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Jiyong was now sitting on a chair infront of the emergency room and Youngbae was beside him comforting him.

"Jiyong,calm down..She gonna be alright." Youngbae patted his back then Jiyong frustratedly messing his hair with his finger.

Just the the doctor walk out with a relax expression.

"Doctor!Is she ok?She is ok right?!" Jiyong ask extremely worry.

"Patient is fine.We had sew the cut.Seem like she got stabbed right beside her kidney which is was a surprised there were no damage to her organ.We will check on her when she awake.Now you can meet her." The doctor said then Jiyong quickly rush inside the room beside Nana bed.

"Honey!Are you okey?" Jiyong ask holding tight her hand.

"Op..oppa...I'm ok..It just feel hurt a bit.." Nana said.

"I'm really glad you are ok honey!I'm gonna get it done with Seungri.He had gone too far.This was not ok anymore.I can't tolerate it if he hurt anyone I love.Wait dear,I'll be back.Bae will accompany you for a while." Jiyong kiss her forehead then run out from the room not turning back to look at her smirking face again.

"Now you are so dead Lee Seungri..Hahaha..." She laugh slow cause she still feel the pain.

On the other side,Kai was arguing not letting Seungri goes home cause he scared something might happen to him.

"No..Ri..Stay here for the night..Please..It was really dark..." Kai said pulling his hand from going out.

"I need to go Kai.I need to apologize to Jiyong!Dissapearing doesn't solved the problems!" Seungri said.

"Ok!Fine!Let me send you at least!This was already late!Its dangerous.Wait here I go take my keys and things.Wait!" Kai said then run to his room and run back out in a second.

The ride in the car was silent as none of them bother to speak or communicate.Just when he stop infront of Jiyong apartment..

"Thank you Kai..I know its kinda...Weird..But anyway..Thanks.." Seungri said the smile at him making Kai shock and quickly look away.

"Take care.Call me if something happen or you need someone ok?" Kai said then Seungri just nodded then walk out from the car waving goodbye to Kai and walk in the building.

At the hospital,Youngbae left dumbfounded when he can't find his bestfriend anywhere.

"Nana..where is Jiyong?" He ask her when he enter the room.

"Maybe searching for Seungri..You know..He hate it when someone hurt something he really loved and care." Nana said making Youngbae panic.

"I..I had got to find him!I'll ask Top to come.I'm sorry!" Youngbae shout then left the room running toward his car and drove off to Jiyong apartment.

'Jiyong!You stay there!Don't do something stupid!' Youngbae mentally hope in his mind that Seungri was't there this time or Jiyong might beat him to death.Or the other side of Jiyong might do it.

Seungri was walking toward the apartment door hoping Jiyong will forgive him when the truth is was't he the one who is doing it.It was the hypnotizer.He make up his mind before putting the spare key he have in the key hole then slide open it and push the door to meet darkness inside.He slowly step in making the sound of the closing door scared him.Just as he was searching for the switch suddenly someone talk.

"Are you back?Lee Seungri." Seungri automatically stand like a statue as he hear the voice.

"Ji..Jiyong hyung?" Seungri said then suddenly a pair of hand grab his body backward until he fall and he even drag him all the way to the living room.

"Ji!Its hurt!" Seungri said as Jiyong twist his hand.

"Why did you stab Nana?" He ask and honestly sound really mad.

"I didn't hyung!I got hypnotized!" Seungri said in the verge of crying.

"You liar!!!!" Jiyong shout then suddenly the sofa beside Seungri turned upside down luckily Seungri manage to avoid it or he will bleeding now.

"I saw!I saw it your eyes was just normal!!Why?!Why?!Why would you did something that make me want to hurt you!!" Jiyong shout again and now all the pictures hanging on the wall fall down making a broken glasses sound that scared Seungri.He was't used to all this things.He was raised being love by his parents.

"Hyung stop it!!" Seungri shout crying cause he was really scared seeing the red eyes of Jiyong.

Suddenly Seungri was thrown to the wall hardly making he out of breath and can't manage his breathe.

"Hyu...Hyungie...Hajima..Don't..Its hurt.." Seungri said weak cause he really can't take it.

Just when Jiyong was about to throw him for a second time suddenly Youngbae break through the door and shout.

"KWON SEUNGHYUN STOP!!" Youngbae shout making all the noise stop and you just can her Seungri sobbing voice.

"Seunghyun..Stop it..Jiyong won't be happy if he realize he was the one who did this.Please don't hurt him Seunghyun.." Youngbae walk slowly toward his side.

"I know you just want to protect Jiyong from being in pain.Yes you are right when Seungri stab Nana Jiyong feel the pain and sadness.." Then Jiyong body start to move back.

"But hurting Seungri also will make he feel extremely sad!!" Youngbae shout then Jiyong stop.

"He loved him so much Seunghyun...He was treating him like you..He really miss you..Please for Jiyong sake don't hurt him anymore." Youngbae said then slowly patting Jiyong back making the red eyes suddenly disappeared and Jiyong fall on the floor black out.After a few moment,he wake up and as usual he don't remember any single thing.He freak out when he saw Seungri was bleeding and laying infront of him on the floor.

"Seungri!" He shout the run toward Seungri and pick his head and put it on his thigh.

"Ri!Oh My God!I'm so sorry..I didn't mean it!Seungri!" Jiyong hug him tightly and cry his heart out.

"Seunghyun!!Why did you did this to him!!??Why!!?It was not his fault!!" Jiyong shout angry then both of him and Youngbae carry Seungri and rush him to the hospital rushingly.


Yoloo guyss..HEHE i'M updating at school now as I bring my laptop cause we had nothing to do so I'm gonna explain why sometimes Jiyong become bad Jiyong so there will be no fantasy and curiosity kill the readers.So no!HAHAHA...Actually after a few years when Seunghyun died,Jiyong did a session of calling the demon to meet his little brother cause he want to say something to him.But the things goes wrong when Seunghyun against it to leave his brother and ended up burrying his soul in Jiyong body.So he can keep on taking care of Jiyong eventhough he is dead.Don't think this is fake.It was based on a true story.Just not the part the soul burry in the body and stay there.So....Yeah..jajajaj...don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT a lots cause I love all ur comments.Kamsahamnida ^_^

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