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***Weeks later***
-'Mom? Mom can you come get Gianluca for the day please?' Gaga asked with a broken voice, -'Yeah I woke up with a lot of pain and I can't hold him, can you come like now?...you can't? Fuck...no no I'll just call someone else yes'.
Gaga called Bradley from her bed, she was in a lot of pain which she ocassionally got but this time she could barely move let alone take her son out of his crib, -'Hey, I need you to come like now...yeah, I'm in a lot of pain and I can't tend for Gi, can you please come? Brinh your key please, thank you'.
Gian stared at his mom from inside his crib, he was calm for now, he had his little paci in but he'd get hungry soon enough and start crying.
About half an hour later, Gaga heard the fromt door open and the aroma of food and flowers. She chuckled as Bradley came through the bedroom door with two stacks of pancakes and italian sausages, -'You didn't have to!', -'Of course I did...how are you?', -'In a lot of pain, my hip hurts a lot too...I think it's the lupus', -'Right, did you take your medicine?', -'No not yet, I have to take it after a meal'; Bradley and Gaga then heard Gianluca biting the bars of his wooden crib, -'Oooh he's getting flustered already...can you give him a bath please?' She asked, and wondered if she was stretching it too far, -'Yeah of course! Just...tell me what to do', -'Right, so you fill the bathub with warm water, there's gel soap and shampoo beside it and his towel is right hanging beside mine, and you get him out and bring him to me okay?'.
Bradley and Gian emerged from the bathroom several minutes later, Gaga chuckled, Gian was drenched from head to toe, -'Was he good?', -'Yeap! Here, I really suck with diapers, I've never put on one', -'Alright' she smiled, drying the little boy off and putting a little diaper on him. Bradley sat at the edge of the nbed and looked at her. She almost looked ethereal. Well restrd and happy, but evidently hiding some pain.
After helping Gian eat some pancakes, she ate hers and thanked Bradley for the help, -'So what exactly hurts?', -'My hip is killing me, my back, my...everything really, I can't even hold him up you know?', -'And what do you usually do when you're in pain?', -'Well my dad was here all the time before, and he helped me a lot but now I'm kind of alone...I just usually get some pills but now it just hurts anlot', -'Is there anything I can do for you?', -'No no, just...stay here. In fact, help me get up, I have to clean myself up I look like a mess', -'Oh come on, you dont', -'Liar' she smiled.
Bradley wss very helpful throughout the day, he ordered some food for all of them and helped Gaga with Gian. This kind of interaction was particularly pure and healing, he really got to see her in a different light, and it was revealing and wonderful to see. He definetely wanted something serious with her.

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