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Jiyong as a gentleman carry Seungri and running to the emergency room the put him on the strecher.

"What happen?" The nurse ask fast.

"Fever at 42.6°C!" Jiyong said fast then both of them was asked to wait infront of the room.

"Will Seungri be ok?My baby boy.." Ms.Lee said crying and sitting on the chair worry.Jiyong then slowly walk toward her and pat her back comforting her.

"Its ok..Omma...He will be ok.." Jiyong smile after saw Ms.Lee lift up her head and try to smile even tears in eyes.

Now he finally understand why Seungri never want his mom know about his health condition.His mom was extremely worry about him.

Just then the doctor came out then both of them quickly run to him.

"Is he ok?" Jiyong ask.

"His fever was kinda high.But we had put the IV drip for him to keep the temperature down and inject some medicines so he will get energy cause it seems like he is not eating well.Others is fine.You can look at him now." Jiyong bow and said thank you then run inside the room to see Seungri was resting on the bed with all the thick blanket covering his body.

He saw his face was pale and sick.Something wrong with him.He keep on falling sick and its now making Jiyong curious.All the blood he was vomitting.Something must be wrong somewhere.But he shrug it off when he see Ms.Lee was wiping his forehead and kiss it.

"Son...Please get well..Omma is really worry..I told you not to overwork right?Look what happen...Wake up soon please...My baby..." Jiyong just feel so touch looking how Ms.Lee love his son eventhough Seungri was really weak and nobody at school,but he is his parents everything at home.

"Jiyong-sshi..Can I talk to you for a while?" Jiyong was shock but nodded but he feel somehow scared looking at Ms.Lee sad face.

"What is it omma?" He ask when they sit on the chairs outside the room.Ms.Lee then suddenly hold his hand and give him a envelope.Jiyong was so shocked when he saw there was money inside.

"No..What is this for omma?I can't take it." Jiyong said trying to give back the envelope but Ms.Lee just shook her head smiling.

"I want to ask your help to take care of Seungri." Jiyong feel dumbfounded.What take care?Are they going somewhere?

"We..We kinda off need to move out from the house cause we can't afford to pay the rent anymore.And the new house we found was really small and we scared it will affect Seungri cause the surrounding wasn't good too.Can you..Let him stay with you?" Ms.Lee try hard to tell every single word.

"I'm sorry..Its kind of a burden..But It seems like you are a good boy and you can manage to take care of him..Please..We will keep on giving money every month.Please take care of him for us...We really need your help." Ms.Lee then get on her knees which make Jiyong quickly sit on the floor.

"Omma!What are you doing!Wake up!Its ok..Don't give me money.You need it more then me.Its ok,Seungri is like my little brother.I will take care of him like my own brother.Its ok omma.." Jiyong said then bring Ms.Lee in his hug to comfort her.

"Thank..Thank you so much Jiyong...You are such angel.." Ms.Lee said then Jiyong smile while wiping her tears.

"Omma go home first.I'll look over Seungri.Let me inform you if he wake uo ok?" Ms.Lee just nodded and kiss Jiyong forehead and pat his head lightly making he feel so warm.Seungri mom sure know how to make people feel loved.

Jiyong walk inside the room and sit on the bed beside Seungri.

"What should I do with you Seungri?You keep on falling sick and I can't do anything to stop that.I'm grateful to God I always arrived right on time to save you everytime.I'm sorry I kinda ignore you and doesn't pay attention to you few days ago..Please don't hate me..I love you.." Jiyong said then kiss his lips.Not the lover kiss,this just a peck on the lips.

Jiyong fall asleep beside the bed.

Seungri wake up looking around.

'Hospital again?' He thought then he realize Jiyong was beside him again sleeping waiting for him.

"Ji..Jiyong hyung.." Seungri said and that enough to make Jiyong wake up and check on him.

"Omo..You are awake..Is the fever already down?" Jiyong touch his forehead and focusing on it without realizing Seungri was in tears.

"Hey?Whats wrong?Tell hyung?" Jiyong ask then look into his eyes.He want to tell something.

"I am a burden again didn't I?" Seungri said looking at Jiyong in tears.

"Why am I so weak like this?Wae?Wae!?" Seungri suddenly get out of control and really angry.When he was about to pull off the IV drip Jiyong pulled him into hug and een Seungri strugling to get off his hold he keep on hugging him.

"Let me go!" He fight but then he stop strugle when Jiyong said.

"I'll never!You hear me!?I'll never let you go!" He shout then kissing Seungri head and patting his back.

"Never Seungri.." He said and let Seungri cry his heart out.

Something must be bothering him.He pile it up in his heart until he can't take it anymore.

"Hy..Hyung...omma and appa...Need..To..To move out..So..They...they are giving me away.." Seungri said then Jiyong just smile weakly.

'So he got the wrong idea.' Jiyong slowly pull away the hug and look at him smiling.

"No..They just want you feel the loved from a brother.Don't worry Seungri,you are moving in with hyung." Jiyong said then Seungri look at him shock.

"Re...really hyung?" Jiyong nodded.

"But..But my parents?" He ask sad.

"They said they will figure it out.Just untio then,you need to stay with me arraso?" Then Seungri seems sad.

"Aigoo..Don't worry I'll bring you sometime to your parents house ok?" Then Seungri smile and they make a promise.

Starting from that day,Seungri move out from his home and live with Jiyong.

Hehe....more coming soon...let's see what happen when he move to Jiyong house..Its gonna be a long day~~~

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