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All Gaga could hear were screams in the distance. The devilish sound of metal rubbing together and possible disfiguring. No pain, though.
She remembered Bradley who was beside her, he was unconscious as well. She couldnt see very well because her bloody hair kept falling the way. After that, came the dash of people rushing to the crushed car. Maybe it was the shock, the disconnection of her pain nerves in her brain that made it possible for her to crawl out of the car with a severly factured leg and a bloody cut on her skull. People around her tried to stop her and she could just mumble some things about her fiance being in the pilots seat.
She crawled over the Bradley and tried to pull him out of her car as well, not until 911 came and pulled her away from the scene. She tried to talk but words couldnt come out clearly.
By the time she got to the hospital, the pain of a broken leg hit her like a train, it was so intense she couldnt even speak she just cried desperately, thinking that someone should come and just cut her leg off.
Admist all the tears, she saw Bradley being rolled in from another ambulance, he was awake but with fractures in his knee and elbow. Only that he was speechless probably from the shock as well.
He looked at her and frowned, the pain clearly hadnt hit him yet.
As the doctors tried to snap her entire shin bone into place, Gaga shivered like she was in the north pole, her body was rapidly losing control and trying its best to numb the pain.
No one gave her something to bite on while they tried to push the bone in again so she bit so hard into her teeth that her gums started bleeding, -'I NEED MORPHINE PLEASE' she managed to scream, her mouth was dripping blood and she still was crying profusely, a nurse started an IV immediateky, it was like they forgot they had to sedate her before doing all this shit. The team of doctors working on Bradley had put him on to a deep slumber while they pushed his bones in and cleaned the wounds around them.
Seeing her entire shin bone gruesomely poking out of her skin made her vomit and cry even harder, -'Miss, calm down', -'Y-YOURE TOUCHING MY BROKEN LEG, PLEASW GIVE ME SOMETHING FOR THE PAIN YOU DUMB BITCH', -'We already topped you up on morphine but we still have to perform surgery', Gaga sighed deeply, -'My fiance, is he okay?', -'He was rolled into surgery already', -'Then all of you monkeys with robes will get me right now on that operating table and PUT ME TO SLEEP'. The pain was talking for her, not her mind.
She felt warm water dripping from the side of her head, a nurse was cleaning her wound and seweing her at the same time, -'I'm almost done'.
The orthopedic emergency doctor came in to examine her, his words didnt processed. Ah, so this is what morphine felt like. It was nice.

Bradley woke up hooked up to a few machines. He understood perfectly that he was in the hospital. He also recalled the accident. He tipped the steering wheel a little too much towards the left while he gave Gaga a kiss and crashed with with the tail of the car that came towards them. He tried to break and protect his fiance at the same time which is when he fractured his elbow and knee. Two joints. Great.

A while later, her fiance was rolled in. She was completely out in anethesia and her leg was in a big white cast, -'Hey, what happened?' Bradley asked to the nurses, -'Well Mr. Cooper...you and...the lady, had a car accident. Your car was turned over. You broke your knee and your elbow but we already did some surgery and you're fine, we put a plate and scroods on your knee and your elbow will heal on its own in time...as for your friend here, she completely broke her shin bone which we had to scrood back together. And she also had a gash on her head which we managed to sew.', Bradley stared at them, -'Have you called somebody?', -'Yes, we called a man called Mark and a man called Joseph, are those names familiar to you?', Bradley nodded immediately, -'When will she wake up?', -'When shes ready, we gave her a lot of pain meds, she kept yelling for them', -'I heard her. Can you dim the lights please?', the nurses complied and smiled, -'If you want anything just press the button. This Mark guy said he was on his way and Joseph appears to live in New York but he said he would try to be here with your mother as soon as possible'.

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