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Youngbae was awake at 3 am to find no sight of Seungri on the bed.He forcefully wake up his body and rubbing his eyes trying to figure out where is Seungri in his mind.He look beside the bed to see if Seungri fall on the floor but he was not there.He then lazily walk toward the bathroom inside the room and knock to it.

"Seungri...Are you in there?" He said but no response.He twist open the door to see nobody there and its unlocked.Youngbae start to feel anxious.

"Ri?Seungri?" Youngbae shout a bit when he was walking out from the room to the living room but it was dark.He open the light but he can't find Seungri anywhere.

He run toward the kitchen then searching ever single corner of the apartment but he still can't find him.Just then he feel like he step on a water.

"Did I splash water here?" Youngbae thought to himself and right after he look down,he was left in horror when it was not water.It was red.It was blood.

Youngbae panickly searching where it come from and he look at the bathroom door.Its dripping from there.He quickly open the door but unsuccessful cause it was locked.

"Seungri!!Seungri hang in there!Can you hear me!?" Youngbae bump his muscle body to the door and successfully break the door to saw a horrible scene in his life.

Seungri was laying lifeless on the floor.Blade was left beside his wrist while the blood was staining the wall,floor and sink.

Youngbae feel blank when he look at everything but he came back to his sense when he saw Seungri body.

"Seungri!!" He shout panic then run into the bloody bathroom ignoring if it stained his shirt.

"Ri??Hey wake up!!Why did you do this!!You promise me right Seungri!!Oh my Lord...Save him!!Lord give him some strength!" Youngbae shout and crying crazily while trying to call the ambulance while checking on his pulse.

"Hyung!!Hyung...Its...its Rii....He...He suicide.." Youngbae said trying to maintain his crying and cracking voice to Top that was now dragging Daesung to the hospital.

"Ri..Please...Please...Why did you do this??Why?!You can tell me if you have problems...You don't have to do all this!Why are you hurting yourself!" Youngbae shout sad mix with angry with Seungri decision.

Seungri body was run to the emergency room and Youngbae collapsed in Top embrace to shock to see Seungri condition.
Youngbae was treat by the nurse accompany by Daesung while Top waiting infront of the emergency room for Seungri.He try to reach Jiyong while waiting but he won't answer his phone at all.

Just as he was frustrated ruffling his hair the doctor came out with a serious expression make he feel more stress.

"Is him ok?How about my little brother doctor?" He ask trying to settle the stress down for a while.

"Patient...He..Lost lots of blood which lead to his body system failed to process his body rightly which make few of his organs failed to work out.We..Are really sorry..We had try our best to help him..But we receive him too late.And his absent of taking his leukemia medicines effect cells in his brain which can lead to brain failure.We are really sorry,but we can't do anything..His body was really weak and the percentage of drop dead during surgery was high so we can't do it...we hope..You can be ready for the worse.." The doctor patted Top shoulder that was now look like a person that just receive a dead news.

"Doctor..What..What organ failed to work?" Top ask cracking up.

"Both of his kidneys,his liver and his heart was damaged too..We are sorry sir..We had try our best." The doctor said then Top just fall sit on the chair can't handle the shock.

"No....Seungri...What happen??..Why?Can you tell me why?" Top ask himself crying.

In the other side of the place,Jiyong start to feel anxious and thinking maybe he was being too hard with Seungri.

"I think its too rough..I shouldn't did that...Damn it...All of this are driving me crazy!" Jiyong wake up from his laying position and shout angry.

Just then he stop when he hear a voice.The voice he had been missing so much.

"Seungri?" Jiyong turn his head to the left side to see Seungri sitting on his bed calmly and somehow glowing.

"What are you doing here?How did you get in here?" Jiyong ask starting to feel weird cause usually if people come he can hear either the bell or door code being pushed.

"I'm here...to say goodbye..Forever.." Seungri said smiling at Jiyong.

"What..What do you mean forever?" Jiyong try to hold his hand but somehow its was like a wind.He can't feel nothing.His eyes goes wide.He try again and again to reach Seungri but its nothing.He can't be touch now.

"Ri??Ri...What happen?!Why can't I touch you!?" Jiyong shout scared and shock.

"I'm...dead hyung...What you see...Just my soul..." Seungri said smiling faintly.

"What???No...Seungri don't play with me!Seungri!" Jiyong shout trying again to hold him.

"Hyung...You know the day you came into my life,was the best day of my life..The day I had a friend to talk to after a long time..I feel saved cause you always there comforting me...I thought you won't leave..But you left me just like that...Without any reason you hate me...I'm sorry I just know that all this time I was a burden to you..I'm sorry...neh hyung?" Seungri said tearing but smiling.

"Ri!No!It all a lie!Please!Don't leave me!!Please I beg you!Seungri!!" Jiyong shout crying hysterically.

"I thought hyung won't hurt me...But its turn out that...Hyung was the reason I suicide...I won't blame you hyungie..cause everything happen always had been my faults.Always me...Right hyung?" Seungri said weak.

"No...Seungri don't go...I'm the one who wrong here..oh my God...I'm so sorry Seungri..Please...I did all that to make you hate me....cause I'm scared my dad will hurt you if he know about you...I'm really sorry Seungri...Please forgive me and don't do like this to me...I...I had lost Seunghyun...I can't afford to lose you too..." Jiyong mumble weak trying to beg Seungri.

"You will get Seunghyun back hyung...When my soul are gone...I will take all the pain away...and he will reborn as a new people..He will be Seunghyun and he will accompany you...Forever..." Seungri smile faintly.

"No..Seungri don't do that...You can't leave me like this...Please....I'm sorry Ri...Please don't do this to me...." Jiyong cry trying to get Seungri hand and suddenly he can.

"For the last time...Goodbye Jiyong hyung...Until now and forever..You are my saviour...Thank you hyung..Life happily.." Seungri lean over to Jiyong and kiss his forehead like how he use to did to him and then he patted his head which make Jiyong cry hard.

"Ri..Noo!Don't Go!!Ri ahh!!!!!" Jiyong shout when Seungri touch left him and he can see with his eyes Seungri was fading into the light that was shining in his room and just like that he dissapear from his world.

"Now you got me hyung..." Jiyong turn to his left side to see Seunghyun.His little brother real face not more hiding in Seungri.

"Hyun...Why didn't you stop him?!" Jiyong shout angry to himself..

"I can't...I had try when he slit the blade on his wrist and take his own life..But its reminding me of my past hyung...Even i feel down with the voices in his head..It was really hard..His voices was far more dangerous then mine...I was also drowning in my thought...I can't afford it to help him out else he was the one who drag me in." Seunghyun said and tears can be see forming in his eyes corner.

"Why...Why did I do all this to him!?I shouldn't !!" Jiyong shout angry and was struggling on the bed.

"Hyung...If I said I can bring Seungri back...Would you promise me to take care of him and never hurt him anymore?Can you promise me that no matter what happen you won't left him alone?"

Seunghyun said suddenly making Jiyong look at him curious.

Hyunnie....What are you doing....Oh my gosh I feel so cruel writing this story to be honest...Huhuhuhu

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