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-'Stef, eat your breakfast, you have a long day ahead!', Joe insisted her daughter, Gaga snapped out of her thoughts and landed back into the present, -'Yes of course...I have to head out before noon', -'Well its 8am, you have some time', -'Yeah...how was Gianluca yesterday? Was he good?', -'Oh you know he's always well behaved', -'Did he woke you up to go potty or something?', -'Yeah likw twice...', -'Great', -'But tell me Loops! How was the date', Gaga blushed and chuckled, forking up a piece of tomato egg omelet, -'It was pretty good actually! We went to the Jersey Shore to this pretty neat restaurant and we just...talked, laughed you know, had a good time', Joe raised an eyebrow, -'I heard y'all coming here so, you don't have to give me the details on that', -'DAD!'.

-'Mamma', -'Mommy has to leave, Gi...remember? Mommy has to work for a bit but I'll be back in a little while, okay my love? You promise you're gonna be good while Mammas gone?...I know you will, you're my smart little man. You'll be so good today and I'll bring you some ice cream when I come back'.
Cynthia observed her daughter talking to her son, the whole time, Gianluca sat completely still, trying to make his little head understand what his mom was saying. It's always been like that. Ever since he was even littler, because Gaga had a very short temper and she decided she didn't wanted to deal with a spoiled, mean baby; so she always had these little pep talks.
-'Ready to head out?' Bobby asked her, -'Yeah of course! What will we be dojng today, some radio...the press conference...and the taping for Jimmy Kimmel right?', -'Yeah, we should be doing good time today, I'll makw sure you're home before bedtime', Gaga nodded grateful, -'Thank you...Welp! Mommy has to go to work Gigi! Come here give me a big kiss', Gianluca smiled at her and kissed her goodbye.

Gaga got in the back of the black Suburban, and Bradley was in it. -'Well this is a bit more uncomfortable than I had predicted' she joked, poking his arm, Bradley smiled at her brightly, -'Ready for today, popstar? It's gonna be hectic as hell!', -'I am READYYY'.

-'Come on in, I think my family made dinner', Gaga said, inviting Bradley into the apartment after a long day of press.
She found Cynthia and Joe in the kitchen cooking and Natali watching cartoons with Gianluca, -'Hello fam...I hope y'all made extra pasta, Bradley is dining with us tonight!', -'Oh hey man, yeah of course! You know we always make extra pasta around here', Bradley smiled brightly at all of them and sat beside Gaga on the couch, -'Did you know that he peed on me?' Natali said, handing Gianluca to Gaga, -'Oh come on...he did NOT', -'Why do you think I'm wearing one of your shirts sis! And he literally did it on purpose! I was bathing him just now and he just held his little thing and he peed on me!', Gaga bursted out laughing, -'You'rea trainwreck, Natali'.

After a delicious Italian dinner, Gaga, Bradley and little Gi decided to lounge around out in the balcony.
-'You have a great view here, Stef', -'Yeah, I love like the nature of Central Park in contrast of the city...its relaxing but exciting at the same time...baby what are you doing?', Gian had distracted himself from drawing on her iPad and was now chewing the case, -'You are a mess, young man' she giggled, pulling the iPad away, -'Oh thats a good picture' Bradley noticed the iPads wallpaper. Gaga frowned and squinted, -'Ah yes! Thats his first picture! The midwife took it', -'Well look at you, all fresh faced!', -'Oh yas honey, I made giving birth look glamorous and easy' she winked, opening the Glow Draw app for Gianluca again; -'So...are you happy with all the  reviews we are getting so far from the movie?', Gaga asked Bradley, -'Yeah...I think it's mostly because of you though, people already knew me from movies but...you really took them by surprise and I am proud of you!', -'Awww! Thank you! You're so sweet...', there was a moment of silence, -'Listen Stef, about yesterday...I'm sorry if you might regret it, I-I do think it was a bold move and-', -'Are you kidding? I loved it. I loved the date, I loved everything that happened after that...do you have any regrets?', -'No. none at all. I actually think youre very special and great so...I wanted to ask you on a second date, with Gianluca this time', Gaga smiled super wide, -'Do you know how much it means to me that you accept him too? Of course we're gonna go on a date with you' she responded, holding his hand gently.

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