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The friendship between them going well and people said life not always fun and happy.Due to the popularity of four of them,Seungri keep on getting a lots of hates letter every morning when he open his locker.Of course nobody have the strength to bully him either.But,this letter,he open it and read it.Most of them wrote Seungri will just make their reputation goes bad.How their position is,how rich of their family is,how big their connectivity is.Seungri hate all this.And the most he hate when people said he try to take advantage on them since he was poor.

He thought all this won't bother him,but he was wrong,since he got the letters,he keep on avoiding them,avoid to be in the same group,run away during recess time to nowhere.

"Guys,did you realize nowadays Seungri seems like running away from us?" Top said out of nowhere.

"Yeah..He seems like..Scared to be seen with us." Youngbae said sound worry.

"Maybe someone threaten him to do so?" Daesung said out of nowhere make all of them get instant worry.

"Yah!Don't say like that!Thats make all of us even worry!" Top smack his head.

"I'm just saying hyung!" Daesung said sulk cause he got hit by him.

Youngbae look over to Jiyong that had been crazy calling Seungri cellphone since just now.His face show how worry is him.He want to protect Seungri,but he know he can't be with him 24/7.

"I've got to go somewhere.See you guys in class.Bye!" Jiyong said suddenly then rush out to nowhere who know.

"Wait!" Daesung was about to stop him but he was more faster.

"Where did he go so suddenly?" Top ask while sipping on his coffee.

"Seungri of course." Youngbae said smirk then both of them look at each other and just smile looking at smirking Youngbae.

Back to Jiyong,he run toward Seungri that was now surrounded by Cl,Dara,Bom and Minzy that was now grabbing his collar.

"Stop!" All of them stop to look at him and Minzy quickly let go of him and they look so about to get angry.

"Can you just once don't interrupt in our bussiness and fun?" CL question him sound irritated.

"Get lost from here before i broke your hand for touching Seungri!!!" Jiyong shout angry make the girls step aback and quickly run away to see this side of Jiyong.

Jiyong turn to look at Seungri,and right now his eyes was red.

"Ji..Jiyong hyung.." Seungri stutter then suddenly Jiyong hit the locker beside his head make Seungri close his eyes and hug himself scared.

"DON'T.YOU.DARE.TO.IGNORE.ME.AGAIN." Jiyong said but this somehow not his voice.
Jiyong then suddenly grab Seungri wrist hard.

"Owh!Jiyong hyung!!Its hurt!" Seungri gasp almost cry when Jiyong touch his wrist that he had just cut yesterday.

Suddenly,Jiyong eyes turn into green in matter of second.Then his eyes wandering around to see scared Seungri looking at him.

"Seungri?I'm..I'm sorry..Is it hurt?" Jiyong ask stuttering as he feel nightmare to see Seungri crying and frightened face.

"I'm sorry..Seungri I'm really sorry...I just can't see people bully you..I'm sorry.." Jiyong pulled Seungri in his hug and let Seungri pour all the scared and humilation feeling he get in his heart.

Jiyong then pulled both of their body into a janitor room and lock it.

"Jiyong..We..I have class.." Seungri said worry.

"Shhh....Its ok..I'll ask the guys to help you with study..Have some sleep ok?I know how you had been lacking in sleep with your eyebag.I'll be here..Its ok.." He said patting Seungri head and let the boy rest his head on Jiyong chest and hug in Jiyong arm.

Just after the bell ringing signalling that all the students had gone to the classroom,Jiyong pick Seungri up in bridal style and put on his jacket on him to hide his identity.

He bring him to his car and put him slowly at the passenger sit and drove him to his house.After pull off at the parking,he again carry him in bridal style until he reach his room and slowly tug him under the blanket and make the room comfortable.

He walk himself to the kitchen to make some food for Seungri after he wake up.

After 6 hours of sleeping,Seungri slowly open his eyes and feel so fresh.Just he about to wake up,he feel a pair of hand was hugging him from behind.He turn his body to see Jiyong sleeping while his head was inhaling Seungri smell.

"Jiyong..Hyung?" Seungri call him and he eyes shot open with a smile on his face.

"Hey sleepybeauty.Had enough sleep?" Jiyong ask.

"What time is it?" Seungri ask.

"Its nearing 10." Jiyong said relax and suddenly Seungri jump off the bed.

"What!I need to go home!I will get my parents worry." He said while trying to gather up all his things.

"Hey,hey its ok.I already contact your mum as she call you cellphone around 6 just now.She said its ok and told me to take care of you well cause you are different." Jiyong said then wake up from the bed and walking toward Seungri.

"But..I.." Seungri got cut by Jiyong.

"Your mum sound happy." He smile and make Seungri look down.

'Of course she will be happy.Its had been long time since I hang out and stay at friend home.' Seungri thought sad.

"You know,you are always welcome here anytime you want.Make it your second home.I don't care.Just came here if you need anything ok?" Jiyong said hug him from behind and patted his head lightly which make he feel calm.

"Go take a bath.I will warm up the food.I left the clothes on the table.Make yourself at home ok?" Jiyong said then walk out from the room toward the kitchen.

Seungri slipped off all his clothes and walk into the tub and his eyes wandering around the room.

'This place is like a palace.All the things he used was expensive and branded.Even a tub?They are true.This guys was far beyond my level.They are really rich.' Seungri thought sadly and wash off his body then walk out from the room toward the table and wear the clothes.Just then he realize something.

"Seungri?Are you ready?Can I come in?" Suddenly Jiyong knock on the door room make Seungri goes panic and quickly slide in the bed and wrap the blanket around his body.

Jiyong enter the room and look at him weird.

"Seungri?Why are you still in bed?" Jiyong ask weird.

"I...Uhm...Can you give me long sleeves shirt?I don't...Use showing lots of..Skin to strangers.." Seungri said stuttering and finally Jiyong got the idea what he was trying to hide.

He have long sleeves shirt,but he decide to test Seungri until he show it to him.

"What do you mean strangers Ri?You had know me like a few months.And you shouldn't  follow strangers to their house isn't it?" Jiyong said hurt.

"No..I mean..Its been long time seen i show my skin..I'm not comfortable." Seungri said try to hide it.

"Oh come on,I know you can.And it was summer.It will be really hot for long sleeves.Come on let me see your skin.Let me be the special person alright?" Jiyong said the slide off the blanket away from Seungri.

"Hyung!No!" Seungri shout but it was too late.Jiyong face was now look so surprise and scared to death.

'I'm done.He gonna hate me.' Seungri thought sad.


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