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Seungri open his eyes to meet empty wall and sunlight break through the window hit the room make it bright.He slowly try to wake up and look around to found Daesung was sleeping on Top leg while Youngbae rest his head on Top shoulder and Top sit there like a statue sleeping.

Seungri slowly walk off the bed and put his blanket on them seems they were like freezing.He then walk over toward Jiyong bed and look at his face.

'I must had bring so much trouble to you hyung...See you already fall sick now..Hyung...I'm really sorry..' Seungri cry silently then suddenly Jiyong pulled him into his hug.

"Why are my baby crying when he just woke up?Who make you sad Seungri?" Seungri just chuckle but still cry.

"How can you still make joke when you just fainted yesterday hyung." Seungri said hugging him back.

"Its nothing.I always faint when I work out myself too much.Are you feeling better Ri?" Jiyong said patting Seungri head which make Seungri feel like it was something he need now to go on his days.

"Hyung...i'm so sorry...I always bring trouble to you..I'm always a burden..I'm sorry..." Seungri cry talking to Jiyong.He know he bring a lots of trouble for him and the others.

"No...No...Don't talk like that...Please...Don't...I love you thats why...Just don't talk like that...Please Seungri..It hurt...Don't.." Jiyong stuttering as he remember the suicidal letter of his little brother that was telling him the same thing that he was always a burden.

Seungri rest his body in Jiyong arms cause that make he feel safe.So calm.Jiyong keep on playing with Seungri hair with his eyes close trying to forget the past.

"Jiyong...uhm..Since when did he goes there?" Youngbae ask weird after one hour of Seungri awake and he finally fall asleep again in Jiyong embrace.

"Shh...He fall asleep just now maybe too comfortable here." Just when Daesung wanna pick him up but Jiyong give him signal for not disturbing him.He let Seungri rest in his chest and not eating or moving cause scared he wake up the boy.

Just then,Seungri wake up and rubbing his eyes then he just realize everyone in the room was looking at him and when he turn around he just realize he fall asleep on Jiyong chest in his hug.He totally goes blushing and awkwardly move his position.

"Rest well maknae?I guess that chest must be really comfortable as you seem so in deep sleep." Top tease him.

"Haha...Top hyung don't tease him or he will go mad blushing again..Aigoo this boy..." Daesung said the ruffle Seungri hair.

"Hyungie..Why didn't you wake me up!You also bullying mee.." Seungri sulking while he talk to Youngbae.

"Hehe...I had no choice..Jiyong doesn't let me even touch you.He want you have enough rest.He even don't eat scared the movement wake you up." Youngbae explain  make Seungri glare at Jiyong now was making poker face.

"Hyung...You should wake me up..You need to eat that is more important then my sleep seriously..." Seungri scold him then wake up from the bed suprisingly he can't manar to stabilize his body luckily Top manage to catch him from the side of the bed.

"Watch out Seungri!You are not all heal yet!" Jiyong shout scolding Seungri for being careless about his weak body condition.

Then all of them were having breakfast together then the doctor came to check on them and good news both of the can left the hospital that day.

"But...I said to your mom I borrowed you for a week.Which means you need to stay with me for the rest of five more days." Jiyong said and Seungri just gasp but he had no choice.He can't go home now.His mom will probably be asking him lots of question.Its safe to stay with Jiyong for a while.

After waving goodbye to the other,Jiyong drove them together toward his apartment and pull of his car at the parking lot.

As both of them walk in Jiyong gasp when he found a girl sitting at the sofa of his living room with crossing leg.

"Oppa!I miss you so much!" A girl look so fashionista came toward Jiyong and Jiyong accept the hug warmly and that girl even kiss at Jiyong cheeks which make Seungri turn his face to look at other things.This is so awkward to be seen.

"Uhmm...Seungri,introduce this is Nana,my girlfriend.She just came from Japan and work as a model.Nana this is Seungri my new little brother." Nana fakingly offer her hand to greet Seungri and Seungri accept it naively then she grip Seungri hand hard make he gasp.Then she just laugh and let go of the greeting.

"Hye..I'm Nana..Nice to meet you ..Seungri" She said somewhat try to mock Seungri and Seungri didn't get it.

"Nana..What about you go home first then we meet outside?" Jiyong suggest as he feel how uncomfortable is Seungri face.

"No..Oppa I'm staying here with you.And oppa I have a surprise for you!" Nana said somehow forgetting that Seungri was there in between them.She then offer Jiyong a letter.

"What is this?" Jiyong ask as he receive the letter.

"Open it!" Nana said happy.

Jiyong open and read it.

"Omo!You are transferring to Our school!!Oh My god!I'm so happy!" Jiyong jump around then hug her but then Nana give the most scariest glare toward Seungri then smirk.

What does the smirk mean?
Now everything will turn upside down.


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