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-'Oh my God...GUYS I DONT FIT' Gaga screamed, literally about to cry in frustration, Brandon rolled his eyes and unzipped the zipper, -'THERE', Gaga pouted at him and chuckled.
It was her wedding day so everything had to be absolutely perfect.
They had decided to just do a small ceremony in her garden and everything was ready, the only thing left to get done was her.
-'Hair, nails, shoes, make up, perfume...ALL GOOD! Come on! It's your wedding, get your ass up' Joe said, holding his daughter's hand up, -'Where's Gianluca?', -'He's down there sitting with Mark and Josephine, now get your ass out there and get married!'.
It was like everything happened in slow motion.
Gaga looked up at Bradley, he looked completely happy and stoked, his baby blue eyes matched the sky above them, his sweet smell impregnated her nose, and his ashy blonde hair glistened in the sun, she swelled up on all this details before their first kiss as a married couple.
-'Is this real life' she whispered against his cheek after a lovely kiss, Bradley laughed and nodded, -'Yes it is', Gaga looked up with teary eyes. He had never seen her looking so good. The daisies and baby roses in her hair shone with morning dew, her smile was as wide as it could be, her eyes were teary but still radiating a deep shade of green, -'You look beautiful, Stef', Gaga rubbed her face agajnst his palm and grabbed his other hand, -'Thank you, I love you'.
Gianluca freed himself from Mark's grasp and ran up to his mommy, this made Gaga cry even more, -'MAMMA' he called, jumping up into her arms.
The reception took place under a huge tent, for privacy purposes of course.
Everything was minimalistic yet throughly detailed and precious. It was like a fantasy dream. To Gaga, it was. A dream come true.
As their guests enjoyed the feast, Gaga looked at Bradley and laid her head on his shoulder, -'I love you babe' she whispered, he looked down and kissed her head, -'I love you too...Are you happy?' He asked her, Gaga nodded and kissed him deeply, -'I love you so so much, you're my dream', these words went through Bradley like a fiery spear. He realized that this id all she was looking for in life, -'I'm your dream?', -'Yeah...whenever I closed my eyes I saw this, but I never saw the face of the man beside me...until now, that I see you', she smiled, and thenb hugged him tight.

After a few hours, a lot of people were pretty fucking drunk. Gaga herself stumbled over to the table where Josephine and Mark were hanging out.
Mark was laying his head on a napkin, Gaga laughed and pinched his ear, -'Hey man, too much rum?', Mark tried to respond to her, his voice before alcohol already sounded like he was under anaesthesia and a bottle of whiskey at the same time, his voice drunk was even worse, -'Hey man, I have a hard time understanding your fucking accent on a daily basis, I have no idea what youre talking about' Gaga giggled, caressing his back, -'I dont know anyone here and I cant have fun' he mumbled, -'Mark fucking Ronson, seems like you have had a bit too much fun' she laughed, -'Everything okay in here? No DOAs?' Bradley said, Gaga laugehd and shook her head, -'Not yet! He seems like he drank too much to drown his crippling social anxiety though' she smiled, Bradley looked at Josephine worriedly, -'He'll be okay, he was just very nervous to come here and prefered to be drunk than to interact with other people', the way she said it made Gaga cry of laughter. A drunk laughter that is. -'Stop fucking laughing at me bitch!' Mark yelled, poking her side, -'Youre drunk too!' He said, Gaga nodded and ruffled his hair, -'Come on, go to sleep'.
Gaga was aware that Mark was a very anxious and shy person, she kinda felt bad for putting him in tje middle of such a socially charged situation, but she was too drunk to do anything about it.
-'Hold me baby' she whispered to her husband, Bradley looked down at her, she wanted to dance one last time before going to bed.

-'Can youuu believe I got married to you' Gaga slurred with her head against Bradley's chest, -'Yes I can. What I cant believe is you taking your shoes off and smudging makeup on my tux' he chuckled, holding her up, -'I cant believe i got myself such a cute piece of ass' she slurred, holding Bradley's face and kissing him for the millionth time, -'It's 1am Stef...do you wanna go to sleep and-', -'And have savage, hot sex before our honeymoon in Fiji in which we will have a lot of sex as well? Yes. Yes please'.
Bradley shook his head and took a second to admire his wife. Woah, she was his wife now. It had all gone so fast, but he was incredibly grateful for it. He was so lucky, and she was fantastic.
Her blonde hair was messy, several flowers had fallen off already and her mascara was running through her cheeks. She still was inmaculatebto him. A vision of absolute perfection.

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