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*Fathers Day eve*

-'Why do you have to work on Father's day though?' Gaga sighed, talking to Mark through the phone, -'Because these people moved the schedule and I cant fail them...come on Stef', Gaga sighed and nodded, -'Fine. I just wanted your son to spend time with you', -'Yeah me too but it cant be done', -'Well...we'll talk later Mark, bye' she hung up and threw the phone on the couch.
She looked out into the Malibu garden, the garden of her new house. She glimpsed at Gianluca entertaining his sister by the pool and Gaga's dad keeping her afloat.

Gaga laid back on a huge floatie tryung to get tanned for the summer, -'I wanna be tanned but I'm so pale and I never absorb color' she complained to Joe, -'You complain too much' he sqid, Gaga sighed and shrugged, -'Hey wheres Bradley?', -'He was signing a contract today for a voice acting gig. I think its Guardians of The Galaxy 3', Joe raised an eyebrow, -'Whats that?', -'It's like a comic book thing. He voices a raccoon', Joe chuckled, -'Of course he does...and Mark?', -'Remember! I told you he had to work...on Fathers day no less'.

-'What have you been working on?' Joe asked his daughter while she laid on her belly over a beach chair, -'I have been working on more music, on my new album and...yeah, oh and magazine editorials and such, business is good!', -'I'm glad it is, baby', Gaga suddenly felt two little hands grasp her side, Gianluca was struggling to hold his little sister up, but he was smiling, -'MOMMY', Gaga chuckled at them and laid on her back, grabbing Joanne from him and sitting her on her belly, -'Come here little man' she squealed, cuddling him tight, -'I love you baby', -'I love you too mommy', she kissed him playfully and then he asked the question, -'Why is daddy not here?', -'Well, because he has to work today!', Gianluca frowned, -'Why does he has work today?', -'Because thats just what it is', -'...Is he with my widdle sister?', Gaga sighed, -'Yeah I think he is', Gianluca gasped, -'Does he not like me anymowh?!', Gaga immediately sat up with Joanne in her lap and held her son's hand, -'No no baby, He LOVES you! He adores you just like he loves Isabel. He just cant be there today!', -'It's not Fadduh's day without MY daddy then' he pouted, sitting on the grass, -'Awww sweet darling...dont cry baby!', but it was too late. The little boy started to silently cry, Gaga sighed and asked Joe to take Joanne inside while she talked to Gianluca.
-'Come here champ', she carried him to the shadow and laid back on the couch while he sat on top of her, -'Stop crying, Gi...nothings wrong', -'Buh daddy doesnt wuv me anymowh!', -'Yes he does baby! I promise he does...he just cant be here today, and hes very very sorry. Maybe we can get him on Skype in a while', Gianluca sighed and laid on her chest, -'Are you okay now? Are you gonna be good?', he nodded and held her tight, he was extremely close to her but he also loved spending time with Mark, she looked at her little boy for the first time in a while, he did got tanned so he had a permanent bronze skin, his big green eyes peeked underneath a heavy mane of chestnut brown curls, to her, he was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen along with Joanne.
-'I'm sleepy' he sighed, -'You can fall asleep there, cuties. I'll bring you up to bed later', she caressed his back and hair until she felt him finally fall completely asleep.

-'He asked me if you didnt loved him anymore', she heard Mark chuckle through the speaker phone while she cooked lunch, -'I feel so bad now!', -'He thought you loved Isabel but not him anymore so thats that', -'I'm sorry, I'm just busy over here', -'You promise youre gonna skype later?', -'Yes I do promise', -'Okay thanks. We'll talk later okay?', -'Okay bye Stef', -'Bye Mark'. She hung up and stirred the honey sauce chicken wings a bit more in the frying pan.
She then heard the front gates opening, and went out to greet her husband, ditching her robe.
His eyes opened wide, -'Uhmm...you're in a bikini', -'Yep! Indeed', -'And I may be the luckiest man on Earth right now', -'You just may be' she chuckled, kissing him deeply, -'Babe, lets talk about your abs, your tits and your ass for a second' he laughed, holding her hand while walking inside, -'What about them?', -'I'm gonna have to cover you up head to toe when we go out so men cant see you', Gaga rolled her eyes and kissed him again, -'How was your day?', -'Much better now that I see you! It went great, I signed the contract and all', Gaga nodded and smiled, -'I'm so happy y'all are getting a third movie, I love them so much and I'm so proud of you', Bradley smiled and held her waist, -'You tried to get tanned huh?', -'Yeah but you know that doesnt work for me' Gaga chuckled, peeking into the frying pan to check on lunch, -'I'd rather just eat you up right now', -'Baby! Whats gotten into you?', -'Stef, I dont know! Just...its just you! And your beautiful body', she smiled and blushed, -'It's fathers day today' she grinned mischievously, -'I know', -'You'll get a gift tonight!', -'Dont fucking tease me oh my god woman'.

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