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-'Dad?! I have to get to SNL now!', -'Okay Loops, when will you be back?', -'As soon as it's over, I don't really am in the mood for the afterparty especially now that Gianluca is sick, so you keep an eye on him okay?', -'Yeah, we'll look after him', -'He's asleep right?', -'Yes, the medicine knocked him out', -'Okay great, I'll see you later dad', -'I'll be watching you Loops!'.

Gaga got in the back of the car, she and Bradley were dojng promo for A Star is Born and Gaga was gonna sing two songs from the movie as a musical guest. -'Hello little star' he smiled, Gaga giggled and greeted him with a hug, -'Ready for SNL, Stef?', -'Yeah, super ready', -'Good...why are you anxious then?', -'Me? Oh...it's just...Gianluca is a bit sick, he had some fever in the morning and he had to be put in an oxygen mask through the night so I'm kind of thinking I should be with him right now', -'He'll be fine! Your parents are looking after him!', -'Yeah I guess...Still, I'm a little concerned', -'Well that's normal'.

After the SNL show, Gaga and Bradley stuck around with the host, Kristen Wiig and the rest of the cast for a few laughs. An hour or so passed, and Gaga just wanted to be home and check how her son was doing. Bradley decided to give her a lift to her place.
-'Do you want me to walk you up?', he asked her. Gaga nodded, accepting the proposal.
She and Bradley entered the apartment, he saw her dissapear into her parent's bedroom where Gianluca was sleeping.
After a few minutes, he heard some commotion inside; -'Dad? Dad wake up! Dad we have to get Gian to the hospital, he's got a fever again'; Bradley heard a visible change in Gaga's voice. It was extreme worry. Borderline fear.
He saw her quickly come out of the room without shoes on carrying her son carefully, he was drenched in sweat so she decided to take off his pajamas and grab some baby wipes to cool him off in the meantime. Bradley stood up immediately, offering his car to drive her and Joe to the hospital, -'Come on dad!' She insisted, sounding distressed and almost desperate, -'I'm coming...okay let's go'.
'what-What's wrong with him?' Bradley asked, Gaga sighed and rolled her eyes, -'I don't know, I think it may be an infection of some sort', -'He'll be fine Stef, we're almost there'.
As soon as the car came to a stop near the ERs entrance, Gaga bolted off of it; Gianluca had woken up and was crying profusely and rightly so, being so sick couldnt be fun. Bradley and Joe came right behind her.
-'Yes, hello, uhmm my son is very very sick', she tried to explain the nurse.
-'Okay, come back here with me and we'll check him out', -'Alright...GiGi you have to stop crying, come on, the doctors will make you feel better!'; the helpless little boy was crying so hard he vomited all over himself and his mom, -'Shit' she sighed, turning to her two companions, -'Bradley get me a water bottle, he just puked all over me, Dad I need a coat or something so I can get this shirt off me, please' she begged, placing her son in a nearby bed. The two men got to work on what she needed. Honestly, Bradley was overwhelmed about how good she was handling the situation, he certainly would've lost it.
-'Baby, you have to stop crying, you're gonna make yourself even sicker'; she suddenly felt a gloved hand on her shoulder, she turned around and looked at the pediatrician standing behind her, -'Good night, ma'am, my name is Dr. Tom Hart', -'Stefani, this is Gianluca, he-', -'Is that bile on your shirt?', -'Yeah, he just...puked on me just now', -'Right, we're gonna examin him now okay? If you could wait in the waiting room while we do that it would be fantastic', -'Yeah of course' she then turned to Gianluca, -'Baby, I'll be just outside, I prmise you're gonna feel better very very soon'.
As much as it broke her heart to leave her son alone in there, she knew it was for the best.
Joe and Bradley both got her what she needed. She quickly went into the bathroom to wash off some vomit she had on her hair and hands and took off her shirt, throwing the old thing into the trash can and wearing her father's woolen oversized coat.

-'Hey, are you okay' Bradley asked her, handing her the water bottle. She sipped it and shook her head, -'I feel like I'm failing as a mom right now', -'Oh Stefani come on! Are you honestly kidding? You're an amazing mom. These things happen okay?', Gaga nodded and wiped some tears, -'I just feel so helpless...and it was just very painful for me to leave him there, he must be so scared', -'The doctors and nurses know what theyre dojng, they wont let anythjng happen to him', Gaga nodded and suddenly realized, -'I have to call Mark...he may wanna know Gianluca is here'. A feeling of slight jealousy washed over Bradley. Of course, Mark was the boy's dad. He had priority.

Mark arrived half an hour after recieving Gaga's call, -'Hey, how is he?' He asked her, hugging her tight, -'We-I mean, I dont know theyre still in there'.

Dr. Hart walked to them with a little grin on his face, -'Stefani?', -'YES?!' she responded, bolting up her seat, -'He's gonna be fine but I'd rather him stay through the night okay?', -'Yes yes of course...what's wrong with him though?', -'He had a slight chest infection, now this happened due to weather exposure, so no going out in the snow for a few weeks okay? He had some liquid in his lungs but we managed to take carw of that...he's asleep', Gaga cried all the stress she had bottled up while hugging Mark tighter than ever, -'He's fine Stef, he's fine'. The doctor smiled, -'You guys can follow me, we moved him into the children's ward', -'Thank you, doc, thank you SO much'.

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