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Gaga tried to glue her fake eyelashes on while rocking Gianluca in her arms to sleep, he was staring at her with big eyes while he sipped on his favourite drink, -'Mommys going out tonight baby, and I need you to go potty and fall asleep before I leave okay? Nana and papa will be just beside you', Gi just stared at her. He had her exact same eyes.
Se retouched her eyebrows and put on a bright red matte lipstick, she was pretty happy with her contour qnd bronzing so she just left it there.
-'And daddy's coming tomorrow so you can always just hang out with him in the morning'

-'Hey, you look incredible' Bradley said, caressing her blonde hair, she smiled wide and nodded, -'Well you dont look so bad either! Youre perfect', his charming smile appeared. She loved that smile. Made him look even more attractive.
After squeezing herself into her blue mini dress and putting on some jewels, Gaga laid her son to sleep.
-'Mom, Dad. Remember Mark is coming early tomorrow, he said maybe at 8am okay? So can you be aware of that?', Cynthia nodded qnd kissed her cheek, -'It's your night baby, have fun you two!', Joe kissed her too and patted Bradleys back as a sign of affection.

-'I havent been in this club since I was like 29!' She exclaimed excited.
She was surrounded by her closest friends and loved ones in a Lower east side strip club/bar/disco, -'This is SOOOO much fun! Look at the girls hamging in the ceiling!' She laughed, pointing up at the acrobats putting on a show.
Bradley was amazed at the amount of alcohol she could drink in an hour. She was also offered a cigarette and didnt declined.
She sat on Bradleys lap and blew smoke at his face, -'ITS MINT! Tastes sooooo good' she slurred, sipping on her third margarita. She offered Bradley a sip and he accepted it, he grabbed her eyes tight and pulled her closer into him. Her bulging cleavege treatenrd to suffocate him to death, and his aching boner was sending his blood pressure through the roof, -'Stef, What if we go to the bathroom or something?', Gaga's light green eyes went wide. A little grin peeked at the corner of her mouth as she got up and held his hand.
She dragged him over to the ladie's second bathroom and made sure it was empty before locking the door.
She pushed him inside a stall and kissed him hard.
He moved his hands from her tits to her ass and put her on top of the toilet, he pulled down her dress and started sucking on her tits, leaving hickeys under her nipples. Her eyes rolled back. She was so so horny.
She ran her hands under his shirt and pulled it off along with his casual black blazer, -'You need to eat me out right fucking now' she begged, sitting on the toilet and making him kneel on the floor, Bradley kissed her one more time before working out her aching pussy. Before long, she was almost about to come so she urgently took off his pants and wrapped herself around him as he pounded her against the stall door.

-'WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU TWO?' Brandon Maxwell asked his friends, having to yell over the music, Gaga laughed, -'GETTING SOME DRINKS QND SAYING HI TO FRIENDS' she yelled back, squeezing Bradleys hand.

This reminded Bradley of the first time he saw Gaga partying. Alcohol made her go on and on for hours. After all, he was 11 years her senior. This didnt bothered him much but he certainly couldnt hold up like she could.
She noticed the situation and went to make her boyfriend a little cheerier, -'You want some wine, babe?' She said, her voice was almost gone from all the screaming and singing, he giggled at this and turned it away, she frowned and cuddled him, -'Whats wrong baby?', -'I just...cant keep up with you! Youre great up there but now its not like it used to be', Gaga nodded and understood immediately, -'I mean it's 3am, I could just slow down and hang out with you here where it's a bit dark and intimate', he loved the way she talked. It was like she always tried to seduce even when she didnt mean to.
She discretely laid a hand on his crotch and caressed his hair, -'I can stay here if thats okay for you', Bradley was grateful that she was so aware of his behavior. It's not like he didnt wanted to spend time with her, he just wasnt comfortable in a disco anymore.
He saw Gaga drink like alcohol was water in a desert. And she started to say pretty funny stuff too.
It was 5am when she almost conpletely fell asleep on him.
-'Guys, I need a back exit for this girlie'. Her friends helped Bradley get her into the car and off they went home. It's funny, he didnt even remembered it was 28th and already her birthday.

He practically had to carry her into her parent's apartment being careful not to make a lot of noise. He went up the stairs as quietly as possible and laid her on the bed, -'Stef?' He called...she was totally out it was hilarious. He pulled off her massive shoes and her skin tight dress. He grabbed a baby wipe and removed her make up while she drunk slept.
Gaga stared at Mark with hollow wide eyes, -'You are si handsome, you know that?' She slurred, she obviously hadnt peed all the alcohol out of her system. Natali chuckled, and Mark looked up from his son's breakfast, -'If it took alcohol for you to say that then I'm probably not as handsome', -'Yes you are! Look at our beautiful son, he's gonna look just like you' she whispered, laying her head on the table, -'Yeah well...wheres Bradley?', -'Asleep. Asleep' she repeated, licking Nutella out of a piece of bread, -'Youre a mess' he chuckled, trying to feed Gianluca some eggs, -'I know. I'm so drunk, I'm fucking dying', Cynthia frowned, -'Dont curse around-', -'Mom, I curse every day around him. I curse every single day. When I'm changing his diaper, when I'm feeding him, when I'm-', -'I GOT IT. His first real word will be a curse', Mark laughed, -'That would be pretty awesome', -'See, Mark thinks its awesome'.

It was 10am now and Gaga was still staring at the same piece of Nutella bread, -'I need to pee, I have to detox' she whined, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging it in record time.
Suddenly she felt Bradley's hands holding her shoulders, -'Hey babe' she slurred, kissing him deeply. He looked fresh as a lettuce, -'I slept sooo good', Gaga rolled her eyes, -'I'm tryhng to pee all the tequila and rum and margaritas I had last night', -'AND wine', -'And wine...hey. It's my fucking birthday' where are my gifts, peasants?!' Gaga demanded, jokingly.
-'That'll come later! Be patient! Sheeesh!'.
Bradley and Gaga went into the living room where Mark was spending time with Gianluca, eating some sugar cookies he brought him.
As soon as Bradley sat down on the couch to look what they were doing, Gianluca stood up and the pointed at the blonde actor. And then Mark's heart broke with a simple word. He heard, 'DADDY' escape from his son's mouth, but he wasnt referring to him.

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