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Seungri walk inside the house with Jiyong helping him with the bag seven he said he want to carry it.

"Wow..I never had chance to explore your house before.." Seungri walk around and saw a bunch of pictures hanging on the wall.

Somehow all the person in the pictures was the same which make Seungri curious.He then walk toward the room hallway and again he found the picture of the same person on the table.

"Hyungie?Who is this pretty cute boy?" Seungri finally ask cause curiosity kill the cat.

Jiyong was shock but then he just relax his self and walk toward Seungri.

"That..That was my Little brother..Seunghyun..." Jiyong said looking at the picture of his younger that was smiling.

"Where is him now!?You never tell me about him!" Seungri suddenly excited about that pretty boy.

"He..he was gone..He was no in this world anymore.." Seungri suddenly feel guilty of asking it.

"Hyung..I'm sorry..What happen?" Seungri pat Jiyong back lightly.

"I don't want to talk about it.It hurt.Everytime." Seungri decide not to push Jiyong anymore cause he know its hard accepting someone dead.

They walk away toward Jiyong bedroom.

"You will be sleeping with me.Don't worry my bed is King so you won't be kick out of the bed unless you snoring.." Jiyong tease Seungri when actually he can't never kick him out of the bed.Isn't he is too cute for that?

"Aih hyung..I didn't snore~" Seungri said then store in his belonging in the cupboard which is bigger then him.

"Wanna eat something Seungri?" Jiyong ask as the time was nearly dinner.

"Yeah anything good hyung..I don't choose my food.." Seungri smile and Jiyong off to the kitchen to prepare.

Seungri check in his secret spot in the bag and found his bestfriend.Blade.He keep them well hidden under his clothes cause he know Jiyong wouldn't open it.

Just then he walk out from the room to help Jiyong but got surprised.

"Welcome!!" All four of them Youngbae,Top,Daesung and Jiyong was setting up a welcoming party for him.There were lots of snack and drink as well as the ready movie to be played.

"Seungri!Let's enjoy tonight!" Youngbae said.

"Party is on!!" Top shout then Seungri just laugh.

"Come on,sit here with me so you won't feel cold." Jiyong slide open the blanket and let Seungri in then put the blanket hiding his and Seungri body well.

"Then,let's go!" Daesung said then press the play button.

The movie they was watching was Madagascar 3 which choosen by Daesung.

In nearly the ending,Seungri fall asleep cause it was nearly 12 am.Jiyong slowly bring his body toward his hug and put his head on his chest to avoid any pain strike him.Then all of then fall asleep in the living room and Seungri sleeping in Jiyong embrace.

Seungri then the next morning wake up first and look at all of them that still sleeping.He slowly let go of Jiyong and then walk to the house balcony to look outside.

"Ahh!!This is so refreshing!" Seungri open wide his hand at the end of the balcony holder.Suddenly he kinda trip himself cause of the wind and he was almost falling down from the 8 floor.

"Ah!" Seungri shout but suddenly a person pulled him back from behind.

"Are you seriously calling for a superhero early in the morning Seungri?" Jiyong said in a sleepy voice while hugging him.

"I'm...I'm sorry..I was trying to get the fresh air...Hehe.." He laugh then quickly stand up and have a breakfast with others the bid goodbye to them.

Just as both of them was watching Tom and Jerry suddenly someone ring the door.
Jiyong ran over to see who is coming.

"Oppa!" Seungri choked out his water when he heard that voice.

"Nana!What are you doing here?" Jiyong ask happy she come.

"Nothing,just checking you out.Can I come in?" She ask so annoyingly.

"Sure.Come in." She walk in and then her smile faded and she glare toward Seungri.

"Oppa..What is that guy doing here?" She ask sound angry.

"He is living with me for a while." Seungri bow as Jiyong come in.

"Wanna have some drink?" Jiyong ask her and she nodded happily.

"Let me do the drink." Seungri offer his help.

"No I don't want.You might put poison in it." Seungri step stop and even Jiyong was shock.

"No..Oppa I'm just joking..Haha..." She laugh and Jiyong breathe out heavily.

Seungri served the coffee then walk toward the sofa to continue watching the tv alone.After like a few hours,he went to the table and pick up the things to clean it up since they had finished the coffee.

Seungri was washing the cups then Nana was walking in the kitchen toward him with a smirk.

"Hello there...I guess you are new maid?" She said but Seungri just ignore it.

"I don't know what you are thinking but Jiyong is mine.Keep that in your dumb mind." Nana said but Seungri keep ignoring her and she get irritated.

She then suddenly grab a cup which turn out to be Jiyong favourite and throw it on the floor making Seungri jump out shock.
Then she shout.

"Ahhhh!!" Jiyong come running to the kitchen as fast in heavy breathe.

"What?What happen?!" Jiyong ask as he saw how frightened was Nana face and the scattered glass on the floor.

"Oppa!!He is trying to throw the cup at me!" She run toward Jiyong and pretending scared.

"No..Its not like that hyung.." Seungri defend himself shock being accused.

"Oppa..I think that glass cut my skin." Nana said then showing her leg that got cut cause of the glass.

"Let's treat it faster!Ri...Clean up the mess.We need to talk later." Jiyong said cold and somehow like glaring at Seungri.

Seungri slowly bend down to pick the broken glasses and pick it make sure nobody step on it later.Just then a piece of the glass hurt his finger make it cut.

"Auch.." Seungri mumble slow but then he ignore the cut and continue cleaning the mess.After finish washing everything,he walk to the living room and luckily Nana already go home.

"Seungri.Why did you do that?" Jiyong ask sitting on the sofa cross leg.

"I didn't do it.She did it." Seungri defend himself.

"Seungri,I understand you don't want Nana get all the attention from me but hurting someone is so far beyond normal.What are you thinking?" Jiyong said now sound mad.

"I didn't do it!" Seungri shout and suddenly Jiyong run toward him and grab him by the collar and look at his eyes with his red eyes.

"Ji..Jiyong hyung.." Seungri stutter scared.

"Don't hurt who I love Seungri.You never know how aggresive I can be." Jiyong said but his voice completely different.

Then suddenly,his eyes change to green back and he let go of Seungri suddenly resulted he fall on the floor.

"Wha...What happen?Ri?" He ask trying to hold Seungri hand.

"Don't come near me." Seungri said his eyes totally scared.


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