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Youngbae walk over to the room after finish cooking to call Seungri to eat for his dinner.
He need to get Seungri eat something and must did that or Seungri will actually fall sick again.When Youngbae enter the room he heard Seungri vomitting in the bathroom.He run quickly toward the bathroom and push it.

"Seungri!!" Youngbae shout shock then run beside him.

Seungri was sitting on the floor and vomitting inside the toilet bowl and it was blood.

"Ri??!Answer me!Are you ok?Ri!?" Youngbae shake Seungri fast and Seungri just blinking his eyes.

"Did you eat your medicines today Ri!?" When Seungri shake his head Youngbae was like a wind quickly run to get the water and medicines for him.He quickly carry him up in bridal style and put him on the bed.He give him the medicines then lay his body on the bed.

"Ri...Please...Take care of your body...Jiyong will kill me if you fall sick again..Please everyone was really care about you..Please.." Youngbae beg then kiss Seungri cold hand.

"He won't comeback." Suddenly Seunghyun appear.

"Hyun?" Youngbae ask shock cause he already didn't see him long time ago.

"Hyun where is Ri?" Youngbae ask starting to worry.

"Jiyong hyung is killing him.Bae hyung...You need to find Jiyong hyung fast." Seunghyun said then hold Youngbae hand with both of his hand.

"Hyun...Why?What happen?" Youngbae ask start to feel uneasy.

"Seungri is falling sick again.I can feel that his body slowly become weak.And he no longer wanna talk to me anymore.I just can saw his soul crying every moment.I am really worry hyung.." Seunghyun said and fears can really be heard in his voice.

When Seunghyun fall asleep Youngbae take this chance to contact Jiyong but now more worse he change his contact number.

"Kwon Jiyong are you kidding me?!" Youngbae shout frustratedly then throw the phone angry.

Then suddenly Top call Youngbae phone and he quickly pick him up.

"Bae!I heard from my parents that Jiyong was managing his parents company and he was being the CEO changing with his dad." Top said.

"Top?How?What do you mean?!Jiyong won't do this to us!He even change his phone number!" Youngbae said almost crying.

"He might have his own reason.His dad was really a tricky person." Top said and Youngbae just frustratedly sit down on the sofa and hang up the call.

The next day,Youngbae decide to went to the Kwon Company and bringing Seungri cause he was whining to go cause he miss Jiyong so much.

When they enter the room Jiyong look at them with shock but then he try to maintain his face.

"Jiyong hyung!" Seungri said smiling and was about to run and hug him but then he stop.

"Stop there!" Jiyong shout angry.

"Jiyong...Hyung?" Seungri said scared with the shout.

"What do you guys want until all the way here?!" Jiyong shout and seriously sound angry.

"Jiyong!Stop all this.What are you trying to do?!" Youngbae shout angry.

"Do you need to keep clinging onto me Lee Seungri?!Can't you take care of your ownself!?Did I always have to be your hero?!Fucking take care of your ownself cause I'm tired of it!" Jiyong shout angry then he throw the mug on his table to the floor near Seungri make he jump and hide behind Youngbae crying and shock.

"Jiyong!!He come all the way here cause he was freaking worry about you!Where had you been?!" Youngbae shout and angry to see how he was treating Seungri.

"I'm managing my company now!And I already drop out from the school long time ago.I no longer wanna play with you guys!I'm a CEO now.I don't need rubbish like you." Youngbae run toward Jiyong and punch him making Seungri fall on the floor really scared.He never know that soft Youngbae and lovely Jiyong can be this aggresive.

"You piece of shit Jiyong!!" Youngbae shout holding Jiyong collar.

"Hyun..Hyungie...." Seungri cry and call both of them make both of them look to him.

"Se..Seungri....Hyu..Hyung really sorry...I..I shouldn't show all this to you..." Youngbae let go of Jiyong and run to Seungri to hold him cause he was shaking crazily.

"Ri?Are you ok?" Youngbae ask worry.

"Look..Look...See you are too weak.Just looking at all this you are already shaking?Weak..Dumbass..Stupid..take care of your ownself Lee Seungri..I won't take care of you cause it was tiring...And I had enough of happiness playing with you.I'm bored of you now so goodbye." Jiyong said and Youngbae was about to run toward him and punch him to death but Seungri grab his hand and shake his head.

"Don't...Bae hyung.." Seungri said then Youngbae sigh heavily and then look over at Jiyong for one last time.

"Jiyong...If something happen to Seungri..Then you will realize...you hurt him..The way you hurt your little brother..And Seunghyun was really dissapointed in you." Youngbae said then help Seungri to walk out.

'I'm sorry Seungri...I...I need to...I'm scared if I play around..My dad will did something to all of you..I love you guys so much..I'm really sorry..' Jiyong fall on the chair and hit his head to the table cause he can't believe he said all that to Seungri.

Back to Youngbae and Seungri,Youngbae try to sooth Seungri and trying to cheer him up but he failed.Seungri was completely hurt and in pain with Jiyong words.

When they were back at Jiyong apartment,Seungri walk toward the room and hide himself in the blanket.Youngbae decide to give him sometimes to be alone.

'Hyungie....I miss you...Please come back..Im sorry...Don't leave me...' Seungri thought crying while hugging the pillow Jiyong usually sleep on.

Youngbae enter the room after a few hours to see Seungri still hiding under the blanket.

"Ri...come lets eat something..Hyung had cooked porridge..You haven't eat since this morning..Come.." Youngbae walk slowly then wait for him to respond or wake up but nothing come.

"Ri?" He call then lift up the blanket to see Seungri was hiding his face in the pillow and sleeping.He just smile and sigh cause Seungri was so cute.When he was about to call him,he hold his hand and it was soo cold.

'Wait..He did turn on the heater..Why would he be this cold.' Youngbae quickly hold his forehead.

"Damn it..Ri!!Wake up!!Ri!?" Youngbae quickly turn him around to find Seungri panting heavily.

"Hy..hyung..I'm..I'm cold.." Seungri said weak.

"Ri!!Hold on I'll get the jacket!We need to go to the hospital.Wait!" Youngbae run to pick the jacket then wrap it around Seungri then rush him to the hospital fast as he can in bridal style.


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