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Gaga twirled Bradley's hair in her fingers, -'You let your beard grow' she whispered, he chuckled and kissed her naked boobs, -'I know you like it so...thats my birthday present to you', Gaga rolled her eyes and pushed his head away playfully, -'You've gotten thin, hitting the gym too hard?' He asked, noticing that she barely had meat on her, -'Yeah, also I've been quite busy as you know...but it's fine...you just showed I still have things to grab on'.
-'It's 3:30am. We should just sleep', he suggested, Gaga nodded and cuddled under the sheets with him, -'Thanks for coming all the way from France..', Bradley chuckled, -'It's your birthday! We can't miss that, can we?', Gaga blushed and hid her face under his arm, -'Goodnight babe'.

-'Where do we have to go?', Bradley asked his girlfriend, -'I guess to buy some things for dinner...but I'm not sure, there's a lot of paparazzi down there though' she sighed, looking out the glass window. Gianluca approached her and held her leg, looking out into the misty city, -'I know baby...it's not safe for him to go out there with so many people' Gaga said, stroking Gian's soft brown curls, -'...Stef, let me be completely honest with you', Gaga frowned while looking away from the window, -'What',    -'I think you should stop fearing the paparazzi. I know you've felt isolated in the past but-', -'I dont fear them I just dont want them to fucking touch my child!', Bradley sighed and nodded, -'Alright. But we have to go to that store. And we have to go through that entrance. I know its a lot of people but you'll do it. And he will too', Gaga rolled her eyes, -'How am I supposed to get him through that?', -'I'll look after you. I promise'.

Gaga quickly put Gianluca in the car and immediately closed the door behind her, she made sure that Bradley was in too, -'See?!' He chuckled, ordering the chauffeur to drive to the store, Gaga sighed deeply and looked down at Gian, whose little curls danced when he looked up at his mom, -'...Thank you for helping me...I've dealed with this anxiety for the longest time and its only intensified since he was born', she didnt really had to explain anything. Bradley understood completely. -'I know what it is, Stef. But I'll never let anything happen to you two, okay?', Gaga nodded and kissed his cheek, -'Thank you...I really try to be strong for Gianluca but...things dont work out sometimes', Bradley nodded and kissed her head, -'We're safe!'.

-'I need some ingredientes to make my birthday cake' Gaga said, tapping her lip, -'You know Gianluca barfed on my birthday cake last year?', Bradley laughed, -'WHAT?', -'I thought it was a good idea to like, lean him in, you know? Next thing we saw was like a waterfall of everything you could imagine just covering my birthday cake', Gianluca smiled at her through his bronze curls, -'Yep! That was you little monkey!', -'What does he got in his hand?', Gaga frowned and opened Gi's little hand, -'Cake sprinkles', Bradley chuckled, -'I mean we do need sprinkles right?', Gaga nodded and continued pushing the cart down the aisle.
-'So this anxiety you get in public...do you always have it?', Gaga shrugged, -'It doesnt happen when its work, you know what I mean? Its more of like when I am trying to do normal things and they get interrupted...like that lady over there, shes been taking pictures since we stopped to look at these boxes right here...dont look her way, it'll ruin the puctures for her, theyre probably already on Twitter', Bradley rolled his eyes, -'I understand what you mean now...', -'The problem is not-' she took a bag of Chocolate chips out of Gianluca's mouth, -'The problem is when I'm with him, because it makes me feel like I'm doing a terrible job at giving him a normal life', -'And what is that life for him?', by this moment Gaga couldnt believe she was tearing up in the cake mix aisle of a supermarket, -'A normal life for him is going to the park without being followed, meeting other children, going to a normal nursery, and he will never have that no matter how much I try'.
Bradley handed her a tissue and rubbed her back. Gianluca stared at her and outstretched one hamd to touch her face gently. -'He says "its almost your birthday, mommy! Theres no reason to cry"', Gaga smiled and kissed her son's little hand and then Bradley's  cheek, -'Thank you, youre so sweet'.

-'Damn, thats a lot of food', -'Your dad told me he's gonna start cooking today', -'Yeap...since WE are gonna go party tonight, right?', Bradley looked down at her and nodded, -'I'll watch you dancing', -'Ah, not again, you'll dance with me' she chuckled, giving her credit card to the cashier.

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