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Seungri walk inside the room he had been sharing with Jiyong and walk toward his beg.He start to pack all his things and put them neatly in the bag.

Seungri was about to take the leukemia pills but then he stopped.

'This pills was bought with Jiyong hyung money.I wasn't supposed to take it anymore.I should buy it myself.' Seungri said then he put the pills back on the table along with all the other medicines that Jiyong bought for him.

He know he need it all to stay healthy,but soon he need to stop depending on all the medicines.He won't afford it to buy the medicines cause it was really expensive.Then he realize he had been wasting Jiyong money on his treatment.How stupid is him still want to blame Jiyong after everything he had give to him to make he still stay alive until today.He should follow the order.At least this is the least way he can do to repay Jiyong kindness eventhough his safety was on the betting.

Seungri look around the room and remembering the memories he had with Jiyong.When they cuddle together in the bed and Jiyong refuse to let him go when he was havung fever.This room also where Jiyong used to take care of him when he was sick and this room also the place he first time tell Jiyong about his leukemia and how he was crying that night worrying about him.

'How did things change so fast?Why did we become far like this?When did all this ever happen hyung?' Seungri thought letting the tears fall down.This might be the last time he will stand here and inhaling Jiyong cologne and all the memories they had in the house.Seungri walk slowly to his bag and pulled it away walking out from the room slowly and he look at the room for the last time before closing it.

He walk toward the living room but his step stop when he look toward the kitchen.
He remember the memories when Jiyong and him joking at 2 am because he was hungry and Jiyong lazily making joke while cooking.That night was really amazing.He never thought that night will be the last.The last time he will ever meet the old Jiyong he ever know.

"Then will you be my forever Yeobo,Jagiya,
Little Baby,Baby Riri?"

"I agree!"

Seungri chuckle but then breathe hard as tears was forming really quick in his eyes.

'Things change hyung.But the problem is,is it you..or me?'

Seungri pulled the bag toward the door and he look at Seunghyun smiling face hanging on the wall for the last time.

"I'm sorry Seunghyun...I need to do this..To protect Jiyong..As i promise you..I will protect him..Until I die..Pray for me..Ne Hyun?" Seungri said touching the photo for the last time then with a heavy heart Seungri pulled out his bag away looking for the last at the house.

'Goodbye....Memories..' Seungri said then walk out without looking back and walk to who know where.Just roaming around Seoul and his feet will bring him somewhere new.

On the other side,Jiyong feel bad for getting mad at Seungri just now.

'Did I said too much?But didn't I need to said all that?He did a really bad things...But...Did he really did that?I don't think he is that type of person..But..we can't never predict..I'm so confuse..but..I think blaming him for everything is really bad..I should apologize..Gosh..He even look scared just now..What did I just do?I promise him to protect him but nowadays I'm the one who scolding and treat him badly..What happen to me?'

Jiyong hit his head to the elevator wall practically thinking what happen to his self.He feel like he was slowly losing his self.

Jiyong walk toward the door and breathe properly and get ready to get inside the apartment and talk to Seungri in a nice way and make all this end.Ok.That's it.

Jiyong open the door and walk in.

"Lee Seungri...I'm..Home.." Jiyong said try to search where is Seungri.He roam around the house,toilet,kitchen,bathroom to the closet he love to hide before and end at his room.

"Seungri?Are you here?" Jiyong knocked the door but no answer so he just walk in and suddenly he feel the feeling of emptiness in the room.

He walk in and look around to find Seungri bag was gone.He quickly slide the closet and all of them was gone.Everything that was Seungri belonging wasn't here anymore.Jiyong panicly searching for his phone and dial Seungri number.

'Seungri!Please pick up..I didn't mean it..Please..Things wasnt supposed to go this way..Just pleasee..' Jiyong beg in his heart panic.

Seungri look to his phone and he saw Jiyong was calling him.

'I'm so sorry Jiyong hyung..This is for your safety and success..I'm just another obstackes in your life..I will go back..from where I came from..' Seungri thought then shut down his phone and put it in his pocket.

"The number you had dialled is not reacheable.Please try again later." Jiyong end the call and decide to call Youngbae.


"Youngbae ah!!" Jiyong shout.

"Waeyo??!" Youngbae ask panic with Jiyong voice.

"Seungri!Seungri was gone!" Jiyong said panic and almost cracking voice.

"What?!What happen?" Youngbae wake up from his bed due to the news.

"We..Uhmm..I just scold him a bit...But maybe..I went to far..Bae..What should I do?!" Jiyong said breaking down.

"Kwon Jiyong!I told you to scold him nicely not until he runaway!" Youngbae scold his bestfriend angry.

"Bae..Where did he go..." Jiyong said starting to nearly cry.

"Jiyong...relax..Breathe in..Breathe out..Ok..Now look around the room and try to search for anything beloging to Seungri.Maybe a notes or something." Jiyong quickly look around but then his eyes stop at the table.

"Young..Youngbae...He..He left all the medicines.." Jiyong stuttering looking at the medicines disease and it was for leukemia.

"What?Why would he left them?!He need them!!This stupid boy.." Youngbae goes panic as Seungri left the medicines.

"Bae..Bae...I..I..found a paper..." Jiyong stutter and his voice was seems like he was really really scared to death.

"What is it?" No answer.

"What is it Kwon Jiyong!" Youngbae as unpatiently.

"Weak..heart...disease..He..He was positive..Bae........"

Jiyong and Youngbae both feel the world black out.Now both of them know they gotta find Seungri fast cause he won't survive long without the medicines.

Keep on commenting and voting..Routing for me guyss..Fighting together..

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