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The next day,Xiumin accompany Seungri to the school to send the dropping out leeter to the teacher and finish his last day as a student.

When they reach the school Seungri just blankly stand infront of the building and look around sad.

'This time..Will be the last time I step to this school..I really happy because I won't get bullied anymore..But..This place contain lots of memories of Jiyong,of us.' Seungri thought then Xiumin hold his hand comforting him.

"Come on..Let's go inside." Seungri nodded and lead Xiumin to walk inside the school while his eyes roaming around the building.

Seungri walk at the main school entrance and look at the lone hallway since all the students were in the classroom studying.

"This is the way to the office and to my classroom." Seungri said and Xiumin can sense sadness in his eyes.When they reach the classroom,Seungri just peak through the hole and see how everyone was enjoying but he can't see Daesung,Top and Youngbae.

"Wow..You should go inside and say goodbye Seungri.All of them will be missing you." Xiumin said and Seungri smile faded.

"We don't have to..I don't have friends in my school and nobody even remember my full name I guess.Am i even important here?" Seungri walk toward the office leaving Xiumin feeling guilty following him.

After an hour of getting lecture,Seungri and Xiumin came out with Xiumin holding Seungri.He realize Seungri body seems limping around when he walk and he walk like a stone was tied around his leg.So heavy step.

"Come on..Let's get you back home ok?Can you walk Seungri?" Seungri just nodded but suddenly his body fail to stabilize and Xiumin manage to catch him.

"Hey?Is something wrong?Is anything hurting?" Xiumin ask worried looking at Seungri pain expression.

"I..I feel so dizzy...I can't see clearly..." Seungri said giving up on being strong because he really can't manage it.

"Its ok..We will get you medicine.Let me piggy back you to the shop back alright?" Xiumin help Seungri to get on his back and carry him home to their cafe with Seungri head resting on his shoulder.

After a few hours of sleeping,Seungri wake up to meet his and Xiumin room.He slowly grab the painkiller before the pain strike him back and eat it.He sigh and feel down when he realize his body was starting to functioning wrong.He is dying.

Seungri shrug the thought of dying and hope to enjoy the remaining time of his life with this family.He want to fight to the end.Even if the end mean he will die.

Seungri wash his face and get ready to go downstairs for his work at the cafe.He decide not to use his sickness as the reson for him to not doing anything.

He walk down being greet shockly by everyone downstairs.

"Seungri?Why are you down here?You are supposed to have a rest." Chen said feeling worry at how pale he had become this pass days.

"Its ok..I'm feeling better.I'm all recharged up!" Seungri said smiling and do his chores like he wasn't sick.Most of the customers here was becoming a regular one because of the heart warming smile of Seungri.

Lay was happy his cafe was doing well but he feel bothersome with hard head Seungri.He had told him to have a rest but he insist on helping all of them down here.
He had told everyone to keep an eye to him and make sure he was ok.

When Seungri was serving the food to the tables,he feel dizzy and suddenly the plates he had been holding drop down and the bad news is the customers was freaking angry.

"How did you even get to work here?!You just piece of shit!Look what you done to the food!" He shout standing up and Seungri panicly bow down to pick up the broken pieces.

Xiumin run toward him and held his hand away from collecting the pieces.

"Its ok..Its ok Seungri..I'm here..Its ok..Lay hyung won't get angry alright?" Xiumin said comforting Seungri that in verge of tears.

"What are you guys talking to each other?!So rude of you!!Call the manager!!" He shout then was about to step on Seungri hand but Chen came out of nowhere and push him back making he fall back on the chair.

"Don't touch that boy.We can pay back your money." Chen said stern and serious.

Xiumin hold Seungri a bit far away when he try to calm down the customer.

"Its ok...Chen can solved it.." Xiumin said ensuring him.

"You son of a bitch!!" Suddenly that guy pick the knife that used to cut the meat then swaying it at Chen who was walking away to call Lay.

"Chen watch out!!!" Lisa shout then Chen quickly turn around but he didn't feel the cut.He open his eyes to see Seungri standing infront of him,protecting his back with his hand that was bleeding badly because of the knife sway.

"God Seungri!!!" Xiumin shout as Seungri sit on the floor feeling dizzy.

"You bitch!!!How dare you hurt him!?" Chen furiously hit the guy until he was half alive.

"Seungri..Seungri keep awake.." Xiumin said while Lisa was running toward then with Lay beside him.

"Oh my God!What happen?!Seungri?Hey wake up?!" Lay shake his body hard but Seungri faint since he lost lots of blood even after Xiumin tied his scarf to stop the bleeding.

Xiumin carry him in bridal style while Lay start the car engine.Lisa and Xiumin were left to look over the cafe.Lay drove like a racer while Xiumin was hugging Seungri body tightly praying that he will be ok.

Guys...Vote please...I saw some new readers comment but not voting..So sad...😢

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