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-'Baby what the hell happened?' Cynthia asked as she sat beside her daughter's bed, Gaga sighed and rolled her eyes, -'Mom I'll be fine, I-', -'You had to have a blood transfusion! Youre not fine!', she responded sternly.
-'Okay, so I went into labor yesterday at like 10am, it went on until maybe 8pm and then one hour of pushing so she was born at 9pm, and then Reese noticed I wouldn't stop bleeding. And then we came here and they told us I had a severe case of PPH, so they had to do a blood transfusion to help me regain, of course. And now, I have anemia so I have to be in bed rest for some weeks', every sentence Gaga said sounded worse than the previous one, -'I'm here to help you darling' her mother said, holding her hand gently, -'Thanks mommy. Gloria's coming as well to help with Joanne and all', Cynthia nodded but then frowned, -'What about Gianluca?', -'Mark is keeping him until I'm fully healed...', -'And how do you feel now?', -'Like trash. But inmensely happy', Cytnhia agreed, -'Your daughter is so beautiful. She has sky blue eyes', Gaga nodded and sighed deeply, -'I make the cutest babies', Cynthia laughed and pinched her cheek, -'Have you eaten already?', -'Yeah I did, just before you got here', -'Good', -'I wish I could have Jo in here, they won't let ne have her all the time. I hate hospitals so much', -'Yeah that's kind of shitty'.

-'Hey sweets', Bradley greeted his wife with a kiss, -'Ah you smell so good!', -'Yeah! Went to take a shower and eat something, I brought you some stuff too', -'Thank you baby' she smiled, touching his face gently, -'I love you', -'I love you too, princess'.
-'Can you walk, miss?', -'I tried, but I don't think I'm strong enough', -'Okay, well. We'll send you some with a wheelchair until you're better', Gaga nodded and sighed, -'I was able to take a shower on my own just now and get ready to leave and all', -'Yeah of course, but we still need you on bed rest', -'Okay...', -'You'll go on about your routine with your daughter when you get home with the breastfeeding, and you'll have your iron pills and all okay?', Gaga nodded again and sat on the wheelchair, -'Your husband and mom are downstairs'.
-'Ahh finally home!', -'Yep! I'm happy you pulled through' Bradley whispered in her ear as he laid beside her, Gaga looked down at him and smiled, -'It was just a little scare babe, we both are alright', Bradley nodded and nestled his head on her side, while stroking Joanne's little tiny hand, -'She's impossibly cute. Definetely your daughter' he chuckled, kissing her hand softly, Gaga rolled her eyes and stroked his hair, -'She has your eyes after all so'.
-'So now, Joanne Lorena is Gianluca's half sister...and Isabel is...', -'His half sister as well', -'Right. Damn, all girls!', Gaga giggled and rubbed Joanne's blonde hair softly, -'She smells so good, how's that', -'She's perfect'.
Gaga cried desperately on her bed while her husband was making her some lunch downstairs, for some reason she was feeling deeply sad and helpless, which was madness because she had a lot to be grateful and happy for. She just could not stop crying and she was very aware this wasn't normal.
As Bradley made his way through the hallway, he heard sobs and sped up the pace, he laid the tray on his crying wife's bedside table and cuddled her tight, -'Baby what's wrong? Are you in pain or-', -'I'm sad' she responded, Bradley frowned and held her even tighter, -'Why are you sad?', -'I can't even-I can't even take care of myself B! I'm failing my family here! I'm a cripple!', Bradley rolled his eyes. She was always so active the sole thought of having to slow down her lifestyle made her feel useless, -'Babe thats not true, you just need a rest, and I love taking care of you. I'm testing my culinary abilities with you!', Gaga giggled and wiped her tears, -'I just feel like I depend on you for everything and I'm not a good enough mom for Joanne or Gi and it's killing me', Bradley shook his head, -'Look at her Stef...she's safe, sleeping cute and snug in her little crib, she's happy and she's healthy because of you, just look! You even bathed her yourself today with no help, isnt that great? And you dressed her like a little GlowWorm', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'She's the best thing we've ever done, and she's fine because of you. So youre the best mom. To her and your little son as well'. Ah yes, this is why she married him. He knew what to say.
-'Thank you, you always know what to say' she sobbed, kissing him deeply; -'Ah I'm gonna gain so much weight with all the damn food you bring me' she chuckled, -'Well you need your protein and your iron and such...still, I like you chubby, makes you look sexy', Gaga raised an eyebrow and had a sip off the italian sausage soup, -'okay Imm gonna get fat for you then'.

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