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-'How old are you gonna be tomorrow Gi?', Gaga was holding her small baby boy in her arms as she got ready to leave him and go to the red carpet of her movie premiere, -'Come on! Show uncle Brad how old you're gonna be!', Gian looked at his mother and hesitated for a bit, then lifting one chubby little finger up and proudly showing it to Bradley, -'Good boy! You're gonna be one! There's my smart cutie', Bradley Cooper smiled widely at his costar, he was extremely proud of her and this role and loved seeing her so happy.
-'Give me a sec, I'll put him to sleep and we can get going!', -'I'll be waiting!' He said, going into her NYCs apartment living room and wait with her team.

After a few minutes, Gaga came out of her room again, -'He's out for the count!', then Bradley got to take a good look at her: She was wearing a wine red sparkly caped dress by her friend Brandon Maxwell, her lips were glossy and the color of her dress, her eyes were beautifully done with a soft brown palette and her hair looked immaculate in platinum blonde falling to the side in a french braid. She looked absolutely spectacular, her body was better than ever since she had acquired a few curves during her pregnancy and she took advantage of that. He couldn't help but notice her bulging chest and small waist accentuating a perfect piece of ass, -'Gee, you look great' he said, holding her hand, -'Thanks! Shall we get going?', -'Of course'.

The premiere went flawlessly. She felt like a fish in the water on that red carpet. The reporters were very nice to both of them, mainly complimenting their looks. Inside the theatre, Gaga sat beside Bradley, holding his hand tightly, -'It's gonna go great, Stef! They'll love it!', -'I really hope so' she responded, biting her nail nervously.
As the film wrapped up, the critics erupted in cheers and gave the duo a standing ovation. Gaga couldn't help but spill some happy tears, making the crowd fall inlove with her even more.
-'Oooh Lordy I'm so excited!' She squealed, making her way backstage with her leading man, -'Me too! It all went sooo great', -'I'm so relieved actually, holy fucking shit' she laughed, kicking off her heels.
-'Are you CHANGING for the after party?', Gaga rolled her eyes and chuckled, -'You know Bradley, after actively being around me for a prolongued period of time, you'd think you knew what my shenanigans were. Of course I'm changing! My cocktail dress is right here!'.

Once again, Bradley was out of breathe. This time she was wearing a sparkly, tight black dress. It was tiny too, which let people admire her silky, white, toned legs. The cleavege was insane and her make up changed again to accomodate the party location.
-'How the fuck..', he muttered under his breath. Gaga chuckled an winked at him, making her pink bubblegum pop out of her lips.

Bradley and Gaga arrived at the after party at around midnight. To Gaga, the night was barely starring, but Bradley was about 10 years her senior so he wasnt so sure he was about to have fun.
It all changed when he saw HER having fun. Shot after the shot, the girl took alcohol by the balls, he thought. She was letting herself go, still quite gracefully.
Even in her very early 30s and having a small kid, Gaga partied like she was 18 and illegal in a club downtown. Bradley observed her most of the night, she didnt do especially vulgar or scandalous things, she just talked to everybody and tripped on something every now and then. She then snapped and remembered her older co-star, -'COME ON OLD MAN! DO SOME SHOTS WITH ME' she screamed over the loud music, Bradley shook his head im refusal. -'OH COME ON!! IT'LL BE FUN, I PROMISE', Bradley breathed deeply and held her hand, following her to the bar.
-'Two tequilas man, please' she asked the bartender, before spitting her chewing gum into a nearby empty cup, -'It's our party man! I'm just happy the magazines took pics of us early in the night, I'm so fucking wasted', Bradley laughed at her comment, she did looked quite wasted. Gaga had some time to check her phone while the bartender brought their drinks, -'Awwww look!', she nearly shoved her iPhone on his face, there was an alert that arrived at 12am and a picture of her baby boy bside it, -'It's my son's  first birthday y'all, I'm gonna get fucking wasted celebrating that shit', Bradley chuckled again, grabbing the shot that the bartender just handed them. They downed the tequila. To Gaga it felt like nothing, her throat was numb, but to Bradley it was like a dragon breathing fire down his throat, -'Don't puke it on my face man!' Gaga laughed histerically at him, Bradley shook his head and held her arm, -'I'm not weak!', -'OOOOh we'll see! It's 3:30am, let's see how much more you can hold on!'.
Bradley was baffled as to how Gaga could keep dancing so vigurously in those heels, -'WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY PLAYING MY MUSIC MAN THIS IS NOT OKAY' she laughed, dancing to A-YO anyway. When the somg ended she cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled at the DJ booth, -'STOP PLAYIN MY MUSIC MAN THEYRE GONNA THINK I FUCKNG PAID YOU' she said jokingly, the DJ heard her and shook his head, putting a middle finger in the air, -'FUCK OFF' she laughed, holding onto Bradley to keep from falling,
BY the time it was 5am, Bradley had seen Gaga do it all. But nothing too embarassing, -'It's time to go home Stef!', -'Oh lord Jesus take the wheel' she mumbled, holding onto his tux, letting him practically drag her to the back door and into a car.
While on their way to drop Gaga off at her apartment, a bodyguard handed Bradley a make up removing wipe to help her get rid of the make up before bed. She was almost completely gone so he wiped all that thing out her face. Gaga woke up from the nausea a few seconds before they parked outside her building. Bradley and another bodyguard helped her get into it, and she immediately shoved her head into the bathroom toilet, -'Y'all...this was a terrible idea' she cried, leaning her head against the cold white ceramic, Bradley just chuckled, clipping her hair up and getting some pajamas for her. After she was finished emptying her stomach, she sloppily brushed her teeth and accepted the bottle of water that Bradley gave her. She then got naked to get into her pajamas. Bradley couldnt look away, she looked like a fcking sculpture. He helped her get into her warm bed, peeking into Gianluca's crib to make sure he remained undisturbed. Before Gaga's head hit the pillow though, she lifted herself up and planted a kiss on Bradley's lips.

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