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-'Hey sis' Natali came into Gaga's room and saw her and Mark watching TV while Joanne slept on her mom, -'Hey, did you brought me something?', Natali chuckled and nodded, -'I brought you some snacks, another box of diapers and this cute little bunny paci I saw for this missy here!', Gaga giggled and reached out for the bags, -'Thank you baby' she smiled, rubbing her sister's hand. Natali nodded and tickled Mark's foot, -'Nice to see you again, old man' she chuckled.

-'Oh my God she hates bathtime so much' Mark whispered, Gaga was bathing her little daughter and the girl was just not having, -'She doesnt stop crying until I dry her up, I swear' Gaga chuckled, pouring some soap water on Joanne's blondie hair, -'Baby you need to get it together' she spoke softly, rubbing her little arms and her belly button, -'Oh come on, Lorena! You love when I rub your belly, you little spoiled thing'.
After a few more minutes of Joanne's ear-drilling cries, Gaga asked Mark to throw away the leftover water while she dried up her babe with a soft towel and put her on her cuddlh pajamas, -'Now! Are you happy?', Joanne stared at her mom with huge moon eyes,Gaga smiled down at her and kissed her then gave her her paci.
-'Well that was a show' Mark chuckled, poking Gaga's cheek, -'Yeah, it usually is...I feel so tired, I just...dont know how I'll sleep without Bradley tonight', -'Did he called?', -'Yeah, hes in Florida already...I'm so happy for him, I just need him right now' she teared up and wiped her tears quickly, -'Oh Stef...I wish I could stay but...I have to get going', Gaga nodded and hugged him tight, -'Thank you for being there with me', she cried, touching his face, Mark nodded and kissed her cheek, -'Of course doll. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Remember to put the alarm, I'll lock the door' he said, pointing at a little switch and screen on the wall beside Gaga, -'Yeah, I got it. Bring Gianluca for a while tomorrow, I miss him so much', -'I will...do you need anything from downstairs?', -'No, I have everything here thank you', -'Okay bye'.

After Mark left, Gaga armed the alarm system from her bedside and turned on the backyard lights, she called her sister, -'Natali please make sure the doors and windows are closed, thank you baby'.
She turned around on the bed, her beautiful daughter looked curiously at her, -'Wjat are you doing, baby girl?' She smiled, putting her gently on her crib to make her sleep.

It was around 4am now when Gaga heard glass shattering downstairs, Asia and Koji perked their ears and ran outside the room following the noise. It took a while for Gaga's tired eyes to adjust to the light. What she saw before her terrified her to the bone. Yes, it was definetely a gun canon she was feeling on her forehead, in a matter of seconds, she heard Ashley and Natali crying and the dogs barking, she couldnt even speak, she was completely paralized with fear, -'Now lady, take me to the safe' a thick voice said, while pointing a knife to Joanne's face, Gaga felt her whole throat dry and she suddenly felt about to vomit, -'COME ON!', cold sweat ran down her body, her nose bled when the tiny blood vessels broke due to sudden high pressure, -'I'LL BLOW HER HEAD OFF IF YOU DONT TAKE ME TO THE DAMN SAFE', she heard two other men intimidating her little sister and her friend in the other room, -'BITCH IM GONNA COUNT I SWEAR IM GONNA MAKE HER BRAINS SPLATTER ALL OVER-', -'I'M COMING' she yelled back, she couldnt make out his face, -'Dont even try anything bitch or I'll make sure I gut the baby alive', just the thought of that made Gaga almost pee her pants, she got up as quickly as her sick body allowed and went into her wardrobe when she heard yet another man downstairs trying to break the award glass box, -'It's shatterproof' she whispered, -'What the fuck did you just said?', -'The glass box. Shatterproof', -'You wanna know wjats not shatterproof, useless whore? Your fucking skull. Now hurry the fuck up' she heard him load the gun, and this made her hurry her pace into the place where the safe was. She thought about everything in there. Jewels. Watches. Her propertie's papers, a few hundred thousand in cash, -'I SAID MOVE YOU FUCKING BITCH', Gaga quickly tried to remember the password to the safe, the pressure was making her forget, -'If you harm my sister and my friend or my daughter I swear I'm gonna kill-', the man punched her on the face to shut her up, her nose started bleeding profusely, -'HURRY THE FUCK UP', Gaga was now finally fully crying, they did had a gun but it was hidden elsewhere. The safe opened and the man kicked her on the stomach to push her away, retrieving the contents of the safe.

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