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The next day,the same routine happen but today Jiyong got a terrible hangover and he was like really sick but he still need to go to work which make Youngbae feel like killing his dad.

"Its ok Bae..I'm fine...Just..Look over Seungri.." Jiyong said tying his tie tiredly.Seungri was now wearing his sock while thinking of yesterday event.

"Seungri??Are you ready?We will be going to school now." Youngbae walk inside the room dragging Seungri to reality.

"Ri...If you do have some problems,you can tell me..You know I'm always here ok?" Youngbae said while he was droving them to school and Seungri just nodded.

When they were in class,Seungri phone suddenly vibrating and he cautiously open the message and read it.

From : Private Number
Meet me at your school old toilet now.Don't tell anyone or else you lovely Jiyong hyung will get in trouble if you know what I mean.
I know all about what happen to his brother Seunghyun.So if you want things keep safe.Follow my order.

Seungri breathe out heavily and panic.He can't let Seunghyun dead was because of suicide.If it happen,the whole Kwon Company will get into a big trouble.Seungri make a decision and excuse himself from the class.

"Uhmm...Excuse me sir but can I go to the toilet?" Seungri said suddenly dragging all the attention to him.

"Yes Lee..You may go.." The teacher said and Seungri rushingly leaves the class and went to the places stated by the message.

He walk in slowly avoid making to much noise.

"Hel..hello?Anybody here?" Seungri said trying to find any sign of human.But instead he just found a box and a tape and he played it.

"I guess I didn't make a mistake when I choose you Lee Seungri.Hahahahaha...Right now in this box,you can see a key to the examination room.Now,I want you to take it,went to the examination room and take the answer paper for next term exam and keep it until I contact you back.Don't did something stupid Seungri.I know every single detail of Jiyong and yours life.Beware."

The tape end and Seungri try to play it again but it was the once played tape.Once you played,there is no second round.

"I..I can't do this..This is wrong..It will be a big issue if I get caught..It will be a problem to Jiyong hyung..But..If i didn't follow it he will expose his background.What should I do?" Seungri was battling with his mind.

'No...I can't fall into the trap..This person is just playing around..Yes..I should not fall in the trap..Let's just leave all this here.' Seungri decide to decline the order and left all the things there without touching it.

He went back to his classroom and resume the class like nothing happen.When all of them were walking back,Seungri went back home accompany with Youngbae while Daesung and Top goes back together.

"See you tommorow Seungri!" Daesung said happily and he wave back to him but in his mind he still keep on thinking about the order.

'Should I tell Youngbae hyung about this?' Seungri was battling with his mind but then he said again.

'You can handle it Seungri..Grow up this is just a small matter.' Seungri thought and forget about the intention to tell Youngbae.

When they were in the drive to send Seungri back,Youngbae received a phone call by Top.

"What?!" Youngbae suddenly brake the car making Seungri shock and somehow his heart feel a bit hurt cause of the attack.

"Auch..Hyung...What happen.." Seungri said closing his eyes feeling the pain.

"Top and Daesung got into accident.Someone broke their tire.We need to go to the hospital.Daesung faint and a bit serious since he avoid Top from hitting the stereng..God.." Youngbae panicly turn the car direction and drove fast to the hospital direction.

Seungri feel uneasy and he decide to check his phone and there was a message from the private number again.

From : Private Number
I guess Daesung might be momentary dead?Hahaha..I told you to not play with me.I can do better then this.This is just a warning.Follow or all of your hyung are in danger,Lee Seungri.

Seungri put down his phone in horror.That person really did what he said.He freaking get Top and Daesung in car accident.

'What should I do..You are stupid Seungri...You should just follow the order or Daesung won't get hurt!You stupid Seungri!You just hurt your own Hyung.' Seungri thought in his mind practically blaming himself eventhough that person was also dangerous for him.

After visiting Daesung and Top at the hospital,Seungri learnt a lesson that he need to follow the order to protect all his hyung.He can't let they getting hurt just because of him.

The next day,early in the morning Seungri run toward the old toilet again and found the box exactly at the same space like yesterday.He mentally forced himself to finish this and end all this fast.When he make sure nobody arround,he slowly open the door with the given key while praying this all will end quietly.After he enter the room,he start to search the room slowly for the answer paper.

'Please...Just this once..Please..' Seungri pray in his heart that was thumping unhealthily.

'Finally..Thank you God!' Seungri smile happy as he found the paper but he smile drop as he heard a voice.

"Stop what you are doing Lee Seungri." Seungri turn his head to see the principle of the school and Youngbae that was helping him with eyes popped out.

"SEUNGRI!What do you think you are doing?!" The principle shout angry and Seungri know this gonna be a big issue.But,how did they actually come here right at this time?

"No..No..Sir..I..I can explain it!" Seungri panicly drop the paper and surrender his hand.

"Its not like what you think!" Seungri shout scared.

"So this is actually how you passed the exam excellently?!By cheating!?" The principle shout while asking making Seungri steo aback scared.His heart was thumping really badly until he feel like collapsing but he still try to stand up like a man.

"Dong Youngbae.Excort this kid to my room right now.Faster!" Youngbae quickly put away the books he had carry just now and walk toward Seungri and Seungri can swear he saw a glitterness of dissapointed face in Youngbae eyes.

"Hyung..Please...believe.." He got cut.

"Lets discuss it there.I don't wanna hear anything now Seungri.Walk." For the first time since he know Youngbae.m,he talk with Seungri in this tune and thats enough to make Seungri feel like world is turning its back from him.

Does anybody know pain on the left side near the kidney?It feel like bruise and I can't comfortably sit down.And my heart thump hardly too...I miss Hospital 😢 sorry for the lacking in fast update..I doesnt feel really good recently..Maybe...I already wanna die?? 🙂

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