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Seungri walk in his house getting greeting from his mom warmly.

"Welcome back dear," But his mom stop when she look at Seungri face.

"Ri?Are you okey?Are you sick?" His mom quickly put his hand on Seungri forehead.

"Omma...I'm..I'm tired.." Seungri said weak then hug his mother even tired to stand by himself.

"Oh My God!Dear you are having fever!Come on let's get you to the room ok?" His mom said worry then help Seungri walk to his room and lay on the bed to rest.

"Wait here,omma gonna cook porridge for you.Rest ok?" Ms.Lee said after putting a wet towel on his forehead.

Seungri try to open his eyes but it feel so heavy and hot.He can feel his eyes was tearing up since it was so hot.In the end Seungri fall asleep cause he feel pain in his body.

"Ri?Ri wake up..The porridge had cook." Ms.Lee shake his son gently making Seungri eyes flutter open and look around.

"Om..Omma?What time..It is?" Seungri ask while sit down on the bed with his mom help.

"It was 10pm dear.Let me feed you some porridge ok?Dad will be back soon bringing medicines alright?" His mom said then continue feeding him.

"Omma..Its ok..Don't waste the money on me...We can use it for the daily food..Don't waste it on me..." Seungri said sad.

"Shh..Money for your medicines never waste Seungri.We can find money by working,but we can't manage to lose our one and only son alright?Both of us love you so much." Ms.Lee said then kiss Seungri forehead making Seungri feel calm.

"Now have a rest.Omma will be here ok?Sleep baby boy.." Ms.Lee said then pat Seungri to sleep.

Then Mr.Lee arrived home,after locked the door he quickly run toward Seungri room and open it to see his wife was putting wet towel on his forehead and there,the most person he love after his wife,Lee Seungri his son was laying on the bed with swollen face.

"Is his fever high?" Mr.Lee ask then sit on the bed.

"Its kind of high..I had been putting this wet towel since two hours ago.But,somehow nothing change..You bought the medicines?" Mr.Lee then take out the pills he bought then Ms.Lee help waking Seungri up to eat his medicines.

"Omma..Appa..You guys should sleep..You must be tired through the day..Its ok..I'm alright.." Seungri said after seeing the tired and exhausted face on both of his parent.

"But..." Ms.Lee got cut by Seungri.

"Its ok omma..I'll call you if I need anything ok?" Seungri said then after his parent kiss his forehead they left the room.

"Omma will check on you every hours ok?" Seungri nodded then they closed the door.
After his was positive both of them was already asleep,he quickly run his weak body to the toilet then vomit out everything he eat and it was a mixing between the porridge and blood.

Seungri sat on the cold tile floor trying to slow down his voice and endure the pain in his head and body.He feel like steaming.

He then clean up the mess and go to his bed and then black out.

The next morning,his mom don't allow Seungri goes to school seems he look too pale and his lips were so dry.He look like a dead person so they decide to let Seungri stay at home today eventhough that boy refuse.

At school,as usual everyone arrived through the main entrance and Youngbae,Jiyong,Daesung and Top was looking around but none of them found Seungri.

"Maybe he already in the class." Daesung said then all of them just walk to their class but they left standing there dumbfounded when they can't find Seungri anywhere.

Just then the teacher enter the room making all of them sit at their place.

"Taehyun-sshi..Can you collect all the homework today and pass it to Lee Seungri at his house?He can't attend the class because he was not feeling well." The teacher said making Jiyong suddenly lost his focus and keep thinking what happen to Seungri.

"Yes sir..I'll do it." Taehyun reply then the class start.The day went a lot faster then they thought.

During the time to go home,Jiyong was rushing cause he want to go to Seungri house and check on him.He felt something bad happen to him.

It was almost 8 pm then he reach the house after getting ready before goes there.He ring the bell and his mom open the door smiling.

"Oh..Welcome Jiyong-Sshi..What make you come here?Is everything ok?" Ms.Lee said then invite Jiyong come in.

"Uhm..I was kinda..Did Seungri sick?" He ask.

"Yeah..fever and its kinda high..So i didn't let him go to school.Don't worry he will be ok." Ms.Lee said but Jiyong can sense worry in her voice.

"Can I visit him?" Ms.Lee just smile and point Seungri room and she let Jiyong visit him while she doing the dishes.

Jiyong push open the door and look at Seungri that was laying weakly on the bed.He walk fast and sit on the bed beside him.He try to wake him up.

"Ri...Seungri?Jiyong hyung is here..Seungri?" He shake Seungri gently but Seungri just respond it with a his fluttering eyes.

'Ji..Jiyong hyung?Am I dreaming?' Seungri thought as he can see and hear Jiyong but somehow he feel too heavy in his mouth to speak.

Jiyong quickly put his hand on Seungri forehead and he jump out shock.

"Ri!You are burning!" Jiyong then quickly bring out his personal termometer then use it on Seungri.

"Ji..Jiyong..Hy..Hyung.." Seungri said really weak.

"This can't be!Its 42.6°C!Let's go to the hospital!" Jiyong automatically carry the limp Seungri in bridal style and rush out from his room to the front door to meet shock Ms.Lee.

"What hapoen Jiyong!?Where are you bringing him!?" She ask super worried.

"Aunty!We need to get him to the hospital!His temperature was 42.6°C and its dangerous!" Ms.Lee then quickly grab her things and lock the house then followed Jiyong SUV to bring Seungri to the hospital.

"Hold on Ri..Hang in there...We are almost there.." Jiyong keep on mumbling all the supporting words at Seungri.

"Hy..Hyung...Col..Cold.." Seungri whine and try to hug Jiyong more tightly and Jiyong can feel his body shaking.

"Hang on..Hyun..." Jiyong said tears in his face as he remember his little brother in times like this.


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