up from his dreams.He keep on getting drunk after he receive the message about Seungri kidnapped.

"Jiyong get a hold of yourself!!We need to find Seungri!!" Youngbae shout frustrated at Jiyong that was just laughing then crying.He was completely like a crazy person now.

"Baee....You know what funny???Life always hate mee...It always...Always will..Take the happines...Away...Hahaha...
Like Korean Drama's..So many...Dramaeee..." Jiyong said drunk but then he goes silent.He just stare at a place then tears streaming down and Youngbae just can sigh.

"I lost him..Right Youngbae?" Jiyong said trying to drink the killing liquor again but Youngbae stop his hand and pulled away the bottle and put it far from Jiyong to reach.

"I..Always put people that loved me in danger..No matter how hard I try..I can't never reply their loves isn't it?"

Youngbae heart softened.He know Jiyong feel like everything that happened to Seungri was his fault.He know Jiyong too well.Nobody know that actually Jiyong had a huge insecurity in his heart.He always feel like everything bad happen was his fault.Jiyong never show this feeling except with Youngbae.Youngbae patted Jiyong back lightly giving him all the comfort and support he need.

"I hurt him...Like Seunghyun..I failed again Youngbae..I failed.." Jiyong cry then hug Youngbae tightly.He just don't know what to do.He feel like everyone is hurting because of him.

"It's ok Ji..Shh...It will be ok..Go have some rest..Tommorow we gotta start to find Seungri then bring him back so you can smack him for leaving us like this ok?" Youngbae said making a joke and Jiyong chuckle but still crying while thinking of Seungri then both of them fall asleep.

Back at Seungri the next morning,he wake up to be greet with a cold water poured on him and his eyes was blindfolded again.

"It's had been a while since you rest up..Today you are up to play." One of the guy said evilish then keep the water at a cold temperature making Seungri feel shuddering and his heart was beating unnormally and its making him hard to breathe at all.

"Dying?Not yet..You have long way to go to be our toys." The man said smirking looking at Seungri that was breathing unevenly.

'God..Please give me strength..Please let me stay strong..At least for..Jiyong hyung...Please let me fight the pain..Please..' Seungri thought in his mind battling with the pain.

After a few hours left in the tub with cold water suddenly Seungri was lift up and was thrown into a box then his mouth was closed and his hand and leg was tied.He feel he was being moved to another place and he shaking in cold when his body hit the air conditioner in the room and he fall asleep in the journey who know to where.

Seungri open his eyes to meet a old building?Its like a stor.He look around to find his hand was tied to a pillar and he was  tied infront of a big container full of water.

He look around more to find a camera setting perfectly.

'What is this?' Seungri thought scared then strugling with the tied rope on his hand to get lost but he can't.They tied it strong as hell.

"Finally you are awake." He heard a person coming from behind and wearing a mask.Then three more come behind him also wearing mask.

"Do you think you are princess for us to wait everytime?!Fuck it off stop sleeping!" Suddenly one of the man slap him hard making Seungri feel sting.

"What do you guys want?" Seungri ask seriously giving up tired.

"What we want?We want Jiyong to get hurt." One of the man said and Seungri looked at him with popped eyes.

"He did nothing wrong to you guys!Leave him alone!!" Seungri suddenly had the energy to shout but he got cut off with a punch that make his nose bleed.

"Don't raise your voice if you don't want to get beaten to death." One of them said cold.

"We won't touch you Jiyong hyung..Lee Seungri...Else..We will use you...To hurt him..Mentally." That man said smirking then point the others to somewhere.

"What you want to do?!" Seungri ask scared.Not because he will get hurt,he scared if they managed to hurt Jiyong.Suddenly the others three come toward him with a weapon for each one of them.

One hold a knife,another hold a baseball bat and the other one hold a bucket of salt water.

"What you gonna do to me?" Seungri ask scared when they approach him.

"Gonna give someone a fun show." One of them said then they went to set up the camera leaving his strugling with the rope.

'God..Someone..please..HELP ME!' Seungri thought crying mentally hoping someone will busted here and save him but sometimes we have to accept the reality eventhough it was really painful.

GUYS..Rain me with comments..Missing you guys so badly...And My head still hurt...But I really want to finish this book...So...Fighting and keep on voting..Love you...❤

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