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-'So when are we making a baby', Bradley asked his fiancee while they were trying to go to sleep, -'...Babe', -'I just wanna know', -'I mean, not soon', -'Why?', -'Well...first of all, I just started therapy for my leg...Gianluca is only two and he's, you know, crazy right now and I just dont feel like I have time for that yet' Bradley nodded and held her hand, -'I'm sorry baby, I just wanted to ask', -'No it's okay...', -'I know Gianluca gives you a lot of work and I know that you're tired...maybe my mom can move in so she can mind him every now and then?', Gaga looked at him and sighed, -'I mean I guess that's possible, yeah', -'Does he call Mark's parents-', -'Yeah he calls them grandma and grandpa so, thats pretty much stablished', -'I dont see them around often though', -'No, they live in London I believe. It's fine though, Ann and Laurence had been so accepting of us and they're really wonderful and charming people, they just don't come often'.
-'So have you been seeing some weddings venues and such?', Cynthia asked her daughter, -'I mean...yes and no, haha. I just been going through magazines and kind of marking what I like but nothing like too serious yet', -'And you told me you want a summer wedding?', -'Yes of course', -'Good, good. Have you talked to Gloria about this?', Gaga nodded, -'Yeah, she's gonna help with some things...I'm just very excited you know? Looks like my life is finally getting together' she said with a thin voice. Tears started to sprout out of her eyes, -'Awww whats up baby?', -'Nothing, I'm just really happy that after all the drama I put y'all through I'm finally doing things the way they should be done', Cynthia smiled wide and shook her head, -'You wanna know why I dont care about that drama? Because that drama gave me the most precious little gift you could ever give me. My grandson is my pride and joy baby, seeing him makes me so so happy and thrilled...who cares where he comes from? Mark is a wonderful man and father and he's alwas there for y'all, but other than that? Everything's been fantastic, and Bradley is an amazing man and believe me, everything is going well', Gaga dried her tears with a tissue and nodded, -'I just wanna make y'all proud you know? And I know I have dissapointed you a bit...with all this but...I try and now I feel like this is where I am supposed to be'.

-'Gianluca stop screaming!' Gaga laughed, her son was screaming while trying to get away from Asia and Koji, -'That kid is crazy' Bradley chuckled, rubbing her hand, Gian ran into his mom's lap and smiled up at her, -'Are you having fun crushing into things you little monkey?, Let's go inside, it's getting cold!'.

-'Awwww! She's so adorable!' Gaga squealed into her iPad, Mark was Facetiming Gianluca and also showing him his little sister, -'Yeah, shes grown a bit in like a few weeks, it's crazy!', Gianluca smiled wide at the screen and squealed when he saw the lilac teddybear in the background, -'Oh my gosh he's so excited', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'How's Josephine, love?', -'She's fine I guess, the doc said the incision was healing well and all but it's been a bit hard on her', -'Well I told her! When I had this little monkey I was up and walking an hour later', Mark smiled, -'Show-off'.
-'She looks so much like Jo though!', -'I guess that's fair enough, at least Gianluca looks like me', Gaga nodded and chuckled at the screen, -'You look beautiful Stef', Gaga frowned and rolled bher eyes, -'Yeah whatever', -'You always do! I promise!', Gaga shook her head and smiled at him, -'You look very happy Mark', the man smiled wide at her, -'I am...I have everything I ever wanted', Gaga nodded, 'I'm happy for you, love. And for your beautiful family', -'You're my family too Stefani', she shook her head and smiled, -'Gianluca  is your family...', Mark chuckled, -'Youre always so dramatic baby...you've been my family since the moment we started working on that album some years ago', Gaga teared up and smiled at him, -'Thank you', -'Of course, Stef. Other than being the mother of my firstborn, you occupy a much larger place in my life'.

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