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Five days had past so fast and today is the day Seungri need to go back to school after long holiday he take.Soon after finishing his morning routine,he walk outside his house then look around.

He somehow feel something pain in his heart when he can't fin the SUV that usually park every morning infront of his house before going to school and he will be greet with all his hyung.Seungri check his phone and no calls or message from anyone.

'Maybe hyung a bit late.Should I wait?Or should I walk to school?'

Seungri ended up waiting infront of the house like almost one hour then he realize they were not coming.He quickly take his steps toward the school with pain in his heart.But he keep on reminding himself.

'Don't expect.Expectation always hurt.He can't expect Jiyong and the other will be with him whenever he want.That is the reality.Up until now he was a nobody.' Seungri shrug off the thinking as he feel raindrop fall on his body then soon become cat and dog.He quickly run toward the school and finally get shelter under the school roof but unfortunately his clothes all wet and he feel so cold.

"Really...Cold..." Seungri mutter while hugging himself try to find some heat.

Then suddenly he feel a thick jacket was put on his head and it manage to cover the whole body.He turn around to find his enemy Kai,was there but his face was somehow unsure.

Seungri quickly distance himself scared cause now he was alone and nobody was there to help him if something happen.

"Don't be scared...I..You look cold...Use the jacket..I hear that you just got out from the hospital..Uhm...Bye.." Kai said then suddenly make a dissapearance in the crowd leave Seungri left there dumbfounded.

'Did something hit his head or he eat something weird?Is he just take care of me?' Seungri ask himself can't believe the fact his predators help him and even know he was just out of the hospital.

"Maybe I judge him too fast..I should be more careful." Seungri said to himself and adjusting the jacket on his body so he won't feel that cold.

He walk toward the main entrance at school to saw Daesung,Youngbae and Top was walking with each other and talking about something fun.He run toward them and quickly greet them happily.

"Good morning hyungie.." He said smiling and all of them just smile toward the happy boy infront them.Just then all the student focus to the entrance door and there come Jiyong,Seungri saviour.When Seungri just about to run toward him,he steps stop when suddenly he was offering his hand to another person from the door.Then suddenly,Seungri just remember about Nana entering their school.

"Oh My God!!Nana long time no see!" Top shout excited.

"Nana noona how are you doing?" Daesung ask.

"Whatzup Nana.." Youngbae greet her with his rapper style.

"Guys,she will be transferring to this school!!" Jiyong shout happy and he don't even realize Seungri was behind the three of them looking down cause he wasn't greeting him like usual.

'You are nobody Seungri.Act correctly.You guys just normal friend.' Seungri mentally noted himself then lift up his head then he saw that scene again.

The scene seems so happy and fun and with him being there was just a blackhole.All of them know each other so well but there he is standing there like a statue and he actually feel a bit hurt that nobody give attention to him.

Seungri decide to walk aback and leave the group alone as his heart can't seem to take the pain of the view he was seeing.

He walk inside the classroom then walk toward a one space left in a crowded people then sit there.He want to avoid all of them sitting near him and he was feeling weird why did he feel like that.

When all of them enter the room they look toward Seungri that sit in crowded place eventhough there was a lots of another empty space.Seungri pretend to read some books to keep his eyes from looking at the most famous group at school.

He feel more pain in his body when none of them wmcame to him and ask him what happen.Maybe they thought he want to study who know.

When recess come,all of them come toward Seungri as usual.

"Seungri!Let's go to the canteen today,we can show the building around for Nana too." Jiyong said happy.

"Uhm..Its ok...I wanna study..Exam is just around the corner.Excuse me." Seungri said then walk away but Daesung grab his wrist to avoid him going but suddenly Seungri flinch his hand away hard make all of them shock.

"Don't touch me!" Seungri shout but then suddenly he regret it when he look at how surprise their face is.

"I'm..I'm sorry..Enjoy your food and tour." He said then run away from them.

Youngbae was waiting for Jiyong to run for him because both him and his bestfriend know Seungri cutting habit.And the place Daesung grab was exactly his wrist.If it hurt then he must be had done it yesterday which mean he had problems.But surprisingly Jiyong said Seungri maybe need some time alone for himself and he tell Daesung not to feel hurt with what happen.

Seungri run toward the rooftop with his head keep on turning back seeing if anyone follow him.Then suddenly he hit into a person and completely fall on that person that land on the floor back flat.

"I'm..I'm sorry...Are you ok?" Seungri ask that person but then he stop when he found that person was Kai.Again,he step aback.Scared again.

"I'm sorry..Are you hurt somewhere?" He ask then help Seungri to stand up.

"No..No..I'm..I'm ok.." Seungri said but then when he land his right leg on the floor he feel pain at the ankle and fail to stabilize his body.Luckily Kai catch him right in the time.

"I think..You hurt your ankle." Kai said worry then suddenly he bend his body and touch Seungri leg to see.

"Its swollen..We need to go to the infirmary..Can you walk?" He ask and Seungri nodde md but he trip himself when he was just about to move one step ahead.

Then Kai lift him up in bridal style and put his jacket on his face.

"Kai!What are you.." Seungri said loud cause of the sudden physical contact.

"Shh...Keep silent if you dont want my fangirls run into your life again and kill you." Kai said seems like scolding but he can still feel the feeling of caring in his voice.He was worry about Seungri and he feeling really weird about it.


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