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"Wait..How..How did you know hyung?!"

"My mum is a traditional doctor and I learn from her to recognize disease from body sign."

"Then..Why did you take me to work here?"

"Because you had a warm smile that can make this place feel like a home."

Seungri practically sighed as he remember the converstaion he had with the boss Lay.
Day goes by with the hectic day at his shop but it was different for Jiyong.

"This is the picture.You guys go find this boy..Don't come back unless you found him!" Jiyong shout angry making the spies practically run for their lives.

'Seungri...Where are you...Please come back...' Jiyong thought hitting his head to the table numerous time until Youngbae walk in and practically scold him.

"Jiyong!Stop hitting your head for God damn sake!" Youngbae stop his bestfriend that look so devastated.

"I lose him...I broke the promises...I lied...I lost him Bae.." Jiyong cry sad and dissapointed in his self.

"It's ok..We will find him until we found alright Jiyong?Don't give up yet.." Youngbae giving motivation when he don't even believe they can find Seungri back.

Just then,his father came in angry as fuck throwing a paper work to Jiyong face.

"What the hell are you doing Jiyong!?We had lost so much in the project!What are you doing!?Are you trying to pick a fight with me?!" Mr.Kwon yell ignoring Youngbae that was there too.

"You know!?I quit!" Jiyong shout really angry.

"I had been wasting my times helping you with this fuck up company and now I lost my little brother!Are you happy now?!" Jiyong grab his things and walk out angrily but then his step stopped.

"Once you left this company you will regret it for the whole of your life Jiyong." Jiyong shrug off the thinking and left the company hanging like that.

"Jiyong...I think its better if.." Youngbae trying to advice but failed.

"Enough Bae..I hate all this anymore..I don't want this..I need Seungri..We need to find him..Or I will lost him for real.." Jiyong said and Youngbae can see that this time he was so worry about Seungri.

The next day,Seungri was welcoming the customers with his warm smile eventhough Lay ask him to rest.

"Seungri..You look pale..Have some rest please.." Lay said worried.

"Nah..Its ok..I can do this..Its nothing matter..I had take the medicines." Seungri lied and didn't tell anybody that actually he didn't have the medicine.

"He was really a hardworking boy..But..You know I saw he vomitted blood this morning but he still said he was ok with a smile." Xiumin said to Lisa at the cashier.

"He look so thin and did you see his eyebag..it look so bad..He might had been so stress.." Lisa said feeling pity toward Seungri.

Suddenly,a group of high school student enter the cafe and making a fuss in the shop.

"Hey little boy!We need to order here.." One of them said didn't even bother to smile.

"Coming sir." Seungri said grabbing the book and run toward them tiredly.

"Sey..You are too slow.." One of them said and Seungri just apologize and he admit it.He feel so tired today.Seems like the body starting to getting the effect.

All of them order and for some reason they keep on changing their order to bully Seungri.

"We want this..Noo This..Noo..I mean this.." Then the other one said.

"Noo..We should take this..Or maybe this.." Then other one said.

"No this..Or that one.." Then suddenly the boy that look like their leader said.

"I'm sorry but we want to have you as our lunch can I?" He then hold Seungri hand and being touchy with Seungri.Seungri try hard to get out of that guy grip but he feel so sufficating.Something is cloudy in his chest.And it make him feel short of breathe.

"Please..Let me go.." Seungri said weak but that guy was pulling him to sit on his lap.

"Come on..Don't be stupid..i'm the hottest guy..And you cute little bunny.." Just then Seungri hand was grabbed away harsh but not enough to hurt him but hurt the touchy guy instead.Seungri open his eyes to see Xiumin was infront of him protecting him from the guys with his firm built up body.

"I'm sorry but we can't serve rude customers like you guys." Xiumin said glaring.

"What?Who do you think you are?!" All of them stand up angry and Seungri step back a step scared.

"He was my worker and he was following my order.Now please get out of my shop before I called police." Lay said in deep and scary voice making the guys left the shop rudely.

"We will come back for that boy." The leader said and look over Seungri that was hiding his face behind Xiumin.

"Seungri?Are you ok?Did they hurt you?" Xiumin turn around to see Seungri pale face and dry lips.

"Seungri?Hey.." Lay walk toward him fast as he saw how his body was shaking.He touch his forehead and gasp.

"This can't be.Xiumin you carry him back to his room.He was having a bit high fever.Please take care of him and give him the medicine in the boxes." Xiumin just nodded then piggyback Seungri to the room.

"Xiu..Min...I'm..Sorry.." Seungri mutter weak as Xiumin put him on the bed and put the blanket for him.

"Hey...Its ok..I will take care of you..You can sleep..I will stay here and wait ok?Call me if you need anything." Xiumin smile and that was the last things he saw before drove off to dreamland with last thought.

'I wish..Jiyong hyung was here..'


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